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  1. #1
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    How it works:
    From time to time we'll be asking you questions, and here in our thread, you tell us: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand.

    Ground Rules:
    Because we want this to be a place where we can gather valuable feedback from our community we're going to be a little tougher on the rules enforcement here. Please read both the Ground Rules and the Forum Guidelines before you do anything else. These will be strictly enforced.

    Why do we sometimes ask you to limit your answers?
    Because what we’re looking for are the top issues or absolute best answers you can give. Anyone can come up with a top ten list of things they’d like to see. Filling out a list is easy, but coming up with the most important issues or the things that really matter takes a bit more thought. Those are the responses we’re looking for.

    Reminder: This is not a discussion thread. It is a Q&A. We ask questions, you give your answers. Multiple posts, editorials, debates/opinions about someone Else's answer, will be ignored or deleted.

    Polls: Polls will allow you to vote only once. You cannot change your vote once it is submitted.


    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    Least Useful

    If you could give one tip to a new player about playing a Warg Stalker, what would it be? Share your tips here.
    Last edited by Sapience; Aug 27 2010 at 10:26 AM.

  2. Aug 27 2010, 10:30 AM

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    My warg is only rank 4 so I don't have a lot of improvements to ask for. I do think one thing that would be good is the more wargs there are in a near vicinity, the easier they should be to spot. (i.e. warg packs are easier to see! Burglars too, please!)

    I'd like some kind of fear. Maybe we get one in later levels.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    I have always thought one class on creepside should be able to track like hunters can. And what better class than the wargies with their super scent?

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Disappear
    2. Silence (throat rip?)

    Least Useful
    Last edited by Sssnapdragon; Aug 27 2010 at 02:25 PM.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. FIX Disappear (I hate when NPCs or freeps pet follow me and continue to attack).
    2. Crippling Bite + Savage Fangs Bleed should do Shadow damage (not common damage), if you have the trait for shadow damage.
    3. Rallying Howl, the animation is too long, hate to be root in place for that long.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    - Maybe a AOE fear, a howl that can fear 4 targets within 20 meter for 15 sec.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Pounce (all the stun possibility).
    2. Sprint.

    Least Useful
    1. Racial trait : Pack Elder (the rating is too low, no much of a difference of mitigations).
    2. Pack Alpha : The skill is nice, able to do more dmg and absorb dmg but, the thing that I find least useful is that we can't toggle it in-combat. The skill will be really great if we have the possibility to toggle it like a stance, combat or out of combat.
    [COLOR=DarkOrange]Darkhness r7 Weaver (L)[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Green]Qualkehk r4 Guardian (L)[/COLOR]
    "[COLOR=Red]If it bleeds, we can kill it.[/COLOR]"

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Rabid bite higher power drain or longer duration
    2. Flea Bitten higher agi debuff
    3. Scratch and Snip lower dmg additional attack

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Ranged single target howl that fears a target briefly. Make the skill stick the Warg when you use skill, so you cant kite and use it, but enable you to catch a player that doesn't have a snare, or give you some room from a player chasing you.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Maul
    2. Pounce

    Least Useful
    1. Tendon Shred. F2P makes this a Pve Skill or a stun on a 5m timer for PvP. It should be reworked for PvP. Same timer, keep stun, but add a bleed, big bleed!
    2. Throat Rip. Duration isn't long enough based on the cooldown.

    I need to add that the rank 7+ skills and race traits are not all that exciting. Early ranks are very exciting, each rank there is something to look forward to. You feel a real advancement during rank up. This isn't the case in later ranks IMO. I would like to see some more exciting race/skills 7+. There should be a skill earned every rank tbh.
    Last edited by Grampsaz; Aug 27 2010 at 11:38 AM.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    1. To be honest the #1 thing I want for my warg is more cosmetic variety. We're a solid class skill-wise, but I'd trade a kidney in order to have a bushy tail on some of our better skins like the pretty r6 r8 or r10 ones. Not all of us want to look like scruffy half-shaved rats.
    2. Flea Bitten is just begging to spawn a Pet 'flea' swarm (like a Defiler's fly swarm) on your target rather than being a generic debuff. I don't care how useful it actually is; it'd just be hysterical to watch freeps try to get the fleas off of them.
    3. The r15 trait that lets us track stealthed targets should be available when we get track at r9. We have to give up something else to slot it; that's fair. Sticking it on r15 is a joke.

