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  1. #1
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    Feb 2007

    Epic Story Plot Summary

    Anyone know anywhere that I can find a comprehensive list of the Epic Quests Plot Summary? Basically it's been so long since I've done Volume 2 or even Volume 3 Book 1 that I want to reread what's going on in the lotro story before 3.2 releases.

    I'm thinking of anything other than reading my completed quest logs.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    I would like this too.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  3. #3
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Well, you can find a very brief summary of each book here (http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Epic_Quests), but it's not very expansive and you will miss out on a lot on info.

    Hmm, now I got a bit tempted writing a summary myself :P Give me a little time, and I'll see what I can come up with. I think Turbine has done a great job with their storyline, and it would be nice to have some kind of summary available to see how each book is connected to each other.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    I have a summary of Volume I, but it's eighty-four pages and not for public consumption. But I'd love to see someone else's take on it!


  5. #5
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I have a summary of Volume I, but it's eighty-four pages and not for public consumption.
    What a flippin' tease...
    Pobo is Bad to the Bone. See why here!

  6. #6
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I have a summary of Volume I, but it's eighty-four pages and not for public consumption. But I'd love to see someone else's take on it!

    Well, I'm working on one at the moment, but it probably won't be that expansive

    Also, I have to say I'm impressed with the storyline you managed to create. Kept me at the edge of my seat all the way to the end

  7. #7
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Many of the bestowal dialogues and much of the objectives texts are located here:


  8. #8
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Volume 1: Shadows of Angmar

    Prologue to Book 5
    (NOTE: I think these books stand a bit on their own, and act very much like a prologue to the rest of the Angmar storyline, providing clues of Angmar's rise, while also giving us an oppurtunity to fight alongside famous characters from the books.) During these books, you deal with a number of different threaths set up to assist Angmar in gaining control over Eriador. Note that in most cases the books won't end with those threaths defeated, but rather acting as a introduction to the group instances where you finally end the threat.

    Prologue: Depending on race, you will deal with either the Blackwold brigands (Human), Goblins from Mount Gram (Hobbit), or the combined forces of goblins and Dourhands (Elf + Dwarf) serving under the resurrected (or maybe I should call him possesed) dwarf Skorgrim Dourhand. All those are revealed to be serving under the Iron-Crown of Angmar.

    Book 1: The Nazguls passing through Bree-Land while searching for Frodo and the ring, manages to leave a number of dangers in their wake; most notably by turning the ranger Amdir into a Cargul, but also the wight-lord Sambrog. The Blackwold brigands are broken, as their leaders decided to ally themselves with Sharky's men instead of Angmar, which naturally meant Angmar brought down their wrath upon them. The wight-lord Sambrog reveals that the Witch-King is sending the gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-Hand to the Lone-Lands, and the Dourhand leader Skorgrim to the Misty Mountains, to build up their power. In the end, Sambrog is ended.

    Book 2: Gandalf (who you meet briefly after being rescued from Isengard, before he leaves Bree), has been told by Gwaihir of troubles in the Lone-Lands, even suspecting that it might be related to what Sambrog told you, and asks you to find one of his fellow Istari; Radagast the Brown. Thanks to the ranger Candaith, he is found at the ruins of Ost Guruth. You learn of the battles fought here between Arthedain and Rhudaur, and that Ivar the Blood-Hand, along with a terrible creature known as Naruhel the Red-Maid, is using the remains of those battles to raise numbers of wights in his service. However, thanks to the help of a number of oath-breakers looking for redemption (my understanding is that they were supposed to protect Goldberry's sister Naruhel, but they failed and was cursed by Tom Bombadil. Naruhel later turned into the Red-Maid), you gain entry to Agamaur and strike down Ivar and the Red-Maid.

