The following post contains mild spoilers for the Volume III Epic Questline.

The Volume III Epic Questline is enjoyable, but one thing that sort of breaks the immersion is that your companions don't actually travel with you, even though the story says you're all traveling around together.

Solution to this problem: Whenever one of the characters listed in the title joins your 'fellowship,' you receive a whistle that summons that character. This would be like the quests where you wander around some area doing quests for an NPC that follows you around and helps fight... Only these NPCs would be purely cosmetic, non-combat allies, just to follow you around. They would mount and dismount whenever you mount and dismount, and when in combat, they would attack the enemy with non-damaging skills, so that it looks like they are helping you fight, instead of just standing there staring at you.

The whistles would only be usable in Rohan and would be removed from your inventory after the Battle of Helm's Deep.