    Question 2
    A toggle called Equilibrium (Stealth and Shadow Howler need to be off) that makes us immune to stun daze mez. Roots snare knockdown should still work since those are more physical restraints.

    Question 3
    Most Useful
    1.Uh? Duh? Stealth. But while we're on the subject, could you guys pleeeeease make Enhanced Stealth a Passive instead of a Class Trait? It's not a big deal, but it kinda sucks having to waste a slot on something we can't function properly without. Lots of new puppies don't even realize this, grow discouraged, and lose interest in the moors.
    2. Claws. We may get better attacks as we rank, but sometimes you just can't beat a straight up, good old fashioned claw spamming frenzy when it comes to fun game play. I really wish you guys wouldn't add a cooldown to it like I hear you are. If you're fussy about balance, then up the power cost on it instead.

    Least Useful
    1.Rallying Howl. I love howl skills, and they fit the class well, but the induction on our heal is just so long it gets us killed if we try to use it while fighting anything other than a few npcs.
    2. Eyes of the Unnerving. Ditto. I adore this skill, but it's hard to justify slotting it when the dread effect doesn't stack. It needs to hit more targets in the area of effect too.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    Less power cost for claws, too easy to burn through power in long fights and in the delving.
    The bleed from the crippling bite -> savage fangs should do shadow damage assuming the warg has the shadow damage trait equipped.
    Shorter cooldown on the skill that causes +10% incoming damage on the target, the name of the skill eludes me.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Some sort of melee AoE skill, even just a small one. A 2-3 target frontal AoE attack would be great.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    Crippling bite.
    Maul/Bloody Maul.

    Least Useful
    Personally I feel like Wargs are pretty solid right now and I can't think of any skill I have that I don't find useful.
    Refer to the above statement
    Freeps [color=orange]Bjlax[/color] R5 Champ; [color=green]Kanotaur[/color] R10 Hunter; [color=brown]Bjlaxduil[/color] R4 LM
    Creeps [color=red]Bjlaxuruk[/color] R6 WL; [color=tan]Kanotaurnakh[/color] R6 Stalker; LANDROVAL: [color=gold]Robinwilliams[/color] R5 Reaver[/center]

  8. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Fix disappear. NPC's still chase you after disappear has been activated. While you're at it, fix HIPS also for burgs.

    2. Stealth level seems too high for wargs (or bugged?), even at lower ranks. A warg should not be able to sit right near a raid of freeps without being seen for a prolonged period of time. I don't know how many times I've moved right in front of 6+ freeps and was not seen by any of them.

    3. Sprint needs to be nerfed. 100% run speed for 20 seconds is a bit over the top. Either nerf the run speed modifier (50%?) OR the amount of time it's active (10 to 15 seconds should be suffice).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    * A skill similar to the Reaver's resilience would be great. Even with DR, CC is still ridiculous and this would help a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.
    Most Useful
    1. Sprint

    2. Pounce

    (A close 3rd: Throat rip)

    Least Useful

    Wargs are in a "good" place right now and need a bit of a nerf in some areas since they are a handful to deal with. (CD on claws and the CJ issue is a good start). So I only think one skill needs improvement, but I will add a racial trait that needs a serious buff also.

    1. Rabid Bite (power drain is too weak to be useful in most situations)

    2. Pack Elder (R8 racial). The rating increase is close to pointless since it's so low. The trait needs to be something different or buffed.