    Book 3: You learn from Candaith the ranger that Halbarad, ranger of the hidden refuge Esteldin, is requesting your assistance, and asks you to travel to the North-Downs. This is where we truly see how great Angmar's power has become; Fornost Erain has been taken by the enemy, and two great orc-encampments have been established in the area. However, you manage to persuade the dwarves of Othrikar, elves of Lin Giliath, and men of Trestlebridge to unite against Angmar. While the threat by no means is ended, at least now they have a chance of standing against it. Halbarad asks you to report to his chieftain Aragorn, who by now should be in Rivendell.

    Book 4: Speaking with Elrond, you learn of the fate of the Nazgul; all but one of them was washed away at the Ford of Bruinen. However, as long as one of the Nine remains in the Trollshaws, the Fellowship (whose purpose you do not know) can't leave Rivendell for their mission, and as such the fate of the last Nazgul must be revealed. After a long search he is found, and while the Nazgul flees, you and Legolas manage to stop the wood-troll chieftain who the Nazgul was trying to bring under his control.

    Book 5: Heading north in pursuit of the Nazgul, you meet with Gloin, who is dealing with the threat of the Dourhands in the area. While on the trail of the Nazgul, you break into one of the Dourhand strongholds through a secret way alongside Gimli, and defeat Skorgrim Dourhand once and for all. When you once again find the Nazgul, he is in the former dwarf-stronghold Helegrod, which in days of old was ruined by the great dragon Thorog. Now dead, the Nazgul seeks to bring him back to live with the aid of another gaunt-lord, Drugoth the Death-Monger. Though the dragon is brought back, Drugoth did not manage to bring him under his control, and for now the dragon is not a direct threat, staying at the ruins without anyone to lead him. Also, the Nazgul is brought down, and his spirit is sent back to Mordor.

    Next post will deal with Book 6 through 15, which as I mentioned I think stand a bit on their own. Most of what I posted is based on Lotro-wiki, and what I remember from the last time I ran them, so feel free to correct me or add anything you feel I missed.

  9. #9
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I have a summary of Volume I, but it's eighty-four pages and not for public consumption. But I'd love to see someone else's take on it!

    Can i read it? I'm neither public or a consumerist!

    i have cake for trade...
    Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    I use this when i want to go back and look at stuff......It's far more extensive then anything else i have found so far........


  11. #11

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by FormulaTroll View Post
    What a flippin' tease...
    what he said.

    MoL, what are the chances of seeing volumes 1 and 2 remade into book form? I know I'd buy it.
    Last edited by lf2536; Aug 28 2010 at 06:15 PM.
    The Usual Suspects, if you know us, you know why.

  12. #12
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Volume 1: Shadows of Angmar

    Book 6 to Book 15

    Book 6: At the request of Aragorn, who have received news from a kinman who were thought lost, you head north into Angmar in search of the rangers Corunir and Golodir. You find Corunir at the hillmen village of Aughaire, whose villagers has yet to fall under the command of the Iron-Crown. You learn that Golodir travelled with a number of rangers and hillman towards Carn Dûm, but most of their force couldn't pass past the watching stones of Rammas Deluon, inbued with some fell sorcery. Learning the secret of the stones, you manage to pass the stones, and continue the search for Golodir.

    Book 7: Arriving at the hidden dwarf mining-colony of Gabilshatur, you are told of a hidden refuge from where enemies of Angmar operate. You find the refuge, Gath Fortnir, and meet with Golodir's daughter Lorniel. Golodir is being kept a prisoner in Carn Dûm, but Lorniel has a plan to save him. Thanks to a inside-ally, one of the Hillmen, you manage to get the tools needed to craft a key to the gates of Carn Dûm, and alongside Lorniel you travel there in the hope of finding Golodir.
    This is when the False King, Mordirith, Steward of Angmar, first makes his entrance. After striking down Lorniel, Mordirith returns to his stronghold and leaves you with Golodir, a now broken man.

