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  1. #101
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Ketsumei Voir le message

    Citation Envoyé par skippy454
    I'd hit it

  2. #102
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par skippy454 Voir le message
    I'd hit it.

  3. #103
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2007
    1 304

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Hmmm my kin already seen these, but here I am at my old work and at play ^_^
    Anamatronix | Carbon Neutral | Franberry
    My one... regret... is... is... teaching owls to... use lassoes.
    The pen is mightier then the sword - but only if the sword is very short and the pen is very sharp.

  4. #104
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007
    1 062

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Here's a newer one. I just got back from India (and yes, I played LOTRO while I was there!):

    [FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=2]
    . . . plus too many alts![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

  5. #105
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par koifishkid Voir le message
    Here's a newer one. I just got back from India (and yes, I played LOTRO while I was there!):

    Looks like some nice art work there on your arm... Can we see a closer one?

    BTW awsome pic, you should have broughten that little model home with ya.
    [I][SIZE=4][B][URL=""]Viaticus[/URL] -[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE=3]Officer[/SIZE][/I]

  6. #106
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007
    1 062

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Decay Voir le message
    Looks like some nice art work there on your arm... Can we see a closer one?
    Sure, here ya go:

    For some reason the lighting in these pics makes the colors look a little washed out, but they're actually very vibrant.
    [FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=2]
    . . . plus too many alts![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

  7. #107
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Nice Ink. Some really awesome detail there. Bet it took several hours over the course of a few sessions.
    Dernière modification par Airien ; 07/03/2008 à 11h18.
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
    |...BEER TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
    |_...._....._____===|=||_|__|. .., ]

  8. #108
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!


    Really old picture, but good.
    Dernière modification par Flanz ; 08/03/2008 à 08h00.
    "It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."

  9. #109
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par koifishkid Voir le message
    Sure, here ya go:

    For some reason the lighting in these pics makes the colors look a little washed out, but they're actually very vibrant.
    Shick Quattro FTW


  10. #110
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Groggash - R7 Black Arrow
    Wulfie - R3 Stalker
    -Veni Vidi Vici-

  11. #111
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Aaraz Voir le message
    Shick Quattro FTW


    Was that really necessary?
    [I][SIZE=4][B][URL=""]Viaticus[/URL] -[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE=3]Officer[/SIZE][/I]

  12. #112
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    1 380

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Aaraz Voir le message
    LOL, have you been in a relationship past six months?
    Commander Nomi Sunrider (****Retired): 8,964 KBs and no longer counting
    "Don't like it, do you? It's not easy to suddenly lose everything that once made you special, is it?" -Mara Jade

  13. #113
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par seitoth Voir le message
    LOL, have you been in a relationship past six months?
    Not sure what ya mean... But I am married. I don't know if that counts. You guys know how I am. If you can't have fun at the expense of other people what kind of person are you really?

    Widowmakerr R6 Weaver

    Permanently retired from Lotro

  14. #114
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Aaraz Voir le message
    You guys know how I am. If you can't have fun at the expense of other people what kind of person are you really?

    Widowmakerr R6 Weaver

    Permanently retired from Lotro
    A nice person.....
    Man-at-Arms Avernil - Level 50 Guardian ~The Dark Hunters~
    Scout Morogrith - BA / Scout Piglett - Warg / Skirmisher HandofDeath - Reaver ~The Dark Horde~
    Thorin's Gate - Kengsal - 2 Stonemirk Street {Windfola}

  15. #115
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!


    How about more pictures?
    "It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."

  16. #116
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    About 4 years ago;


    And, yes, I get out in the "giant light ball" sometimes... [went for a cliche' myspacey pic. thought it'd be fitting at the time]

  17. #117
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    I figured its about time I share some of me:

    I apologize for the size of the photos.

    Yes that is me in the air.
    Skizz - 50 Champion - Rank 6- Windfola - Sands of Time
    The purple pirate of the moors


  18. #118
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Skizzman Voir le message
    I figured its about time I share some of me:

    I apologize for the size of the photos.

    Yes that is me in the air.
    Looks like your going to poision the horidale

  19. #119
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2007
    1 091

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Aaraz Voir le message
    Looks like your going to poision the horidale
    ****Cleanse the horidale****

  20. #120
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    That jump looks like alot of fun
    Rhiannon the Runekeeper!
    Windfola - Arakne R8 Weaver | Rheia R6 Warg - League of Extraordinary Creeps

  21. #121
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Great pics everyone. Keep the posts coming.


  22. #122
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Skizzman Voir le message
    I figured its about time I share some of me:

    I apologize for the size of the photos.

    Yes that is me in the air.
    The skizz man traded his Pirateee hat in for a wabbit hat? How many flowers did you have to collect for that one? can i has one?
    "Tough Like Woodpecker Lips"

  23. #123
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    2 030

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    I post a lot here. Just trying to keep it alive...

  24. #124
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Here's a picture of my Green Cheeck Conure! His name is Monkey, isn't he so cute!

    Rhiannon the Runekeeper!
    Windfola - Arakne R8 Weaver | Rheia R6 Warg - League of Extraordinary Creeps

  25. #125
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007

    Re: The Faces of Windfola!

    Citation Envoyé par Taralom Voir le message
    I post a lot here. Just trying to keep it alive...

    Traitor! Never Forget
    Skizz - 50 Champion - Rank 6- Windfola - Sands of Time
    The purple pirate of the moors



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