Make turbinesupportexperience@turbi relevant
Turbine has made a great MMORPG out of LOTRO; thanks for the continued excellent support and etcetera. However, I do have a major suggestion: make turbinesupportexperience@turbi relevant.
I've received some phenomenal GM support before, but also some poor support. I have been told numerous times to contact turbinesupportexperience@turbi However, despite the fact that individuals are constantlytoldthis, I have never actually received a response from that email address; nor has anyone else I have ever spoken to.
If individuals are told that they can escalate a concern, and they actually take the time to do so, that escalation needs to be acknowledged. If an individual expresses concern with a gameplay dynamic, GM experience, or some other issue, and uses the appropriate channels, they ought to, at least, be informed that someone with authority has reviewed this message. Think an issue ought not have been escalated? No problem; let me know that you appreciate my input, but will be closing my case at this time (or something like that).
As it stands, an individual who has a negative experience is told to contact turbinesupportexperience@turbi Who do I contact when my negative experience is with that very email address?
Edit: To clarify, I'm not intending to post this in order to cause trouble or whatnot; I do believe that this is a valid concern. If there were a way to handle this privately, I would be happy to do so. However, as it stands, I am unsure of where else to go. Sorry if the post sounds combative, but I hope that it can somehow help the process. Thanks, again!
Thanks! Sorry to be problematic; however, I know that several other kinmembers have also expressed frustration about this very topic (I have never heard of anyone actually receiving a response from that address), and felt it needed to be addressed.