Well I agree it's a rather pointless click, it's hardly the great deal breaker to me that it is to you. It's left over from the long-long-ago when it had a massive power penalty, so it wasn't something you always wanted to put on. Now it's got now downside, they could even just remove it completely, although people would cry a lot no doubt.
I still think the Warden needs better mobility in combat. We got a potential improvement with being able to use ambush in combat via adroit manoeuvre, only if you trait for it, but the class still has worse in combat mobility than other tanks even with that traited. As the only agility based tank, I am of the opinion that Warden should have the very best in combat manoeuvrability of the tanks, because you know, agility, and would happily sacrifice forced march for it.
As far as Warden QoL goes, forced march isn't the top of my list. Pre-combat buffs is the top of my list, not the fact that they exist, but how clunky and bad they feel, thanks mostly to having to keep re-activating battle prep for each different buff, of which there are 8. Annoyingly, even if you are a DPS traited Warden, you really should still do all 8 prebuffs too. Better to have them than not.