    Book 8: Returning to Gath Forthnir, you meet with the elf-lord Laerdan. Golodir's spirit is broken, but Laerdan believes you can reignite the flame in his heart, by reclaiming Golodir's equipment, taken from him in captivity, and returning it to him. The reforged sword Dunachar, gives Golodir new hope, and together you travel all the way to the throne of Mordirith, in the heart of Carn Dûm. After a fierce battle, Mordirith is struck down, yet all does not end well. A mysterious woman by the name of Sara Oakheart appears, and steals a Palantir previously in Mordirith's grasp.

    Book 9: The identity of this women is unknown to even the wisest, but a mysterious note brings you to the fortress of Barad Gularan, where all is revealed. The woman reveals herself as Amarthiel, former champion of Angmar, who served under the Witch-King during the height of Angmar's power. Surprisingly, Laerdan appears to know much of this women, but it is clear he is not telling you everything. Nevertheless, he believes that the Palantir stolen is the seeing-stone one of Osgiliath, and that Amarthiel will use it to find the token of her power, the ring of Narchuil, long lost. Laerdan sends you to Evendim, for he believes she will bring an army of Angmarim to the ruins of Annuminas, the only place where she can find a pedestal from which she can use the Palantir. You meet with the rangers of Evendim, and you learn that Laerdan's suspicions are correct.

    Book 10: Laerdan arrives in Evendim, and lends his aid to the rangers. Furthermore, one of Amarthiel's chief servants, Mordrambor, is captured. Yet, even in captivity, the powerful Angmarim sorceror possess great power, and manages to convince Laerdan to go after Amarthiel alone. Laerdan is taken prisoner, and while you manage to steal the Palantir, you were to late; Amarthiel had already seen where Narchuil could be found.

    Book 11: As if you had not suffered enough losses, Mordrambor breaks free, killing three rangers in the process. He leads an army to the Trollshaws in search of Narchuil, and you follow closely behind. In your search you find a diary, belonging to Sara Oakheart, which brings you to the ruins Delossad, were images of the past start to play before your eyes. You see Laerdan, and a elf-maid by the name Narmeleth, who appears to be his daughter. You also see an old women, who you recognise as Sara Oakheart. Putting together the images you saw, you realize Narmeleth is suffering from some sorcery, calling herself "Amarthiel, champion of Angmar." Laerdan is apperantly keeping her prisoner, in hope of finding a way to cure her, and has asked Sara Oakheart to watch over her. In these visions you also see Mordirith, who frees her from the prison. In the end, you are imprisoned in one of the cells by Mordrambor, who says that Angmar has already found the ring Narchuil. Luckily, you are rescued by one of the elves aiding you in the search, who was waiting outside and hid when Mordrambor entered.

    Book 12: Speaking with Elrond, he tells you that he believes that Mordrambor is merely lying, and that Narcuil is still out there. He asks you to find a way to rescue Laerdan, for he believes that the elf-lord knows of the whereabouts of the ring. Learning that Laerdan has been sent to Angmar, you manage to travel there and rescue him from the pits of Carn Dûm. You also manage to find one half of the ring, which was kept in one of the towers of Carn Dûm. Returning to Rivendell, a council is held, and Laerdan reveals he broke the ring into two. He then leaves the council, swearing that he will save his daughter.

    Book 13: After the council, Laerdan asks you to travel north to Forochel, where he has dedicated his search before and where he believes clues to the whereabouts of the other half of Narchuil can be found. However, you are not the only one searching. During his inprisonment he revealed to Amarthiel the same knowledge, and once again you find yourself in a race to find the ring. Gaining the trust of the Lossoth, the snowmen of Forochel, they send you to a old woman by the name of Saija they believe might know more. The woman sends you to a shipwreck out in the ice-bay, where you find the shade of Arvedui, last king of Arthedain, who fled to Forochel after Fornost was taken in the Third Age 1974 (?) and whom perished when the ship sent to find him was destroyed by the harsh weather. He tells you that another ship crashed in the ice-bay some time later, lead by the elf Aeril, who was the owner of the second half of the ring (if I remember correctly, Aeril was gived that half by Laerdan, and had it with him when his ship sailed to Forochel, seeking survivors from the first ship - this is why Laerdan though that the other half was in Forochel, if I remember correctly), and that the elf, or his belongings, can be found in a cave not far from there. You travel to the cave with Saija, where you encounter Mordrambor, searching for the second half. This is when Saija reveals her true self, another guise taken by Amarthiel, so she could spy on Mordrambor. As Mordrambor earlier revealed to you that he was not intending to return the ring-half to Amarthiel, but rather to his "new master", the two begin to fight, and during the fight you manage to find and escape with the second half of the ring.

