Arnahir Aramaethor, Lv 32 Captain, about mid 20's to early 30's
Server: Riddermark, Pacific Standard Time (PST) (-8000)
Being a Captain, I usually prefer raids, but any group activity is fine. It's kinda hard trying to solo with a captain.
I honestly can't list all the MMO's I've played, but my last 2 (like 5 yrs ago) were Lost Saga and Dofus, but I only played those for a few months max.
I believe kinships would be interested in me partially due to the interesting increasing demand of captains, because I'm a good healer, getting to be an great buffer, and I can still do really good damage for a captain. I also have 2K+ morale when my soldier as well as my herald are around. If needed (though I prefer that others do it for me), I'm also an o.k. prospector and weapon smith. So I'm the "Mario" type of captain, well balanced in practically everything.
The type of guild that I am looking for is one that constantly goes on group events, can craft/get me good gear, and that won't be pissed off if I'm not on a lot (I'm sorta busy), however, not necessarily in that order. An added bonus would be a guild that, if possible, could train me to be a better captain. But being in a guild in which I'm one of the higher levels is fine with me.