I'm noticing a common recommendation in a few of the "State of the (class)" threads. There are a few requests to eliminate a specific trait line because its either not viable at end-game, or clunky or any of another reasons. I would caution making this request as all it does is reduce options for your character. We had this "fight" back when trait lines were introduced. That decision took away a lot of the flexibility that players had when building their characters. Just because one class only has 2 lines in which to specialize (yup looking at you brawlers), doesn't mean that should be the norm. If you start cutting customization options, instead of making all traits viable, we'll eventually end up with 1 class called Middle Earth Adventurer. They'll come complete with 3 skills; hit, heal and taunt. I implore you, both players and Devs, come up with ways to fix or improve what already exists instead of cutting parts of our characters.
Edit: Sorry, didn't realize minstrels are getting the brawler treatment. I don't play mini's but have been a lucky recipient of their healing prowess many times. This madness needs to stop.