Updated through the recipes I have in Tier 4. Anyone got any information to add?
Updated through the recipes I have in Tier 4. Anyone got any information to add?
Was handed a trap recipe yesterday by a friendly lvl20 Dwarf ( so unsure of exact source)
Basic Quick Trap (Journeyman)
"A trap which can be setup nearly instantly even in the midst of a fight.The trap remains for 60 seconds after being placed.Most effective against targets level 20 or lower..
Requires Hand Wrought Traps
Minimum Level 15
Class Hunter
2 Low-grade Steel Ingots and 1 Low-grade Steel Bolt makes 4 Traps
Mastery Option 1 Dusky Lynx Claw (+44%) makes 7 Traps
Updated. Thanks.
Recently mastered Expert Weaponsmith and noticed my Gondorian recipes use "Shaggy Aurochs Tail " not sharp..checked with your list and it looks like you have already started to change some of these..just thought id post to confirm its Shaggy that is needed for------>
Medium Bag of Marbles, Improved Stun Dust, Improved Caltrops
Triple Trap , Basic Strong Trap , Improved Bear Trap
Ancient Dwarf Spike Kit
Gondorian Axe, Dagger, Greatsword, Sword, Throwing Axe
Guess what?!? It's time to start updating the list for Book 11.![]()
I've got a better system set-up for getting the information now (no more alt-tabbing between the game and the forums repeatedly... ugh), so it shouldn't take me quite as long, but I'd love any help anyone can give. Thanks!
Bump for the good soul that made this![]()
* Polished Gondorian Axe
Speed: 2.4
Damage: 33-45 common, 16.2 DPS
Effect: Subtracts 15 from Armour Value. Add 9 to Agility, add 5 fate.
Critical Success: Mirrored Gondorian Axe, 33-45 dmg, 16.2 dps, Subtracts 15 from Armour Value. Add 9 to Agility, add 5 fate. +.06 in-combat power regen.
Master Traps:
Cunning Lure trap:
x3 traps, 1 long ash shaft, 1 short ash shaft, 1 bundle of straw
Crit: lethal sharp...turt. claw, success x5 traps
Deadly Bear trap:
x4 traps, 2 elven steel ingots, 1 ancient steel ingot, 1 ancient steel bolts;
Crit item: turtle claw; success: x7 traps
Improved tripwire:
x1 trap, 2 elven steel ingots, 1 ancient steel, 1 spool of ancient wire
Crit item: turtle claw; success: x2 traps
Inescapable strong trap:
x4 traps, same ingots, ancient steel bolts,
Crits: claw, x7 traps on crit
Quality Quick:
x4 traps, 2 elven steel ingots, 1 ancient steel ingot, 1 ancient steel bolts;
Crits: turtle claw, x7 traps on crit
Superior triple trap:
x3 traps 2 elven steel ingots, 1 ancient steel ingot, 1 ancient steel bolts;
Crit: turtle claw; x5 traps on crit
Master Weapons:
Ancient Steel Axe:
1 ancient steel blade, 1 leaf-patter hilt, 1 intricately engraved pommel;
53-72 common dmg, 26.1 dps, 2.4 speed;
Crit stuff: 1 turtle claw;Success: Precise ancient steel axe, 56-76 light damage, 27.5 dps, 2.4 speed, +15 might, +1% parry. +1.1 in-combat power regen, small chance of lowering target's armour, tough durability
Ancient Steel dagger:
1 ancient steel blade, 1 leaf-patter hilt, 1 intricately engraved pommel;
38-50 common dmg, 26.1 dps, 1.7 speed, +1% auto attack crit, +90 power, +15 agil
Crit: turtle claw, Success: Precise ancient steel dagger, 41-53 light dmg, 27.5 dps, 1.7 speed, +1% auto attack crit, +90 power, +15 agil
Ancient steel Greatsword:
1 ancient steel blade, 1 leaf-patter hilt, 1 intricately engraved pommel,
68-98 common dmg, 29.7 dps, 2.8 speed, increased hit chance, 180 morale, 30 vit
Crit: turtle claw, Success: Precise ancient steel greatsword, 72-103 light dmg, 31.4 dps, 2.8 speed, increased hit chance, +180 morale, +30 vit
I'll update the rest in a bit, sorta busy right now.
Last edited by battleship31; Oct 27 2007 at 10:51 PM.
I've updated this list with every recipe that I currently have. *ugh*
Some of you might notice that I changed the format of the list a little bit. I've tried to consolidate information that is common to items into a heading rather than repeating it for each item. I'm sorry if you liked it better the other way, but it would be a ton of work to switch it back so I probably won't without a huge outpouring of hate for the new format.
Now that we have separate forums for each type of crafting is there any chance this post can be moved to the Weaponsmithing forum and stickied?![]()
Try PM-ing Ramen. She's really good about doing stuff like this.
Hey everyone,
So the Lorebook entries now show item effects! Woot!
That pretty well makes this list obsolete. Does anyone want to see me continue to update it?
anyone know the best place to look for polished ancient steel greatsword recipe
hi kol first id like to say thanks for the list ... i find it really helpful .. and second although i know its time consuming id really love for you to continue to update it .. it really is invaluable for me .. as its easy to copy and paste info from the list when needed ...
thanks a lot
[COLOR="Lime"][SIZE="1"]Are Minstrels still supposed to heal?[/SIZE][/COLOR] :confused:
I am new to the game and crafting in general.
I chose a Warden as my character but I can not find a way to craft a spear ((.
Am I missing something or are they not available if so I have been wasting my time.
Spears are crafted by Woodworkers, although they will need blades made by weaponsmiths.
This recipe list gonna be updated?
It still rocks!
Are Eastment recipes coming? Thanks!![]()