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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2010

    Oak Campfire Kit Recipe?

    Lotro Wiki shows a Cook craftable item "Oak Campfire Kit" to make oak campfire for increased crit chance, cold debuff removal, and increased out-of-combat regen. You of course need the "Oak Campfire Kit Recipe" to make the kit.

    Wiki does not show how to obtain this Recipe in-game. Asking around to those who have the Oak Campfire Kit Recipe, no one recalls how or where they got it. I checked Expert Cook, who sells campfire kit recipes, but her inventory only goes up to Tier 6. I checked Snowbourn rep vendor for cook recipes, no campfire kit recipe listed.

    Anyone here know how to obtain the Oak Campfire Kit Recipe?

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2017
    Both my cooks have the Oak Campfire Kit recipe. As you've mentioned, the wiki doesn't say how to get it on the recipe page although the linked recipe index page says it's a "Basic Recipe" which implies it's automatically given upon reaching Eastemnet Cook tier. Since the recipe page isn't linked from any barterer page. I can only conclude at this point that the recipe is automatically given upon reaching the Eastemnet Cook tier.



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