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Thread: Housing FAQ

  1. Re: Housing FAQ

    My question would be such as this:

    Me & wife want a corner of ours, we can purchase every type of house, including Kinship one. I have various questions that left in my mind tho...

    If we buy a deluxe house, will other of us if added in permissions get zoning to there or discounts or do we need to buy two for that? And same question for kinship house... Do every character in kinship gets discount or zoning skill there? Since it will be "our" corner, we don't need each of our own, but just to travel together or use benefits together...

    Thank you in advance

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Do you and your wife have separate accounts? If yes, you would need to either get 2 personal houses or get a kinship house in order to get discounts and map home to the same neighborhood. With a kinship house, everyone in the kinship gets mapping and discount rights.

    If you are on the same account, you can just get one deluxe house. Alts get mapping and discounts in the neighborhood. You cannot however give these permissions to a character not under the house owner's account.
    [i][color=#dbb953]"Yet there may be a light beyond the darkness; and if so, I would have you see it and be glad."[/color][/i]

  3. Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Linwen View Post
    Do you and your wife have separate accounts? If yes, you would need to either get 2 personal houses or get a kinship house in order to get discounts and map home to the same neighborhood. With a kinship house, everyone in the kinship gets mapping and discount rights.

    If you are on the same account, you can just get one deluxe house. Alts get mapping and discounts in the neighborhood. You cannot however give these permissions to a character not under the house owner's account.
    Thank you, we are on different accounts, so kinship house gives us every right. Good to know that

  4. #104
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Veltkreeg View Post
    Can your alts use "return to house"?
    Is this still the case?

  5. #105
    Join Date
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    No, this was changed in Book 12. Alts can now recall to the house and receive neighborhood vendor discounts just like the house owner.
    [i][color=#dbb953]"Yet there may be a light beyond the darkness; and if so, I would have you see it and be glad."[/color][/i]

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Sorry if this has been asked before, I scanned through but did not see it. Is it possible to purchase a tier 3 house as a personal home?
    [size=1][color=yellow]Keary[/color] - 50 Hobbit Minstrel Grand Master Tinker | [color=yellow]Kerry[/color] 50 Hobbit Burglar GM Explorer | [color=yellow]Kairy[/color] 4X Man Champion MA Woodworker GM Forester GM Farmer | [color=yellow]Kearry[/color] 2X Dwarf Guard | [color=yellow]Kairry[/color] 2X Man Captain GM Farmer MA Scholar
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  7. #107
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by KDP View Post
    Is it possible to purchase a tier 3 house as a personal home?

    As long as you are the leader of a Rank 7 Kin in good standing and don't mind locking out your entire Kin so you can use a Kin Hall as a personal house.
    0096 2251 2110 8105

  8. #108
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Stilgaard View Post

    As long as you are the leader of a Rank 7 Kin in good standing and don't mind locking out your entire Kin so you can use a Kin Hall as a personal house.
    Boo, I want 3 chests for myself
    [size=1][color=yellow]Keary[/color] - 50 Hobbit Minstrel Grand Master Tinker | [color=yellow]Kerry[/color] 50 Hobbit Burglar GM Explorer | [color=yellow]Kairy[/color] 4X Man Champion MA Woodworker GM Forester GM Farmer | [color=yellow]Kearry[/color] 2X Dwarf Guard | [color=yellow]Kairry[/color] 2X Man Captain GM Farmer MA Scholar
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  9. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    nvm..found answer in help menu
    Last edited by Zantiana; Jun 23 2008 at 08:03 PM.
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  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    So now the main question for me is.....

    How long are they going to hold onto an abandoned house that the person no longer pay maintence???

    I work hard for my ingame money and dont mind paying the maintence fee, but if someone isnt going to pay it how long before I can dump my old house and get this abandoned one in the neighborhood that I really want to be in??

  11. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Housing FAQ

    This FAQ seems really out of date...any chance of getting it updated?