    Book 14: You return to Rivendell, now with the two halves of Narchuil in the hands of the free peoples. Yet, the victory is shortlived, for Amarthiel manages to trick Laerdan into bringing the halves of Narchuil to Tham Mirdain, in the belief that the ring can bring back his daughter. Laerdan is overpowered and the halves of the ring now lies in the hands of Amarthiel. You travel there, in a last effort trying to stop her, but you're to late; Narchuil has been reforged. However, in the midst of your hopeless fight against the champion of Angmar, Mordrambor appears and informs Amarthiel that the true ruler of Angmar has returned. From the sky descends a great fell beast, and on it's back you notice a familiar foe; Mordirith. Displeased with Amarthiel's actions, he overpowers her, and grants the ring Narchuil to Mordrambor. Yet, as Mordrambor is about to end her, Laerdan returns. While saving his daughter from death, he himself falls before Mordrambor's blade. Narmeleth, now freed from the spirit of Amarthiel after witnessing the death of her father, is left to mourn Laerdan, while Mordirith and Mordrambor prepares to return once again to Angmar.

    Book 15: Narmeleth is brought back to Delossad for imprisonment, but tries to convince you that she now is a servant of the free peoples, and that she means to end Mordirith before he can lay waste to Eriador. Her words are believed to be true by Glorfindel, and she is set free. The two of you now travel back to Angmar, and in a heroic last strike, you manage to strike down both Mordrambor and Mordirith, ending the threath of Angmar once and for all. Yet, victory came at a cost, for even though Narmeleth pierced Mordirith with the sword of Dunachar and ended his rule, the damage he inflicted upon her proved to much, and her redemption proved to be her undoing as well.

    Some other stuff that was revealed throughout the storyline, but that I haven't mentioned earlier: Basically, a lot of what's happening has some tie to the battle fought at Fornost, which by that time was taken by the Witch-King. Both Amarthiel, then a servant of the Witch-King, and Narmeleth fought in that battle. Amarthiel was ended, though her spirit remained and sometime later managed to possess Narmeleth's mind. Laerdan, not wanting to tell Elrond the truth in fear of what they would do too his daughter, imprisoned her at Delossad (which can be seen in book 13) and asked Sara Oakheart to be her warden, while he tried to figure out how to cure her. Later, she is rescued by Mordirith, burning down Sara Oakheart's house in the process (the same house where you find the diary), and they return to Angmar. After Mordirith is struck down, she seizes the opportunity to alone become the ruler of Angmar, and starts the search for Narchuil.

    As for Mordirith, he fought in the battle as well, though he fought against the Witch-King; at that time he was known as Eärnur, heir to the throne of Gondor. Angmar's armies was defeated, but the Witch-King managed to escape (this is when Glorfindel tells the prophecy, that no man will kill him). When Eärnur was crowned king, the Witch-King, then residing in Minas Morgul, challenged him to single combat, though Eärnur did not respond. Seven years later the challenge was renewed, and this time Eärnur rode to Minas Morgul with a small group of knights, never to be seen again. In Minas Morgul, he eventually fell under the power of the Witch-King, turning into Mordirith, and was later sent to Angmar to rule Carn Dûm in the Witch-Kings place.

