I have been mostly in red and yellow line so far. QK does nice dmg and in MM I could heal 3-mans or even easy 6-mans.. those 2 are nice. Gambler seems good for soloing but I found out that I can very easily solo things in QK.

I think Gambler needs his dmg scaled a bit... I went to Limlight Gorge to test my DoTs and sustainable dmg on a Nemesis troll, i did a pure DPS rotation - no debuffing or disabling gambles... I have bleed legacies and cunning attack stack legacy on weapon and I had about 5-8 CA DoTs stacked on him + Gamblers advantage DoT + 4-6 tier gamble. I started with CA from stealth, gamblers strike, CA, gamblers advantage, exposed throat, double edged, cash out dmg gamble, gamblers strike again and so on and I did All in in the end, though it had effect for about 5 secs (dont have the legacy yet:/) so it didnt make much difference. The result was 2.8K dps. In red line I did 4K dps... Self heal from evades was 300 hps in blue line, and 180 hps from crits in red line.. together with 1 touch and go, both were enouhg to keep me alive.

I think 170K morale mob is a situation where a gamblers sustainable dmg should be at least a bit near to QK dps. If I do lot of debuffing gambles and cashing out these and reapply them afterwards, its a different rotation than yes, dps shouldnt be high, but focusing on dmg it should be better

I dont have exactly best equip for Gambler, could have gamble dmg legacy and some others maybe.. but if other classes do hits for 15k+ (heard hunters do crazy hits especially), DoTs which tick from 80 (normal CA) to 800 (T6 gamble).. thats pretty underwhelming.
It seems like these DoTs didnt scale right with rest of the dmg.
Clever Retort bleed with legacy does about 800 dmg and in RoR it did about 700 if i remember right. Most builds (including QK) do up to 2x more dps than they did in RoR while these DoTs changed only little.

On the other hand I really enjoyed playing around with gambler... its just the numbers that should be readjusted a bit imo.