With the announcement of the Roadmap last week there has been some measure of response that there was not a lot of meat on that bone. We will be updating the https://forums.lotro.com/forums/foru...al-Discussions section of the forums with more details on items like crafting, class changes, etc... and we will likely even open up a more interactive back and forth between developers and players as we continue moving through the year.
There has been a lot of discussion in the https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...e-go-from-here thread and requests for more information before it gets to the servers. And, I want to open a thread that will speak to some changes, ideas, goals, and objectives that we have for the short, near, mid, and long-term efforts for the year.
I am going to present some of the ideas here and leave the thread open for a couple of days to get some feedback then close it down while we weigh all of the feedback and adjust.
Tower Changes
We made changes to the strength of the defenders at the keeps as a soft step toward something new, and a way to combat some of the potential lag that exists in the Ettenmoors.
We also want to revisit the way that the towers are attacked and defended so that there is a much more active push and pull around them. Here is how we are looking to potential achieve that:
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense that the entryways into the important parts of the towers and keep are just guarded by defenders. It would make more sense if there were doors erected to slow down the progress of enemies and provide the defenders an opportunity to, well, defend. So, we want to bring back doors to the towers and keep to slow down the progress against the commander of each location. This would mean that the defenders would have fewer guards outside and need fewer NPC guards inside. Getting in and out of the keep, when not under siege would require speaking with a a guard who would let the player/monster player into the main building or main battle platform. When under siege, there would be a "secondary entrance" reflecting tunnels that exist beneath the tower/keep accessible to the controlling faction that opens near the tower/keep that players can fight near or around but always allow the defenders to enter the apex of the tower or keep to aid in the defense.
Doors can be upgraded through quests to have more defense and staying power to further deter the attackers and assist the defenders.
Additionally, the ruins near the tower and keep gain some defensive capacity with quests that allow the controlling faction to station a siege weapon atop the battlement. This siege weapon would attack enemies and come in two flavors: ballista and catapults. Ballista would be powerful single-target slow shooting siege and catapults would be AoE siege that fires even slower but spread the damage out among the attackers. Of course, the attackers would rather see these targets destroyed so that the don't suffer against them so...
For attackers, we would allow for the purchase, with commendations, and use of short-cycle siege weapons to add to the field when assaulting the towers and keeps. These new items would come with restrictions in that they can only be set up in certain areas around the towers and keeps, they can only attack the doors/npc defenders directly, but any splash damage done by the weapons will affect the defenders. These would come in three flavors: ballista, catapults, and the dreaded battering ram. Battering rams would only be usable on doors.
Attackers would also be able to scale the ruins outside of the tower/keep, destroy the siege weapons present and call the Marshals out of the main battle area. Then, they could set up a single siege weapon in the tower to rain down on the enemy. The goal here would be to allow for multiple angles of attack and support when trying to take a tower or the central keep.
On the Siege Weaponry
All siege weapons are attackable by the opposition and can only be set up when you control the appropriate locations.
Tutorial Changes
We need to change the introductory quest on the monster play side and on the player side. We should have done this when we made the experience free last year and we are hoping to get these new experiences together as soon as possible in the new year.
For monster players, the flow will take them from their initial greeter to the War-tyrant to the Emissary of Angmar, their clan blessing/corruption, visit the corruptor, visit the trainer and learn March!, visit the vendors, get the map to Gramsfoot, use the Map to Gramsfoot, talk to Uglash, try out a skill or two and then go to War-tyrant to complete the tutorial loop.
For players, they will speak with the initial NPC speak with the Captain-General, if at level cap be directed to the vendors, where they will purchase their Audacity gear for gold, get a map to Glan Vraig, and then return to the Captain-General.
On General Questing & Rewards
We want to revise the tediousness of the quests in the Ettenmoors and make them more rewarding. To do this, we are going to reduce the number of items needed to complete the quests, increase the rewards on infamy/renown and commendations, put higher rewards on quests that are for defeating opposing players. We also want to put LI experience onto the player quests in the Ettenmoors as we do want this to be another viable way to advance your LIs.
We will add random rare spawns to the Ettenmoors coming out of the depths of the Delving of Frór that will move around the map that will allow for players and monster players to get quests for defeating those monsters with a reward that is commensurate to faction being played. This will mean that the rewards for finding and defeating the rare monsters in the Ettenmoors will have the ability to drop Legendary Item based rewards, gear commensurate to PvE rewards for lower to mid tier raids, and gear normally acquired with commendations in the Ettenmoors.
For the monster side, new rare/long missing skins, and other boons for the other upcoming enhancements to the Monster Play experience.
Bonus events will happen on a rotating schedule to incentivize entering the Ettenmoors.
New discoverable experiences will allow for players to find a new style of pet that they will shape and develop over time.
Denizens of the Delving of Frór
The first Ettendeep boss to return to the Ettenmoors comes in the form of the Wintersebb Matron, Grodris! Players/Monster Players and her arrival will change the way that the Ettenmoors plays.
The Isendeep mine will no longer be controllable by the forces of good or evil. Instead, the matriarch will assert control over her brood and begin nurturing the next generation of hatchlings. Which of course means she will be available to summon through some means. Defeating her will grant the successful side with bonuses to earning infamy/renown, commendation, and provide a bonus to damage at the keeps for a period of time. She will not reappear until that bonus is expired and then the battle for her bonus can begin again.
Other Ettendeep bosses will make their presence known throughout the course of the year until they are all available for discovery and defeating on the Ettenmoors landscape.
On Consumables
Consumables in the Ettenmoors are in dire need of adjustment and we will be making those adjustments over time to make them more valuable and viable in the fights. They've been untouched for too long and are in dire need of updates.
On Incentives
Some ideas we have along these lines are weekly wrapper quests with a selectable range of rewards for both sides of the fight - whether those are LI rewards for the quests or a complete overhaul of the chests that use the tokens of valour - it is all on the table.
Closing this out for now...
This touches on some of the updates that we want to make to the Ettenmoors. Some of this is rather broad stroke ideas and some are more formulated and further along. This is, by no means, a comprehensive list of updates that we are planning over the course of the year. I didn't even touch on the enhancements and inclusion of potential "Allegiances" to the monster players as it is something that will support the monster player only community through the period when the players are moving to the next level cap. There are a host of ideas - these are just the portions of the iceberg that have buoyed above the surface.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these offerings.
I will leave this thread open until Wednesday or Thursday (1/25-/1/26/2023) this week . I will do my absolute best to answer any questions that are asked here in good faith. Them, we will close the thread look at the feedback make necessary adjustments and rethink some strategies if need be and post another as we get closer to release.
I cannot address anything that is related to "fix the lag" etc... our engineers are working diligently on that and we are actively discussing other options.
Onward to 2023!!!