    (main)[COLOR="Cyan"] Kylaar Rank 7 [/COLOR]- Hobbit Burglar | [COLOR="Yellow"] KBninja Rank 4[/COLOR] - Defiler

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Post Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Moooore emotes. (I'm totally loving the emote love we've gotten so far.) *spams /cheer in a never ending tail-chasing loop.* I need a /dig that creates a temporary dirt pile, or just sprays up some dirt. (Make it open up my Creep's Bank, and I'll be forever yours. ) Okay, just had a thought. Is it possible to make the /dance1, /bow and /salute emotes work in combat? (I'd recently had a chance for some good brief battles during keep takes, and tried to give a respectful salute, only to still be in combat.) Just don't make the /rude work in combat, we have enough of rude without the emote.
    2. Tracking. I can't believe that ya hafta rank up so high just to sniff out hobbit snacks. Don't even get me started on the Traited version being uber rankiage.
    3.Tooltips need a little revamping. Warg skills (sorry, not sure if it's all, or some, or what) should indicate that they have positional damage bonus when used from behind, not just Eye Rake. (Rofl, sorry, but the image of my claws raking the eyes of someone from behind... Aaawk ward!)

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific. Chew, a root removal with a small chewwing induction, so it's not totally instant, but fast enough in a pinch. Of all the things I spend the most cash on, it would be the root removal pots.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Maul (Bloody Maul opener from stealth) I love having more than 2 stealth openers available. Thanks Jalessa! I know that one was yer doing.
    2. Crippling Bite- with Freeps havin Speed boost items, it's sometimes a 'just forget them' deal breaker if the Cripple isn't there. And if they are still fast, a whole nother story.

    Least Useful
    1. Eyes of Unnerving (I got to play around with the R15 warg stuff on Bullroarer a while ago (Mirk?). So if this skill is already due for a change, yay!)
    2. I seriously can't think of any other warg skills that are useless. They are all important skills. (Unlike a few that my LM could really do without, imo.) Rallying Howl could use a little more love. +1000 armour trait ended up saving my tail on BR more. Traiting for damage, I already had the boost from that, but really, still neglible. I know you are balancing for wargpacks though, so I'll just hush.
    Last edited by Griffy; Aug 27 2010 at 12:03 PM.
    !<3?!Wargs Rule!!?<3! But only because we have no playable feline races.
    ???s6u!?? 3?!?o?@? ?w ?o m3? @ 3?@ 3s3??
    *s6u!s* ¡?w ?o ?s3!6?@M pu@ 's3ss3??s!w-3?ol 's3s?l3?

    Founder & Altoholic: playing wargies and loremistresses since 2006 SoA beta.*Jingle Jangle!*
    A "lifetime" of play on: Elendilmir (RIP), Crick, Landy, & more.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Make disappear drop 100% NPC aggro. NPCs still attack you sometimes when the skill is used.
    2. Lower the DPS a bit. Wargs have a lot of CC skills, their DPS shouldn't be so high.
    More cosmetic skins.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Claws
    2. Pounce

    Least Useful
    1. There's not many skills rank 5 and under and all of them are useful.
    Last edited by Pusher; Aug 27 2010 at 12:24 PM.
    Darkrain / Ghostdog / Bettyford
    Pouncing Pwny - Landroval

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Other wargs will hate me for this, but I think even with advanced stealth traited, there should be enough movement penalty (not a lot) to encourage unstealthed movement more frequently. This could be countered using the speed pots if they wish, to even things up. But if you don't have the delving pot buff, you are going to be slowed down. Not a lot, but enough.

    2. As one person pointed out, why do we have to have rat tails, when the NPC wargs, at least most of 'em, have pretty tails?? This is important!

    3. Can we please get genders, not just for wargs, but ALL creeps? No new artwork required, I don't care about that, just let us decide if we are a "he" or a "she"!!! "Daizee has succumbed to *his* wounds" just doesn't sound right

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    I don't have a suggestion, but will put in a thumbs up for the suggested "chew" skill to break free of traps.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. bleeds
    2. sprint

    Least Useful
    1. fleas are pretty useless, but possibly my most favorite skill.. juice them up some with a scratching animation from the freep they are put on that makes them hold in place for 3-5 seconds Good times!
    2. Tendon shread will be going from most useful skill to near least useful after upcoming changes.. perhaps it could be changed in some way, but I don't know what.
    Landroval: Daizee (retired) playful warg of the 'moors / Tilla the Lore master / Daiska the Guardian
    Anor: Bresa the Champion

