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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Please, either get rid of Hobnanigans or add solo events to it.

    I've been playing for almost 15 years and have a number of characters on several servers including Legendary. What is the point of Hobnanigans? No one is ever there. No one ever wants to group up for it. I never even see mutliboxers there anymore. It doesn't last long enough to collect enough tokens to get anything. It's useless, stupid and pointless. Maybe if some solo content was added, people might actually go there. So, quit wasting everyone's time and either add solo content or just get rid of it. Better still, get rid of Hobnanigans and have the Buried Treasure event more often.

  2. #2
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    I was there this afternoon and played 3 games, 1 of which was active!

    Kinships often do it as groups. If you don't like it, don't go. But don't deprive others of the pleasure.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Temelnosce View Post
    I've been playing for almost 15 years and have a number of characters on several servers including Legendary. What is the point of Hobnanigans? No one is ever there. No one ever wants to group up for it. I never even see mutliboxers there anymore. It doesn't last long enough to collect enough tokens to get anything. It's useless, stupid and pointless. Maybe if some solo content was added, people might actually go there. So, quit wasting everyone's time and either add solo content or just get rid of it. Better still, get rid of Hobnanigans and have the Buried Treasure event more often.
    100% sign. No one is playing on my server for years! Please add a solo mode, solo quests or something like that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I hate both Buried Treasure event and this one.

    I think they should add them to another event, or combine them and have them happen at the same time, or something.
    And I might participate if everything wasn't so grindy, too. Like...you want that pet? It's gonna be 3,000,000 tokens! Riiiight.

    Making a solo option would be a good idea. People might actually participate more.

    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    But don't deprive others of the pleasure.
    Not sure how adding solo option for those who can't find a group deprives anybody of anything. Kinships can still do the group ones. But okay.
    Paint the Sky with Stars

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    This is nice idea, to get solo version but also have multiplayer version.

    I sometimes in the past had great fun with my kinship there but for some situation I would like to do solo. Like if I don't have much time to play and I login in the morning when I only play during my first coffee or later at night.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I agree that adding something that can be done solo at the event would be good and would probably see a lot more participation, as long as solo play has earning potential. Often solo doesn't.

    I disagree with removing the event though. No need for that.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by paintpixie View Post

    Not sure how adding solo option for those who can't find a group deprives anybody of anything. Kinships can still do the group ones. But okay.
    Read the thread title and OP. It calls for solo, and if not, removal.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  8. #8
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    Both 3v3 fields were full when I went to check last night on Landy.

    But you're right, some kind of solo option would be great. Even just a couple daily quests that give hobnanigan tokens for completing them. Go to the Shire and round up chickens for the event, or whatever.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vilan View Post
    Go to the Shire and round up chickens for the event, or whatever.
    That's a really cute idea.
    Paint the Sky with Stars

  10. #10
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    Hobnanigans is definitely something we could take a fresh look at in the future if time and resources ever permit.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thanks, Cord. Maybe it could be a candidate for a festival instance. Something light-hearted like the Yule one. Having defended Cluckland from the snow grims, you merrily corral all the resident chickens into wagons to be driven to Breeland to be whacked with sticks for the enjoyment of spectators... hmm, this isn't sounding so light-hearted.

  12. #12
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    I thought maybe incorporating the chicken instance thing might be fun. (Not sure if it's do-able but...)

    It would be fun to play as the chicken. There's no way anybody would catch me!
    Paint the Sky with Stars

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    That is actually a really good idea for a new chicken play quest. Run from your coop to the hobnanigans field to free captive chickens. Two thumbs up! Make it so!

  14. #14
    Strider5548's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temelnosce View Post
    I've been playing for almost 15 years and have a number of characters on several servers including Legendary. What is the point of Hobnanigans? No one is ever there. No one ever wants to group up for it. I never even see mutliboxers there anymore. It doesn't last long enough to collect enough tokens to get anything. It's useless, stupid and pointless. Maybe if some solo content was added, people might actually go there. So, quit wasting everyone's time and either add solo content or just get rid of it. Better still, get rid of Hobnanigans and have the Buried Treasure event more often.

    You can already solo hobnanigans, it just takes a lot of time and is really stupid. The reward system is pretty horrid, the # of tokens required for all the rewards is insanely high, but easily attainable if someone just multi-boxes 12 accounts.

