Cosmetic Pets for all Classes
As the title suggests some of us thought it would be fun for the other classes to have cosmetic pets too. Here's some ideas that were brought up in relation to it:
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non-combat pet hobby. I think a seperate topic for it should be made.
It doesn't matter if it's supported by lore or not. Having a non-combat hobby pet would fill the need for all. Hunters could take the hobby up, get a falcon, and carry it around if they want.
Burgs could have their foxes or snakes. All sorts of possibilities would open up, for all crowds, and no one is forced into having it or not.
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if your worried about the number of pets then how about this:
a) They are rare drops
b) They are BoA
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Possibly festival items like the snowglobes, except BoA. I think there's some merit to a limiting system like this.
Maybe have to complete a quest chain (like rescuing a kitten in a tree, or tending the broken wing of a sparrow), to be fair to LMs who did it, in order to even use a pet.
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Seriously, I like the idea of linking it to some deed or questline so the people who want the pets need to work for them like the LM and his various quest for his non combat freinds. Limit it to one pet per toon so the LM still has a benefit of having multiples.
Just had an thought. Just like the minstrel can teach some one to play an instrument, make part of getting a non-combat pet something a LM has to be involved with.
Some possible pets to work for (besides the existing ones):
- Hunting Dog (That resembles a wolf?
- Hawk
- owl
- falcon
- boar
Last edited by twilight07; Mar 11 2009 at 04:42 AM.
Reason: *realizes actual wolves are evil* :P
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