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    Wargs are the most solid class in the game, they need quite a few skills toned down.
    1. Lower their DPS, significantly -- they have great DPS, quite a few very useful skills, and all the means in which to use those skills whenever they want via Sprint and Stealth. There needs to be a tradeoff, or a weakness.
    2. A combination change -- change/lower Sprint to set run speed to 125% (maybe 150%), but lower the cooldown to 2.5 minutes. Warg sprint is quite possibly the best escape skill, and combined with Disappear, it's better than DF ever was (which got nerfed from PvP a long time ago because it was just as automatic to allow them to survive)
    3. Lower power costs of skills. Many of them are quite draining on our power pool.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Actually, nothing needs to be added. Really, the currect Warg stalker has stability than any other class in the game.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.
    Most Useful
    1. Stealth/Sprint combo -- gets me wherever i need to go with very minimal tracking/stealth detection available for Freeps; and with very minimal ways to catch me if I need to rush into the action, or get out of the action asap
    2. Pounce/Tendon Shred -- the majority of Freeps have no way to deny this from happening due to lack of availability of stealth detection or tracks, and the amount of DPS levels currently in game allow Freeps to be burned down in the 3-4 seconds that a stun lasts

    Least Useful
    1. The Retreat button -- never really use it when I play wargs, because I don't die. Our survivability is overly exceptional, due to the disappear/stealth and sprint combination
    2. None really. As I said, wargs are pretty well endowed, in regards to PvP-centricity.
    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Yellow"]I guarantee your level 65 r0 greenie BA will contribute more to your Creep raid than my level 2 Minstrel will contribute to my Freep raid. After all, both took about 5 seconds to create.[/COLOR][/size]

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Fix npcs following/shooting through hips, which includes lm pets.

    2. Savage fangs bleed make it shadow dmg if shadow fangs is slotted

    3. I dont see how my r11 warg can be feared. Im a r11 warg for christ sakes, how does a r1 minstril or hunter yell at me, making me scared? I dont see it. Make it trait if you have to, but say r9+ wargs should be immune to fear imo.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Fear immunity trait for r9+ wargs. Wether its a passive or you have to slot it, it just doesnt make sense for us to be spam feared at these ranks by no name freeps.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful

    1. Maul

    2. Rabid Bite (be nice to see its tick increased or the duration increased a bit)

    Least Useful

    1. Rallying Howl, since it got nerfed, its not even worth me slotting it (shadow howler took its place long ago)

    2. Rend Flesh, +10% damage isnt a whole lot to be honest 1.5-4 damage more maybe per hit with it on is a joke. Pack hunters > Rend Flesh 24/7

  14. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Make disappear drop 100% NPC aggro. NPCs still attack you sometimes when the skill is used.
    2. Track still should not be a R15 skill...Im sorry but the game has been out how long and there are how many R15 wargs?? Hunters get track at in the low teens lvl most have completed the trait to track stealth by mid 20's. By R7 or R8 we've put ample time into the toon have earned that ablity...
    3.Remove induction for Rally Howl...or shortin the induction greatly, most of the time I start to cast the skill and the Defeat response timer runs out while I am in the middle of the induction it doesn't cast, increase the cool down or something but it definately needs attention.
    4. Improve stealth, long stride, and a host of other skills need to be made PASSIVE we only have 6 trait slots freeps dont have to have spend a trait slot for every still they use, the traits should IMPROVE skills that are available. When you reach a rank and earn a skill that skill should be yours to use.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    >>Skill reset like "ready and able" It can be on like an hour cooldown

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. bloody maul
    2. Pounce

    Least Useful
    1. "rabid bite" needs it power drain either increased or make it stackable with other wargs bites
    Last edited by Bahtoyouall; Sep 02 2010 at 02:57 PM.

