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Discussion: Where did you all go?

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    février 2011

    Where did you all go?

    I haven't been around for a couple months so where did everyone head off to with server transfers? Brandy bored me.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2011
    1 699
    I transferred my PvP toons to Gladden, which seems to be a decent server overall. Transfers to Brandywine aren't allowed because the server is overpopulated. I think most went to Gladden or Landy. Heard a few went Arkenstone.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2011
    I am currently playing on brandywine, landroval and gladden. It seems most of riddermark is scattered across those servers. I know that lolamontez(gingevar), danceswithwargs, shukzu, highrat, nutbag and harthiraell are playing on brandy although some of them haven't been on in a while.
    Dernière modification par galrodan ; 08/11/2015 à 11h02.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2011
    1 363
    I uninstalled and started to get laid more often

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2007
    5 140
    Citation Envoyé par ThunderbowStormshard Voir le message
    I uninstalled and started to get laid more often
    I'm not single, so I get what I want at home :P

    I transferred all my alts to Ark.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Citation Envoyé par ThunderbowStormshard Voir le message
    I uninstalled and started to get laid more often
    Lies and more lies!

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    First off... No one believes a canadian hobbit. Secondly, my toons are on landy and will most likely rot there. I sincerely hope all that fought alongside me and against me are having fun in and outside this once fun game. Sadly it has taken me being on the verge of frostbite while hunting to realize that my days in lotro are most likely on a significant decline. Wish everyone the best.

    Bralleg-1 "the cold hunter"
    Dernière modification par alleg ; 27/11/2015 à 18h11. Motif: Fingers frozen while deer hunting.

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Citation Envoyé par alleg Voir le message
    First off... No one believes a canadian hobbit. Secondly, my toons are on landy and will most likely rot there. I sincerely hope all that fought alongside me and against me are having fun in and outside this once fun game. Sadly it has taken me being on the verge of frostbite while hunting to realize that my days in lotro are most likely on a significant decline. Wish everyone the best.

    Bralleg-1 "the cold hunter"
    Hunting Norbogs?

  9. #9
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Greetings, friends of old. Wondering where everyone else has xferred to? I've decided to divide my characters between Crick and Landy. Iggy will most likely be headed to Crick, although he is still on Ridder and I'm open to server recommendations. It's been awhile since I've played but I figured, I'm on vacation so why the heck not jump in for a bit?


    > Insert MIA sig here.

  10. #10
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2011
    theres a huge population of old riddermark players on landy right now, there was a few tribes and kins that did go to arken and gladden as well. Landy has good action everyday.

  11. #11
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2010
    Nice to see familiar names here. I just started a spider on Landy tonight, so I might be running into some of you! I've been missing the game but I have zero desire to grind a toon through the post-RoR stuff, so I'm giving creepside my first honest effort


  12. #12
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Ohstaruh Voir le message
    Nice to see familiar names here. I just started a spider on Landy tonight, so I might be running into some of you! I've been missing the game but I have zero desire to grind a toon through the post-RoR stuff, so I'm giving creepside my first honest effort

    There is always a bad hunter at gta during US primetime on landy... Most of the time dead and occasionally afk. Hi OSTY


  13. #13
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2011
    1 363
    Citation Envoyé par Ohstaruh Voir le message
    Nice to see familiar names here. I just started a spider on Landy tonight, so I might be running into some of you! I've been missing the game but I have zero desire to grind a toon through the post-RoR stuff, so I'm giving creepside my first honest effort

    I can be found in Angmar, poaching spiders and getting in way over my head. Like the old days, my very first person I ever met in LOTRO lol



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