  12. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    I thought I heard somewhere that it is more worthwhile to get a deluxe house if you have the money because the upkeep cost was less. But in the FAQ it's like 100s more. Is this correct, or is the FAQ just outdated?
    [COLOR=blue][COLOR=black][COLOR=blue][COLOR=#ffffff]-[URL="http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Herone_Silverton"][COLOR=blue]Herone Silverton [/COLOR][/URL][SIZE=1]Level 32 Man Captain [/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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  13. #113
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Herone View Post
    I thought I heard somewhere that it is more worthwhile to get a deluxe house if you have the money because the upkeep cost was less. But in the FAQ it's like 100s more. Is this correct, or is the FAQ just outdated?
    I can't get in game right now to tell you the exact amounts, but the upkeep for a deluxe house is more than the upkeep for a standard house. The actual upkeep amount varies slightly depending on the price of the house you choose (due to location and yard space), but the guide is correct in that it is more expensive.
    @ ~ Livvy ~ @
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  14. #114
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Yes deluxe houses are more expensive, however the extra storage space makes up for the extra upkeep. My personal opinion is that a deluxe house is the one to get unless you have no need for extra storage. Plus the added benefit of transferring items between your toons makes any house worth it.

  15. #115
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    I know that originally you lost your house when your maintenance ran out. But didn't they change it with 14 so that it just becomes locked until you pay maintenance on it again? Can someone tell me for sure, because I may be taking a break from the game but I don't want to lose my house and the stuff in it.

  16. #116
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Narthalion View Post
    I know that originally you lost your house when your maintenance ran out. But didn't they change it with 14 so that it just becomes locked until you pay maintenance on it again? Can someone tell me for sure, because I may be taking a break from the game but I don't want to lose my house and the stuff in it.
    Yes houses just lock now. I have a deluxe 165s maintenance house and the unlock cost is 330s. So when I'm not going to not play for more than several weeks and its close to expiring I just let it expire since the 330s would be less than paying the maintenance for the time I'm not playing.

  17. #117
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Two things need to be corrected:

    "Can you rotate decorations?

    I guess originally you couldn't rotate decorations, but you can now.

    "Can your alts use "return to house"?

    Of course they can now.

  18. #118
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    May 2008

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by LotRfan2000 View Post
    Yes houses just lock now. I have a deluxe 165s maintenance house and the unlock cost is 330s. So when I'm not going to not play for more than several weeks and its close to expiring I just let it expire since the 330s would be less than paying the maintenance for the time I'm not playing.
    Just to clarify, the unlock cost is equal to 2x the monthly maintenance fee, no matter how long the house is locked, is that correct? In other words, if my monthly maintenance fee is 165s and my house gets locked, the unlocking fee is a flat 330s, whether the house is locked for 6 months or only for 1 day. Right?

  19. #119
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    This was pretty badly out of date, so I took a pre MOM crack at it:
    Quoted from first post:

    How much do houses cost?
    Prices vary, but are in this general range:
    Standard (Tier 1): 1g, 50s upkeep
    Deluxe (Tier 2): 7g, 150s upkeep
    Kin (Tier 3): 15-17g, 300s upkeep
    See: http://forums.lotro.com/showpost.php...5&postcount=37
    *There is no difference in number of hooks or chests or anything you can put a number on from one price to another (for the same house type). Expensive houses have "better" locations and more yard (if you can even tell), and often very nice homes are at the lower price.

    How much do storage containers cost?
    Container 1: 100s
    Container 2: 500s
    Container 3: 2.500g

    How much space does each container have?
    30 slots.

    How many storage containers can I put in my house?
    1 container per tier of house.

    Can you have more than 1 house on a server?
    No. You can get full permissions to a friends house (even taking over the house of a person who quit the game) and if you pay upkeep, you can use it pretty much as fully as a second house except without a teleport.

    Can a kinship leader purchase a personal house in addition to a kinship hall?

    Can a person buy a kin hall?
    No. But you can get a kin hall with 2-3 people easily if you want to go to the trouble and expense, and can convince 2 others to either share it or let one person use it fully or whatever arrangement. 2 accounts means none of your toons are in a real kin, but it is doable.

    Where are the housing zones located?
    Hobbit: Southfarthing, south of Michael Delving
    Dwarf: West part of Dwarf starting area
    Man: South of Midgewater Swamp
    Elf: East of Duillond (Flash Map)
    See http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=93693

    Where are the housing brokers located?
    Housing Brokers are available near the entrance to each neighborhood.

    What happens if I don't pay the upkeep?
    Your house is locked and you cannot go in until you pay twice the monthly fee to unlock it.

    Can you rotate decorations?
    Yes, not fully 360 but more of a +- 90.

    When do new housing zones open?
    A new housing zone opens when the current zone sells out. In my opinion this is a bug: new zones should open when all houses of a particular tier are purchased.