    [B]65 Hunter; 65 Captain; 65 Rune-Keeper; 65 Burglar; 65 Lore-Master[/B]

  15. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1) all warg bleeds shadow damage
    2) disappear that works (inductions stop after the skill goes off and npcs do not follow you)
    3) make snap disarm all the time instead of just on crits and make the disarm last longer than 5 seconds

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    a howl that fears freeps.

    For creeps as a whole i'd like to see traits go along w/ their appearances like +crit rate for reavers on some appearance, or +stealth in the snow for r8 and r11 wargsor something :/.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful:
    1) scratch and snip
    2) swipe

    Least Useful:
    1) not really any non useful skills, if i had to say one or a few it would be the debuff skills, most of the time when i'm fighting i forget i even have those skills (rend flesh, flea bitten, snap, and frenzy)
    2) Rallying Howl, since the nerf i havn't sloted often unless it was required for a warg pack and i don't run in very many warg packs.
    -Azsouth the Hand of Doom of Elendilmir, Rank 15 Warg
    Originator of the 1st Good 1v1 Thread (Meneldor)

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. no new skill just make track a LOT lower rank than 15
    2. A AOE fear Howl might be nice or Howl that adds a AOE debuff/slow
    3. Make disappear drop 100% NPC aggro. NPCs still attack you sometimes when the skill is used

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    No new Skill just make track rank 5 and stealth track rank 7

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.Crippling bite.

    Least Useful
    1. power drain
    Last edited by dr_willis; Aug 27 2010 at 01:46 PM.

  17. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1.Making Power drain not so leathel ( It drains about 2k when it's done .. and for it's induction and it's cooldown it's just too wierd ) And Mabey Up the anti on warg flag give it more range
    2.Hips = 100% NPC free get away =[
    3.Increase rallying howl heal

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.Pack hunters ( Traited skill @ r6)
    2.cripple + Savage wound ( I believe is what it's called. It puts the bleed different then maul)

    Least Useful
    2.warg dread ( r9 trait I believe)
    [COLOR=#FFFFFF][FONT=comic sans ms]Sylidor Keep dancing brother.[/FONT][/COLOR][/INDENT]

  18. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    I actually haven't played my Warg since the third week of MoM. While I played him heavily during SoA and enjoyed the toon very much, the class just became too easy in MoM and he has been on the shelf due to lack of interest ever since. So please consider my feedback contributions in this light. I would certainly consider playing the class again were it to become more challenging.

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Tracking: R4 Skill. In my opinion, the Warg should be the best tracker in the Moors (yes, even better than Hunters). However, I understand that they are a stealth class and this tracking power could be easily abused at lower ranks, but at the same time we are talking about large dogs that should be able to sniff prey out. So make Tracking a skill that can be earned at Rank 4, instead of Rank 8 or 9 (sorry don't remember), and make the R8-9 Skill an upgrade to being able to track foes in Stealth. Gating that ability for a Warg until Rank 15 is ridiculous.

    Of course, it would follow that if this change were made, the ability for other Creep classes to use totems for tracking would be removed from the zone.

    2. Closing Speed: R7 Skill with a 3-Minute cooldown. An out-of-combat available skill that gives a Warg a +50% speed buff while in stealth to close in on prey. I've always believed that Wargs should be the fastest creatures in the Moors. Sprint is actually a perfect skill in this regard. An added speed skill would complement that range of abilities.

    3. Ferocious Bark: R8 Skill with a 5-Minute cooldown. A 10m range skill that enables a Warg to strike fear in its opponents for a duration of 7 seconds. This would be a nice addition: 1) Because Wargs have no range skills 2) It provides an alternative attack out of stealth aside from just Pouncing or using Lethal Claws, and 3) Would work very well against Burglars, popping them out of stealth, and providing an alternative to just using Lethal Claws or Pounce (which should be avoided against a Burg anyway).