    ..wow, that sure turned into a wall of text, and I left out a ton of stuff trying to make this the bare minimum of the story. I can certainly see how your notes managed to be so big, MoL

    Once again, I'm impressed by the Volume 1 storyline, especially the way you managed to blend your story in with backstory already mentioned by Tolkien. Kudos to the Devs

  13. #13
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Excellent job, Macfeast!
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  14. #14
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    I may write a summary for Volume 2 as well, but that will be a task for tomorrow.

  15. #15
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I have a summary of Volume I, but it's eighty-four pages and not for public consumption. But I'd love to see someone else's take on it!

    If that's the summary, I don't EVER want to see the full-blown story

  16. #16
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by lf2536 View Post
    MoL, what are the chances of seeing volumes 1 and 2 remade into book form? I know I'd buy it.
    I would say 0% chance. Turbine does not have a license to publish written extensions to the Tolkien IP. I doubt SZC has this right as part of buy from Professor Tolkien. IIRC - Professor sold the written works as is. Kept the rights to build on Middle Earth via writing because he is a writer. Most likely never considered cartoons, television, movies or game rights when he was trying to raise money. Did not think to write a tighter document.

    I do not recall ever seeing any public information on exactly why New Line Cinemas was bribing Chris Tolkien to get Chris to leave them alone. There was something New Line Cinemas was doing that pushing the envelope. Enough so that they start waving dollars under Chris's nose. Still managed to have some closed court action involving beagles.
    Last edited by Yula_the_Mighty; Aug 29 2010 at 12:05 AM.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  17. #17
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Macfeast View Post
    Well, I'm working on one at the moment, but it probably won't be that expansive
    + Rep! WOW! That was amazing and if you write a synopsis of Vol 2, I'm looking forward to it!

  18. #18
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker1487 View Post
    Anyone know anywhere that I can find a comprehensive list of the Epic Quests Plot Summary? Basically it's been so long since I've done Volume 2 or even Volume 3 Book 1 that I want to reread what's going on in the lotro story before 3.2 releases.

    I'm thinking of anything other than reading my completed quest logs.
    One way to get this is to watch the Movies located on the Startup screen.
    The screen where you choose which character to play has a button "Movie Library".

    Like I told you...What I said...Steal your face right off your head.

  19. #19
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by GregJL View Post
    If that's the summary, I don't EVER want to see the full-blown story
    Hey, we're talking about Middle Earth here. Tolkien easily would have the double number in landscape description alone
    "Into the night
    Soon he disappears
    And in the back the attack of the black riders start" - [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVija7KfL80]Frodo's Dream, Van Canto[/URL]

  20. #20
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    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Volume 2: Mines of Moria + Siege of Mirkwood

    Book 1 to epilogue (leaving out the prologue)

    Book 1: Travelling through Eregion, you meet a company of dwarves calling themselves the Iron Garrison, and you learn that they are here to see what has become of Balin's company, who travelled to Khazad-Dum in an attempt to reclaim it. Meeting with the leaders of this expedition, Bosi, son of Bifur, and Brogur, son of Bofur (I believe), and their sons Bori and Broin, you help with various tasks, eventually making your way to the Doors of Durin. As the dwarves prepare to open the doors and enter their halls of old, an unknown menace known as the Watcher in the Water drives you away, taking Brogur's son Broin with him into the dark waters, and the dwarves are denied entrance. Yet, an stache of weapons with great powers has been found, and with these you manage to drive away the menace guarding the Doors, and the Iron Garrison can enter Khazad-Dum at last!

    Book 2: The dwarves are eager to explore, and set up camps at Durin's Threshold, the Dolven-View, the Deep Descent, and at the Chamber of Crossroads. Bosi, who is directing the dwarves efforts from the Chamber of Crossroads, is particulary interested in records and tomes of old that might be of use to the Iron Garrison, and asks you to be on the lookout for such. One such tome tells of the mighty axe Zigilburk, which is said to be crafted entirely in Mithril. Additional clues are found detailing a great forge dedicated to the making of Zigilburk, and one of the goblin camps contains maps which leads you and Bosi in the right direction. As such, the two of you manage to find the Heart of Fire, one of the greatest dwarf-forges ever made, though Zigilburk was not found there.