    That said, just removing it entirely would be a pretty awful decision and I disagree completely with that suggestion (though I think it's not serious and you are just saying it out of frustration). There are people who legitimately only have 1 account and have been grinding rep and rewards for years, to just remove the event now would be a slap in the face to them.
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  15. #15
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    (revoked wrong thread lol)
    Last edited by Askelin; Jun 04 2022 at 07:36 AM.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strider5548 View Post
    That said, just removing it entirely would be a pretty awful decision and I disagree completely with that suggestion (though I think it's not serious and you are just saying it out of frustration).
    You got that right - it was said out of frustration.

    Thanks, Cord, for your reply.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Question Invite NPCs to play

    Maybe there could be an option to hire NPC players to join you, for a small silver fee or similar. I'm sure there are a number of hobbits lurking about the festival that would love to take part in this chicken-abuse activity!
    E.g. If you are alone you could hire 5 other NPCs and the game can begin, if you're there with a friend you can hire four NPCs players to make up the numbers etc. etc.
    It also might be nice if the games would go to a certain score, perhaps 5, rather than to a set time.
    Last edited by Ruthelia; Jun 04 2022 at 07:59 PM. Reason: Grammar
    "No, you are right. There is strength in these hobbits yet,
    and if they need to repel dangers from outside, they will do so."

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  18. #18
    maartena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vilan View Post
    Both 3v3 fields were full when I went to check last night on Landy.

    But you're right, some kind of solo option would be great. Even just a couple daily quests that give hobnanigan tokens for completing them. Go to the Shire and round up chickens for the event, or whatever.
    I like this idea. Another good idea would be a few duo fields, 1vs1. That is probably much easier to fill.

    Other solo ideas:

    A hobnanigans field for 1 player: A chicken on one end, a goal on the other. Each time you get a chicken across you get 1 token. How many can you get in a regular game timespan of 10 minutes?

    Enable the nearby horse track for a race…..but this time you become a chicken and run the race in a chicken play session.

    On the solo quest ideas:

    - Fetch wood good for carving hobnanigans sticks.
    - Pick up a stack of player cloaks from Bree.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post

    - Fetch wood good for carving hobnanigans sticks.
    - Pick up a stack of player cloaks from Bree.
    Tend to the abandoned graveyard.

    I still see players in the game, some that have played almost as long as I have, and they have no idea this place exists. A quick quest to clear some weeds and/or dispose of some nasty spirit remnants, or try to cheer up the mourner would draw some much needed attention to it. Hobnanigans is the perfect time for it with the pitch just being up the hill and a perfect time for MoL to spin a much needed yarn to put some story behind this 15 year mystery.
    Last edited by Arnenna; Jun 05 2022 at 08:37 AM.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    Tend to the abandoned graveyard.... some nasty spirit remnants, or try to cheer up the mourner would draw some much needed attention to it. ... put some story behind this 15 year mystery.
    There's also a skeleton and a murder victim (complete with knife in chest) dumped behind a wagon next to the house. Never saw that before, until yesterday.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halphast View Post
    There's also a skeleton and a murder victim (complete with knife in chest) dumped behind a wagon next to the house. Never saw that before, until yesterday.
    I've never seen that either, thanks for the heads up. I will take a look next time I log in.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  22. #22
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    You mentioned multi-boxers, so I’m wondering if this was the event that some people just gave up on because of that. Maybe it was the shrew event. I’m not a big fan of either, so I don’t remember. I just remember there being big blowup on the forums every time that event came around back in the day.

  23. #23
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    I would say just get rid of it. I added this to my filter a long time ago so I do not even get the quest pop. It does not interest me and never will.
    Hogrid, Landroval

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DroboTheDwarf View Post
    I would say just get rid of it. I added this to my filter a long time ago so I do not even get the quest pop. It does not interest me and never will.
    If you have the quest filtered and you never see it pop, it shouldn't be bothering you so much that you would say to get rid of it. There are players that use and enjoy it. There are functions in this game that do not interest me and never will. PvMP for example. That doesn't mean that I should spoil the fun of others by asking it to be removed. I can just ignore it.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  25. #25
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    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Curuer_Bauglir View Post
    You mentioned multi-boxers, so I’m wondering if this was the event that some people just gave up on because of that.
    I think it was Hobnanigans. On the first day you'd see some curious players hanging around and maybe get in a game. After that you'd only see multi-boxers and people who pretend to want to play, then go idle as soon as they get in a game.

    Rumor is nowadays you don't even see the multiboxers and AFKers- maybe those people finally got the emotes they wanted...? Those things are ridiculously expensive compared to your earnings per game.


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