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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Gladden Server: Invictus Kinship - From an Imladrian

    Hello Imladris,

    I'm very sorry that our server has come to its end but it was a good ride. I started playing almost five years ago on Imladris and that's where I truly learned how to play all of my alts between several kinships including The Carbon Blade and Intensity, amongst others. Some of you may remember me or Glaewon or Gilrael; we transferred many of our alts off of Imladris almost a year ago to Gladden but still maintain some other alts on Imladris.

    Recently Glaewon, Gilrael, and myself and other players including Imladrians have begun a kinship named "Invictus." For those who would be interested in transferring to Gladden and would like to be a part of a kinship that runs both PvE and PvP content, please reach out to the above mentioned names (note: Glae is often on his captain Glingaerel and Gil's mini is currently named Gilraell). We have a pretty solid core of players that thrive off of PvP and have many high ranked Freeps (and some Creeps), and we look forward to the influx of players and increased action in both the Ettenmoors and Osgiliath maps. And between all of us, we have a lot of experience in end game T2C content including completion of the newest 3 and 6 man instances.

    What we would like are more players who know their class well and are willing to learn new things, hone their skills, and be involved in a growing Kinship as well as be helpful to others. We invite all classes to join as we have an understanding and a need for every type. We hope that PvE and PvP strike your fancy equally and you are willing to take advice and constructive criticism but also to be able to give your own to us as well.

    If you'd like to speak more, please feel free to send me an in-game mail on Imladris at "Bradai". I'll be checking that character out until transfers begin and I move it to Gladden with my remaining Imla alts. If you decide to come over to Gladden on a lowbie to check things out, please once again, contact me (Achaius), Glingaeral, or Gilraell.

    Thanks for your time and I hope that the great community atmosphere that was Imladris chooses to come to Gladden and infuse its personality into that server and make new memories while upholding the old.



    Edit: I will try to respond to you asap. I work Monday-Friday and don't get online until around 7-8 server time on weekdays.
    Last edited by mobrien09; Aug 05 2015 at 11:25 AM.
    Achaius - R13 Warden; Ilrohil - R8 Champion; Ritthir - R6 Captain; Bradai - R4 Burglar



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