    Book 3: The discovery of the forge inspires courage and confidence in the dwarves, both for good and ill. Brogur and a number of dwarves travels east to establish a command post at the Twenty-first Hall, though Bosi is worried that the dwarves are heading deeper into the halls before they're prepared, leaving them vulnerable to dangers they know naught of. Just north of Twenty-first Hall, in the Chamber of Mazarbul, the book of Mazarbul is unearthed. While Bosi looks over the book, his son Bori prepares a strike against one of the orc encampments found in the deeps, curiously belonging to orcs of the White Hand. While the attack is sucessfull, before being struck down a chieftain of the White Hand reveals that a greater power rules in Moria, a great orc known as Mazog, which worries Bosi greatly. He tells you of what the book of Mazarbul has revealed to him; the final fate of Balin's company. Balin was killed by an orc-arrow, and the last members of the company fell in a last stand at the Chamber of Mazarbul. Bosi fears that if preparations are not taken, the same fate might befall them as well.

    Book 4: Worried about Mazog likely preparing an attack against the dwarves, Bosi tells the dwarves to start making preparations for war. In the midst of the preparations, Bori manages to take a look in the book, and finds mentions of Oin, of Balin's company, who was seeking the armouries of the Third Deep but never returning. Bori believes that Oin might have been searching for Zigilburk, and he organizes a search to find the armouries, hoping that the axe might prove powerful enough to sway the balance of power in Moria. The armouries are found deep down in the chambers of the Water-Works, and there you find not only Zigilburk, but Broin as well. After surviving another attack by the Watcher, Broin and Zigilburk is brought out of the deep.

    Book 5: Much like the discovery of the Heart of Fire did, the recovery of Zigilburk ignites a fire in the heart of Bori, who believe that the power of the axe will be enough to end the threat of the orcs. Despite Broin's worries, you and Bori make your way to Zabadgathol, the fortress of Mazog, in an attempt to end his rule over Moria. The raid ends in tragedy, as it is revealed Mazog has allied with the sorcerer Gorothul of Dol Guldur, and Bori is taken captive along with the axe. You are left alive, to bring the news back to the Iron Garrison. Not much later, the orcs make their retaliation, attacking three key locations throughout Moria; The Twenty-first Hall, The Heart of Fire, and the Way of Smiths.

    Book 6: While the attacks are repelled, Bosi believes the orcs are far to many for the dwarves to defend against, especially if they are reinforced from Dol Guldur, and fears for the fate of the Iron Garrison. He suggests that leave Moria through the East-Gate, and travel to the Golden Wood, in hope of persuading the elves of Lorien into lending their aid. After earning the trust of Haldir, warden of Lorien, he reveals to you that just recently another company passed though the mines of Moria, who now resides in the Golden Wood under the watch of the Lord and Lady. He tells you that this company brought with them sad tidings, and that already there is a group of elves in Moria, investigating the company's passing. In the darkest depths of Moria, where nameless creatures never seen by the light of day roam, these elves have made their camp, where they look for signs of Mithrandir, who was part of the earlier company and fell into the depths. After lending your aid to these elves, rescuing a elf-lord and finding signs of Mithrandir in the process, you are called back to Lorien, for the lady Galadriel wants to have a word with you. In addition to giving you a look at your future, her mirror also shows some of the events related to Mithrandir; how he fell with the balrog, Durin's Bane, into the depths, and then ended up at the peaks of Zirakzigil, where he threw down his foe. Gwaihir the wind-lord, resting in Galadriel's garden, once again prepares to rescue his wizard-friend, if he still is to be found.