    In general, I think Wargs could do to have their class rounded out a bit by extending the ability to track at lower ranks, adding some more speed related skills, and the addition of a range attack of some sort.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    I've already provided 3 above.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Question 3
    [COLOR=Orange]Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.
    Most Useful
    1. Stealth
    2. Increased Speed in Stealth

    Least Useful
    1. I recall many of the high ranked Warg racials being bunk for the most part. I don't remember their specific names however since I never earned them on my Warg.
    Last edited by Overtone; Aug 27 2010 at 02:21 PM.
    [center]Landy: [b]Alphanova 3.0[/b] - R10 RK [b][i]Hitman for Mother Nature[/i][/b]
    Brandy: [b]Rotoreaver[/b] - R9 Reaver [b][i]Chop-N-Cleaver[/i][/b]
    Firefoot-Retired: [b]Alphazen[/b] - R9 Hunt*rd (MoM); [b]Spankdush[/b] - R6 Warg (SoA)

  19. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Please fix our dissappear - npc's and pets can still see through it
    2. The rallying howl animation is too long and makes the warg immoble though the induction is complete
    3. If claw is going to have a cooldown, please slightly reduce power cost

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    I'm happy with all pvp related skills. I would only ask for some way to regen a % of power (with a cooldown) as a defeat response. Similar to the champion's skill.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Bloody Maul
    2. Throat Rip

    Least Useful
    1. The Flag
    2. Fleas

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Quote Originally Posted by sapience View Post
    question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the warg stalker class (e.g. Skills and Abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg stalkers only please!
    1. Everyone's favorite - Fix Disappear/hips, it's very frustrating that such a huge bug has been allowed to exist for so long
    2. Move the stealth tracking down to an obtainable rank (r9?)
    3. Upgrade the dread from Howl Of The Unerving, 2 dread is kind of pointless when freeps can pop +5 hope tokens like tictacs.

    Quote Originally Posted by sapience View Post
    question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the warg stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Paw Sweep, an AoE knockback that provides a small, maybe 3-4 meter knockback to up to 5 enemies in a frontal arc.

    Quote Originally Posted by sapience View Post
    question 3
    Thinking about the warg stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.
    Most useful
    1. Bloody Maul
    2. Swipe

    Least useful
    1. Howl of Unnerving, 2 dread is just not worth it
    2. Flea Bitten, the Agil debuff is too small to be worth it, could instead apply a 'spreading' disease debuff that spreads to nearby allies if not cured (after all, fleas do spread...)
    Last edited by Garan; Aug 27 2010 at 02:37 PM. Reason: fixed quoting

  21. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Fix disappear (npc's/pets chasing)
    2. Fix disappear (getting tracked in that 10sec)

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    Add a dot to tendon shred, with the CJ change coming it will be a bit less useful and on a 5min cd. Maybe 100 or so initial dmg and ticks for 75 or so every 2 sec
    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Stealth!
    2. Crippling bite

    Least Useful
    1. I believe all of the skills are useful

    R9 hunter, R7 champ, R6 burg, R6 cap, R6 LM, R4 cap--R8 Reaver, R7 reaver, R5 warg, R5 WL
    Co founder of the one and only TEAM F ---/groundroll To Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. #21
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Fix disappear, NPCs and pets still see you and induction based player skills still do damage
    2. Due to the changes to conjunctions in the moors change tendon shred to medium to high damage initial attack with a high to medium dot
    3. Using disappear, it would be nice to have run speed set to 100%, the overwhelming slows often negate the effectiveness of this skill

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    A single target fear would be great, however, this would need to have a medium to long cooldown with a relatively short duration.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Crippling bite + Pounce
    2. Bloody Maul

    Least Useful
    1. Rallying howl, primarily due to the root and the short opening after a defeat to use it
    2. The trait that adds +10% damage, its too short to be effective on the zerg based battles we have in the moors and is really only useful for npcs
    Morrow / Praha

  23. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!

    1. Instead of adding a 1 second cool down to Claws I'd give lower to mid level wargs an incentive to use other attacks. Maybe a new attack they could use instead that did spike or burst damage, something we are sorely lacking, in exchange for not being able to use Claws for a short time.
    2. Wargs should be able to fear and to track at lower levels.
    3. A shorter induction on Rallying Howl would be nice.

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.

