Now, I'm not sure what exactly Cordovan meant by it and whether he means to apply this globally or not. But he mentioned something like this on the stream and that he wants to try it.
He mentioned that a dislike/like system may have benefits - like, make it more visible what people really want/don't want as "quality" feedback loop. While likes alone, as a way to express some sort of silent agreement, don't strike me in a bad way, the dislike system does - forum (or any sort of online engagement for that matter, so that would include something like the official reddit or discord too) would be really just a minority of total player base, no? So there is no logical argument that the thing mostly disliked here on the forum would be necessarily a totally bad idea for the game. This appears as a logical conclusion to me, unless all their money SSG gets really lies with all those vocal players from the forum... but I highly doubt it - most likely than not, there is a huge portion of unvocal players who contribute to the game's earnings. Even some of the frequent posters wouldn't bother to just follow up on every single thread and click their like/dislike to make sure SSG gets a "proper feedback loop." Thus, I feel like SSG should judge all ideas on merit and their own grey cells, because any idea or feedback given may be insightful in some way - and restrain from any sort of bias based on what's liked or disliked the most here on the forum. It's worth to mention it's easy to hit a like or dislike button. It's harder to actually explain yourself in more detail and true, not everyone has the time or patience to do that, but if someone does, isn't that worth of any consideration and fair treatment, even if some happen to dislike it and clicked a button en masse?
Furthermore, he said that a "rating" based on those likes (I think?) may prompt some threads more than others (on main page?). Personally, I don't think it's a good idea either. The only threads ever prompted would be lag ones and screaming game is dead ones, without any coherence, even worse than before - any sort of constructive discussion and interesting story/world design/housing/and whatnot threads falling even more behind and buried, due to "low engagement" (likes) numbers. It's the truth of the matter people massively like/dislike such "trending rage" threads, easily written, and very general so "whatever goes there" - if they're a simple controversial title - rather than something very specific with a larger text. Something like this may work with reddit - which is usually a short format anyway, to talk about the game but as far as feedback goes the reddit rule is to blindly downvote anyone who says a single bad word about any aspect of the game into oblivion. Doesn't really sound like a format good for a forum though. Plus, I like the chronological aspect of the forum, and thread rating/prompt system based on some kind of factors really sounds like it would do away with that chronology, to some degree
That's my two cents, what do you think?