Re: Floon: Any chance that trip will actually use the trip animation again?
Originally Posted by holyfrog
"Turbine don't have enough staff and resources"
I think that's what he basically said, while trying to spin it as something we as players should be happy about...
I appreciate Floon's willingness to respond, but his answer(s) still don't make a lot of sense to me:
Originally Posted by floon
Times 60, 70, 80 monsters. And then there are the monsters that can't visibly be tripped, so we need to indicate the trip via other means: now you have a skill that uses animation sometimes, and FX sometimes. In which case we then ask ourselves why it doesn't use the FX all the time, and yay, fewer animations to do on new monsters.
Um, because tripping something means it gets knocked down (if it can be knocked down)?
Originally Posted by floon
Seriously, every little savings we can find helps. And some of these savings are actually gameplay helpers, so there's that.
I agree with the others...helps who? It helps Turbine's bottom line by letting you spend less money to deliver a correspondingly diminished product, and then charging the same price you have been for a higher quality product.
Will LotRO be a text-interface MUD by the time we get to Mordor? Because, you know, every little savings helps...