Re: when solo doesnt mean solo
To the OP,
You are level 41, and that means you have one open Legendary Skill slot. Either Bard's Arrow or Rain of Thorns will let you decimate any pack of normals you encounter. Do you have a legendary skill yet? If not go buy the books at your trainer and start farming mobs for the pages.
What does your gear look like? Is it horribly outdated or do you keep it relatively current? Your weapon is especially important as it drives how fast you kill. Wearing very old gear will make you a squishy target. Post your character's name + server if you want some suggestions as we can look at you online and see what needs help.
What level are your Virtues, and what are they? Having good ones slotted in the 4+ range will help your survivability.
Do you carry food? Even food that you get from myriad drops, chests, and quests is worth eating. One piece of morale regen food can make the difference on a tough pull. Same goes for potions. If you're using potions that are 15 levels outdated look for new ones, they heal more and will help if you're having trouble solo.
How about crafted traps? Being able to trap an extra mob (or 3 extra with triple traps) is pretty huge when solo. Have you looked on the AH or found a Weaponsmith to make you some crafted traps?
Hunters at that level should be destroying anything in their path. If you can remember a specific example of what was giving you trouble let us know. You're probably somewhere you shouldn't be as there's no large groups of roaming Elites at that level that you should be questing near. If you can't rememer anything specific then read the above plus the sticky at the top of the forum for general advice. Between a legendary skill, your inherent skill based snare/traps/fear, crafted items, and high damage output you should be having no problems soloing at all. This game is very solo friendly and Hunters are a very strong class solo.
PS: Definitely head to Tal Brunien in the Trollshaws. There is a very nice Bow as a reward at the end of one of the quest chains.
[LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]7 Level 65s: Champ, Hunter, Guardian, Captain, RK, LM, Burglar[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen] [B]All of them are sick of grinding Scrolls of Empowerment[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][B]Awaiting change...[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]