    Book 7: After briefly reuniting with members of the Fellowship, the company that left Rivendell for some secret purpose and apparently was the company that travelled through Moria, you return to the halls, now with the aid of a number of elves of Lorien. During your travels, you manage to find a secret road leading to the throne of Durin, from where Mazog now rules. This road allows you to bypass most of Mazog's defenses, and thanks to the help from the elves and Broin, who now has regained his strength after his captivity, Mazog is defeated. He tells you that Bori is being kept in the dungeons of Dol Guldur, and Broin proposes that Mazog is to be kept alive, so he can be traded to Gorothul in exchange for Bori. Shortly after the attack, you are called to an audience with lord Celeborn, where he tells you of their plans; to march against Dol Guldur, in a expedition designed not to overthrow the tower, but rather to delay any attacks being planned against the Golden Wood (in addition to keeping the eye distracted, so the Fellowship can travel down the rived Anduin unnoticed). It is also during this campaign that Mazog will be brought to Dol Guldur, in exchange for Bori.

    Book 8: During your attack against the throne of Durin, Mazog told you of a terrible truth that Gorothul revealed to him; that Gorothul on orders from his lord intends to bring the nameless terrors of Moria out of the depths, allowing them to take Moria for their own. Before the attack against Dol Guldur can be launched, these terrors must be dealt with. From the deepest depths, to the highest peaks, you manage to find and destroy relics left by Gorothul, which if left alone would have drawn the creatures out of the deeps.

    Book 9: With the greatest dangers of Moria finished, the time has come to cross the river Anduin, and assault Dol Guldur in the forest of Mirkwood. The attack itself goes rather well, as the fortress was not fully garrisoned and were awaiting further armies from the east, and as such the elves manages to capture several key locations on the approach to Dol Guldur. However, the secret guard tasked with bringing Mazog to Dol Guldur are not as lucky. At first their guide, who had travelled on secret ways to Dol Guldur alongside Mithrandir before, fall, and another member is left poisoned by a great spider. Thanks to the deeds of Broin, who finds the ingredients needed for the cure, the hidden guard still manages to reach the gates of Dol Guldur. This is where the mission fails, as it is revealed that three of the Nazgul is present, and that Gorothul has no intention of releasing Bori. Another member of the hidden guard falls, while the rest of you barely escape with your life, and Mazog is now in the hands of the enemy. It is not long until Bori is rescued however, as the elves manage to capture the gates of the fortress, allowing you access to the dungeons. While most of the remaining opposition has barricaded themselves inside the fortress, a secret road is found, which allows you and Broin to reach the chamber where Mazog is held. The orc-chieftain is ended, and the axe Zigilburk returned to the dwarves. Now, the elves hold the surrounding areas for as long as they can, before they must return to their home and prepare for the coming storm.

    Epilogue: When returning to Moria, the dwarves decide to return Zigilburk to the chamber where it was found; for while the axe inspired the dwarves to perform great deeds, their rash actions caused by this always ended in tragedy. As such, they felt it would be best to leave the axe behind, never to be wielded again.


    Notice that this summary partially left out the subplot of the nameless. Basically, the nameless creatures hinted at in the books, are lead by a vile creature known as the Mistress of Pestilence. She is the one responsible for the fungus discease spreading throughout Moria. Gorothul has been instructed by Sauron to bring these creatures out of the darkness so they can take over Moria completely (I don't remember if Sauron was ever intending on ruling over them, though making Moria completely unavailable for reclaiming could be counted as a win for Sauron, even if he never would be able to command the nameless). Gorothul informs Mazog of this, that Moria is unfit for rule, and that Moria will never be free of the nameless. I believe Mazog was preparing to leave Moria to the nameless, and instead serve as a commander under Gorothul.

    While Gandalf says in the books that "Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he", in this scenario Sauron managed to discover the presence of the nameless creatures somehow. There were orcs from Mordor in Moria (also from the books), so it could just be that they found out somehow and informed Sauron, or it could be that Gandalf mispoke, believing that Sauron truly did not know.
    Last edited by Macfeast; Aug 29 2010 at 07:33 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Macfeast, thanks so much!
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Basically, it went something like this:

    Aragorn: Hey, you! New guy! Run and tell Gandalf that I'm out of beer.
    Gandalf: What a jerk. Go inform Aragorn that he needs to lay off the sauce and get on protecting those hobbits.

