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Discussion: LotRO Google Map

  1. #51
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Garan Voir le message
    Hi, thanks for your interest. Fwiw, info on TerrainMap is easiest to find on the lotrointerface download thread for the plugin:
    The update for U32 & U33 (Angle and Yondershire) for TerrainMap should be available sometime this week.

    The update to TerrainMap is just the first step in many needed to update the Google map. The new tiles for Yondershire and the Angle are fairly easy to update although the borders/background around those areas may need significant work. The Angle in particular has a lot of developer markup stuff available - I generally add some of that to TerrainMap once the tiles are included in the live client for those that like a hint of things to come but it isn't appropriate for the Google map not to mention all the additional work it makes when it eventually gets updated. Unfortunately, the process of identifying changes to existing tiles is not an automated process at this point (although I have been working on automating the process, it's a bit complicated) and that area will need even more work on the borders/background. The pre-zoomed tiles aren't quite as difficult since I can simply set the application that creates them to regenerate the entire map and let it chew through them overnight. Transferring all of those changes to the hosting server, however, will take a fairly long time (access to the host isn't terribly fast, but it is free ). And lastly, the annotations need to be updated (I know, most of you probably turn the annotations off but a few may actually use them) and that process takes nearly as long as transferring the images but they also get updated after the map is available so it doesn't interfere with the update schedule of the map itself. Anyway, we may be looking at a month or more depending on how much real life interferes. I may publish the Google map update for Yondershire/Angle before the update(s) for Azanulbizar and/or Gundabad just to break the project into more manageable time blocks. And with that, it's time to get some yard chores done before my wife divorces me 'cause if that happens there won't be any updates...

    The only plug-in that I used in all these years. Simply a BIG HUGE THANK YOU!
    Dear reader, I tend to edit my posts A LOT, sorry. Please don't be hasty, thank you!

  2. #52
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007
    4 784
    What's that bit of semi-developed land centered at Eriador 93 S 14 W south of Wulf's Cleft?
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
    Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir

  3. #53
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590

    Um, oops.

    Unfortunately, something went awry while updating the tiles in Rhovanion and all of the updates got shifted east, a lot, causing a blank area as well as some duplication of terrain along the western border of the glitch. I am looking into what went wrong and where but at this time I do not have an ETA on a fix for this.

    On the plus side, the tiles for Yondershire and the Angle all seem to have updated fine with the exception of some border work that needs to be done. The borders and annotations will have to
    wait until after the glitch in Rhovanion is resolved.

    Those wishing to see the new Yondershire and Angle will probably have to clear their browser caches or wait until the cache time on the images expires (I forget what I set the cache time to, but I believe I set it moderately high, like 24 hours or so).

    EDIT: The mystery glitch has been located (Rhovanion expanded west 12 tiles due to Gundabad) but the solution may take a while since I now have to make several alterations to the utility that processes the images, but at least I know where that odd offset came from I may take advantage of this to move the Moria insert further south west and include the underground portion of Gundabad as an insert, probably located east of it's actual location. I will strive to at least undo the damage to the existing Rhovanion map as soon as possible.
    Dernière modification par Garan ; 10/05/2022 à 00h17.

  4. #54
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Thank you so much for all your work on this, Garan. It was the addition of Yondershire and the Angle what I wanted to see the most from your update and that part seems to be working smoothly. Take all the time you need to get the rest sorted out.

  5. #55
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590
    OK. The damage to the Rhovanion map has been repaired and all of the basic terrain tiles for U32 and U33 have been uploaded. Additionally, the Moria insert has been moved South West over the ocean and the Gundabad insert has been added in the north east corner. The Gundabad/WoTP, Azanulbizar/Lothlorien areas have been updated.

    Known issues still being worked on over the next couple of weeks (hopefully sooner, but ... ):
    The borders and outline for the Moria and Gundabad inserts
    Borders for the new areas, particularly Yondershire and Angle
    Annotations for Moria & Gundabad inserts and Yondershire and Angle
    Map coordinates in various areas are calculated incorrectly due to Rhovanion region and 'insert' changes
    Map version is still listed as U29

    So, basically, the terrain itself is up to date but the borders and annotations are not yet complete

  6. #56
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2016
    Fantastic, thank you so much for doing this!

    Out of curiosity, are the maps of the "Glittering Caves" and "Deep beneath Gundabad" qualifiers as well? Or are those too far-removed from the general game-regions?

    One other thing I noticed is that in the Angle, located at 36.44 S, 20.55 W, there's a small section of a box that reads 1/100 for some reason.

    Thanks again!

  7. #57
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590
    Citation Envoyé par SinordLoresearcher Voir le message
    Fantastic, thank you so much for doing this!

    Out of curiosity, are the maps of the "Glittering Caves" and "Deep beneath Gundabad" qualifiers as well? Or are those too far-removed from the general game-regions?