    Can you upgrade a house?

    Can your alts use "return to house"?

    Can you put workbenches or a forge in your house? Or vendors?
    No. My thoughts on this are mixed. On one hand, it would be very convenient. On the other hand, it may make places like Thorin's hall extremely desolate.

    What level do you have to be to purchase a house?
    Level 15.

    What permissions are there on houses?
    There are 5 permissions that can be assigned on a individual, kinship, or everyone basis:
    - Visitor: Enter/exit house
    - Housing Chests: Put items into or take items from a container
    - Upkeep: Can pay upkeep
    - Decorate: Ability to decorate the house
    - Manage Permissions: Ability to change permissions

    Can I pay upkeep in advance?
    Yes. Up to six weeks.

    What happens if you abandon a house?
    It will put all of your items from the house in an escrow account that you have to access within 6 days to retrieve the items. It also returns all monies you have paid into the escrow account for maintenance fees. It does not, however, return any of the money that you paid for the house. (Yugi) There is also a 24 hour cooldown before you can purchase another house.

    Are neighborhoods racially restricted?

    How do you upgrade your small house then?
    You abandon the old one and buy the new one, then move your stuff in 50 trips from the bank to the new place. Fortunately, few downgrade in size, so its usually just 1 chest of stuff and a few decorations.

    What do you do when you have a bound decoration that you cannot move?
    More of an issue with kinships, but you can go and drop a nice slimy herchem(spelling?) tentacle into your buddy's bedroom if he foolishly gave you permissions, and there is nothing he can do about it. If you abandon, the bound item goes into the owner's escrow, not yours. Otherwise, you have to plead with your friend to remove the offending decoration, and if the person no longer plays, your stuck.

    What is special furniture?
    Seems to be a handful of items that are too big for large spaces, but not really all *that* special.

    What is new for housing in MOM?
    Not much, 2 "pets", one is a bird (?) and the other a mouse that scurries around the assigned wall spot. So far no other mention from the betas on housing changes.

  20. #120
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by forusrname View Post
    What happens if you abandon a house?
    It will put all of your items from the house in an escrow account that you have to access within 6 days to retrieve the items. It also returns all monies you have paid into the escrow account for maintenance fees. It does not, however, return any of the money that you paid for the house. (Yugi) There is also a 24 hour cooldown before you can purchase another house.
    Well done, forusrname. I would like to suggest a couple of corrections to the above-quoted text, though.

    First, you have more than 6 days after abandonment to retrieve your items from escrow. I just abandoned a house a few days ago to buy a different one, and I was given at least 13 days to retrieve my items from escrow. (I suspect the correct figure is actually two weeks, i.e., 14 days, but by the time I looked at the timer there were only 13 days plus some number of hours left.)

    Second, it should be made clear that the 24 hour cooldown runs from the time you purchase the house that you abandon. The 24 hours do NOT run from the time of abandonment. For example, if you purchase a house at 5:00 p.m. on 11/1/08, and you immediately abandon it, you will not be able to buy a new house until 5:00 p.m. on 11/2/08, because that is 24 hours from the time you originally purchased your house. Once you wait the 24 hours, though, you can abandon the house at any time and immediately buy a new one. So, for example, if you purchase a house at 5:00 p.m. on 11/1/08, and then you abandon it at 6:00 p.m. on 11/2/08, you can buy a new house immediately after the abandonment, because it has been more than 24 hours since the original purchase.

  21. #121
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDog View Post
    Just to clarify, the unlock cost is equal to 2x the monthly maintenance fee, no matter how long the house is locked, is that correct? In other words, if my monthly maintenance fee is 165s and my house gets locked, the unlocking fee is a flat 330s, whether the house is locked for 6 months or only for 1 day. Right?
    I'm still waiting for an answer to this question. Does anybody know?

  22. #122
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Housing FAQ

    No one seems to know. Anyone want to let their house go to find out, or already done so, that can comment?

  23. #123

    Re: Housing FAQ

    That is correct. 2x the fee to unlock regardless of time passed.

  24. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Housing FAQ

    just re-checking

    is it still one house per account or have they done the sensible thing yet and made it one house per server yet?

  25. #125
    Join Date
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    Re: Housing FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by windowyn View Post
    just re-checking

    is it still one house per account or have they done the sensible thing yet and made it one house per server yet?
    It always has been one house per account per server. At least since they added housing it has been...
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