    1. Some kind of an assassin strike type power used from stealth that does high damage (instead of stunning like Pounce) but has a long cool down. See above.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Tie between Disappear and Frenzy really. Wish they both recharged faster.
    2. Maul/Bloody Maul

    Least Useful
    1. Rend Flesh. Only seems practical to use against NPCs.
    2. Swipe. Power feels too slow to use much in PvP.
    Last edited by Irresponsible; Aug 27 2010 at 05:11 PM.

  24. #23
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Fix the disapear bug thats been present since Moria (for both burgs and wargs)!!!
    2. Ya know...the one that we've sent you NUMEROUS reports about?
    3. See above.
    4. Did I mention see above??

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    As odd as this sounds....I'd like a Warg passive that alows wargs of higher ranks to automatically sence wargs of lower ranks if they stealth near them. Nothing wastes more time then getting a random stealth hit and finding out some Rank 0 warg tripped it. If I'm already sitting at a +5 stealth detection, I should be able to see rank zeros... Not a game breaker, just would be nice.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1.TRACK!! (Easily most used skill for r9s plus) LOVE IT!!
    2. Swipe (ha!! Evade this)
    3. Fleas. Honestly, if you're a warg and you're not using this skill to UP your Maul/BM/SF DOTS on targets and drop targets their agility....

    Least Useful
    1.Eyes of the Freaking Uselessness (was a good skill pre-Moria, but now...as it has to be traited/doesn't stack and is RTA (random target acquisition)....I'll trait elsewise)
    2. There is no Number Two.
    85 Burg; Brunnhilda -High Chieftain Sineater and Overlord Vulfen

    Vote for Neverwinter!! Vote today!! Vote for TESO!! Vote today!!

  25. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Fix disappear/HIPs bugs in general for burgs/wargs
    2. Increased duration on throat rip
    3. Reduced power cost on claws with the new cooldown

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific. To be honest, there aren't alot of skills that I would like to see added.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Stealth
    2. Crippling bite

    Least Useful
    1. Trait: Eyes on the Unnerving. Waste of a trait imo. +2 dread just doesn't have enough of an impact
    2. Rallying Howl since the nerf. Heal doesn't tick enough to make it worth slotting over other skills/traits.

    Edit for skill mix up.
    Last edited by Ames; Aug 30 2010 at 09:08 AM.
    Amestoplease, Rk
    Ambusher, Warg

  26. #25
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Tell the Community Team - Warg Stalker Feedback - 8/27/10

    Question 1
    Give three examples of changes or improvements you would make to improve the Warg Stalker class (e.g. skills and abilities). Please limit your responses to 3 brief examples. Warg Stalkers only please!
    1. Fix Disappear and HiPS
    2. FM escape skill, a la Find Footing
    3. Basic Tracking:
    Rank 5, Tracking of Stealthed freeps: Rank 9

    Question 2
    If you could add a new skill to the Warg Stalker class, what would it be? Please be specific.
    I'm liking the ranged (10-15m) howl that fears a target idea someone suggested (a la Bard's Arrow: 15s duration 30s cool down). Rank 8.

    Also the on-defeat power restore skill idea is nice. Or make it a on-crit power restore that shares a cool down with Frenzy (only if the cool down of Frenzy is reduced from 1.5m down to 45s-1m). Rank 6.

    Question 3
    Thinking about the Warg Stalker's current skills, which do you find most useful? Least useful? Please give 2 examples of each and please specify what you find lacking in the 2 least useful skills.

    Most Useful
    1. Maul
    2. Eye Rake

    Least Useful
    1. Rallying Howl simply because of the 1s induction+root afterward, and that it requires a trait slot.
    2. Eyes of the Unnerving

    Least Useful Traits:
    1. Pack Elder, it adds what? Half a percent to three resistances? Big whoop.
    Level 65 Hunter // Level 65 Warden // Level 65 Captain // Level 65 Lore Master // Level 65 Champion
    Level 65 Minstrel // Level 65 Burglar // Level 65 Rune Keeper // Level 50 Guardian
    Ongbúrz Tracker says, "Stop hittin' me, you slug!"


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