    One other thing I noticed is that in the Angle, located at 36.44 S, 20.55 W, there's a small section of a box that reads 1/100 for some reason.

    Thanks again!
    You're welcome.

    "Glittering Caves" and "Deep beneath Gundabad" are instance maps that are included with MoorMap but do not fit into the contiguous world of the Google map.

    Thank you for reporting that odd text. I thought I stumbled across it late last night (or early this morning) while trying to figure out what had gone wrong in Rhovanion but I was scrolling past so quickly I couldn't find it again and figured I might have just imagined it

    Edit: Fwiw, the odd text was from a bear that walked in front of my character while I was capturing the resource images via Lua and that text is from the bottom of the tooltip dialog. I know it was a bear because the other part of the dialog was capture over another resource that wasn't used in the Google map. I knew there was a reason I usually capture those images while standing in one of my homes. He must have thought I had a picnic basket...
    Dernière modification par Garan ; 12/05/2022 à 12h45.

  8. #58
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590


    OK. The Google map is once again completely functional and is now updated for U32 & U33. All annotations should now be up to date, the Yondershire and Angle are up to date and the Moria and Gundabad inserts are positioned properly and up to date. All co-ordinates are once again working properly (you may notice a slight jump moving from Rhovanion over Zirak-zigil, but that is WAI since Zirak-zigil actually exists in-game off-set slightly from where it fits into the Google map. The Moria and Gundabad insert co-ordinates now list their region as "Moria" and "Gundabad" rather than "Rhovanion", but that is to further distinquish the fact that they are map inserts and not positioned where they sit in-game but the co-ordinates displayed are the correct in-game Rhovanion co-ordinates.

    There is still quite a bit of border smoothing to do, but that is purely cosmetic and does not affect the co-ordinates or displayed game terrain so it will happen at a later date (time to catch up on sleep )

    As always, if you spot something that seems to be off, please let me know.


  9. #59
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    I love the Lotro Google map and use it as a base for my own map creations and general dreaming about Lotro's future. Any word on when Cardolan and Swanfleet will be added to it?

    Also, do you need any help with it somehow?

  10. #60
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590
    Citation Envoyé par Deriaph Voir le message
    I love the Lotro Google map and use it as a base for my own map creations and general dreaming about Lotro's future. Any word on when Cardolan and Swanfleet will be added to it?

    Also, do you need any help with it somehow?
    Hi. Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it and find it useful. I don't have an estimated delivery date for an update because I'm still in the middle of a RL project (still gotta fix the big hole in my roof where the chimney used to be... long story ) Assuming no other RL projects rear their ugly heads, I do plan to get to work on the map update either late winter or early spring. Unfortunately, the tools used are all custom utilities I wrote years ago so I have to dig out the notes I made for them and re-learn how to grab the tiles from TerrainMap, determine which tiles changed and need to be uploaded, touch up any altered borders (although I've been a bit lazy on that step the last couple of updates), etc. Fortunately, I did document most of that when making the Gundabad changes since it touched on a few procedures I hadn't used for several years (creating/moving the custom inlaid sections for Gundabad and Moria and fixing co-ordinates). So, yeah, it's in the works, but there isn't much that anyone can do to help (unless you want to help put some shingles on my roof? )

  11. #61
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    1 182
    Citation Envoyé par Garan Voir le message
    Hi. Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it and find it useful. I don't have an estimated delivery date for an update because I'm still in the middle of a RL project (still gotta fix the big hole in my roof where the chimney used to be... long story ) Assuming no other RL projects rear their ugly heads, I do plan to get to work on the map update either late winter or early spring. Unfortunately, the tools used are all custom utilities I wrote years ago so I have to dig out the notes I made for them and re-learn how to grab the tiles from TerrainMap, determine which tiles changed and need to be uploaded, touch up any altered borders (although I've been a bit lazy on that step the last couple of updates), etc. Fortunately, I did document most of that when making the Gundabad changes since it touched on a few procedures I hadn't used for several years (creating/moving the custom inlaid sections for Gundabad and Moria and fixing co-ordinates). So, yeah, it's in the works, but there isn't much that anyone can do to help (unless you want to help put some shingles on my roof? )
    Your work is awesome, Garan! Thanks so much! And I hear you there!

    And . . . that might take even longer to update the Google-Map . . . given SSG's current plans to extend Middle-earth to Umbar. So that probably means a need to expand both terrainmap and the google-map southward somehow . . . It'll be very interesting to see how that all pans out with whatever SSG does RE- territories, regions, etc.

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  12. #62
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590

    Domain expiration

    I would like to apologize to anyone that tried this week to get to the lotro google map and got a domain expired redirect. I had accidentally allowed the domain registration to expire. It should now be back up and available, although anyone that had visited while it was expired may have to refresh their DNS cache or wait a day or so for the DNS records to repopulate. The map will now display the terrain for Cardolan and Swanfleet although the annotations for those areas are not yet added.

    Thanks for your patience


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