Quote Originally Posted by joshy8910 View Post
Actually, the tracking sites are pretty accurate. Check ones such as surugi, and they have pretty good information. Unlike Turbine, they have ranks from my toons dating back to 08, but Turbine decided to erase that info for whatever reason. Just an example of their tracking compared to Turbines.
So you think the ability to screen scrape static data periodically (character specs at various times) indicates an ability to accurately gather dynamic data (logins)? How does that follow?

So you're saying they promised something, and then didn't go through with it? That's my point.
Depends on what you mean by a "promise". "We are planning to add X with the next expansion" followed by "sorry, we're not going not going to be able to add X" is only a "promise" if you're hanging all your hopes on that feature. Once again, that's why Turbine refrains from saying things that might be construed as a "promise"...and then people try to read a "promise" for whatever they want into what Turbine *does* say. At least one poster tried to read a new PvMP zone into the HD press release that came out early last month.

If they added the pvp zone when they said they were going to add it and didn't back out, it would have been beneficial...
That's unprovable. Granted, my (and others) contention that the addition of another zone might *not* be beneficial is also unprovable. But Turbine has data on how many players are using the Ettenmoors, which would go a long way to determine whether or not a new zone would be a good idea.

I fully understand that there are PvMPers who really WANT a new zone...but not everything one wants is good for one.

Regardless of the %, they ignored that % of their customers, which is a mark of a bad, untrustworthy company. In this thread, someone indicated that the % of the pvp population was about 50,000. That's no number to scoff at, even if % wise it is small.
No one actually said 'there are 50,000' PvMPers. What was said that 'if--hypothetically--LotRO has 500,000 players, *then* 10% would be 50,000 PvMPers'. Note the "if...then..." structure. It was a made up example to demontrate a point...NOT a real number.

There have also been plenty of threads that would say its a good idea. I can assume these threads were made by mainly pvers.
That would be a good assumption.

I can assume from your point of view, you're mainly a pver, so why would you care how it fairs?
The problem is that many of the requests for more area in which to do PvMP involve one or more of: expanding PvMP into areas that are now PvE; grabbing off iconic locations, such as Osgiliath or Helm's Deep; placing a new PvMP zone adjacent to PvE areas with porous borders. You want another isolated PvMP zone that won't impact PvE? Find something in LotR that fits the Lore, isn't going to be used for PvE, and can be isolated and go for it.

Also, if they never added PvP in this game, we wouldn't be having this conversation and I wouldn't be here haha .
I'd be having the conversation with someone who was of the opinion that LotRO really, really needed some for of PvP because no game can survive without it! Indeed, with respect to open world Pv(M)P there are people that make that exact argument

Once again, thx for the responses. We can probably conclude from this that Turbine has no interest in bringing out a new pvp map, so I'm most likely done with the pvp forever in this game, oh well, time to move on then.
I think the first thing that needs to be demonstrated is that there is an actual need for an additional PvMP zone, that--on most servers--the Ettenmoors are bursting at the seams, that there are queues to log into or travel to the Ettenmoors and that that is likely to continue over time. If those conditions don't hold...what is a new zone needed for?