    <The player arrives to find Aragorn missing>

    Barliman: Hey, you! Aragorn just ran off with some hobbits and forgot his keys. Run to Weathertop and return them, would you? There's a good lad/lass.

    <At Weathertop>

    Player: Dammit, he's not here!
    Candaith: You looking for Aragorn? Radagast might know where he's gone off to. He's hanging out in Ost Guruth.
    Radagast: Aragorn? No clue. Hey, there's this swamp with a bunch of nasty, evil stuff in it... You have time to clear it out? You know, while you're here?
    Players: No.
    Radagast: Good. We leave immediately.

    <In Garth Agarwen>

    Sara Oakheart: Oh, woe is me! I am lost in a dungeon with a bunch of nasty, evil stuff in it... However shall I escape?
    N00b: Hey, that hobbit (?) has a quest ring! *clicks*
    Rest of the group: No!
    Sara: Oh, thank you! Could you kindly escort me to the exit? The long way, past all the bosses? Oh, thank you! *shuffles off slowly towards the largest group of mobs she can find*
    Players: Ack! *thud* (That's what dying sounds like, by the way.)
    Radagast: Well, that didn't go according to plan. Go tell Elrond that something bad is happening.

    Elrond: Hmm... That's not good. Speaking of not good, there might be something not good in Esteldin. You should go check it out just to make sure.
    Halbarad: Yep. There's not good here, too. I hear Fornost is particularly not good this time of year. Oh, yeah; while you're there, could you pick up a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs?

    <In Fornost>

    N00b: Hey, that hobbit (?) again! *clicks*
    Players: Dammit! Ack! *thud*
    N00b: *wins the roll on Thunderhead, even though he can't use it*
    Hunter: You jerk!

    Halbarad: You forgot the eggs... No matter. Go tell Elrond that he was right.

    <Back in Rivendell>

    Elrond: These are ill tidings, adventurer. Oh! Are those Aragorn's keys? He's been ransacking my laundryroom looking for them. You should probably return them before he dismantles my washer/dryer combo. He's convinced that it "ate" them.
    Aragorn: Many thanks for returning my keys! Hey, have you seen Legolas and Gimli anywhere around here?
    Legolas (to Gimli): I got this great idea! Let's go try to get this guy (*pointing at the player*) killed!
    Gimli: Excellent! *guitar riff*
    Tree-thing: ROAR!
    Players: Ack! *thud*
    Legolas and Gimli: That went well. Hey, why don't you go talk to Elrond and see if he has any dishes that need to be washed or something?
    Elrond: Actually, Golodir borrowed most of my dishes and hasn't returned them. Go tell him I need them back.

    <In Angmar>

    Players: The map says we need to go this direc... ACK! *thud*
    Passerby: Hey, you guys know you have to finish Book 6 before you can get past those statues, right?
    Players: Um... We do now.

    Golodir (listening to the Cure): Oh, woe is me! Mordirith has returned from the Bahamas, and all my gear is at the dry cleaners. In Carn Dum. If only there were someone not-depressed enough to pick it (and the tab) up for me!
    Players: Real subtle, there, Golodir.

    <In Carn Dum>

    Mordirith: *breaks out the Twister mat* OK, you guys can only hurt me if Golodir's left foot is on red and his right hand is on green. If either your right foot or hand is on blue, you get a +50% incoming damage penalty, and if anyone rolls right hand yellow I get a full heal. Ready?
    Players: No.
    Golodir: Yes, foul evil! *places his right hand on yellow.
    Players: GRR!
    Sara (emerging from the shadows): Hey, you guys gonna eat this? *grabs the dishes (Elrond's dishes!) containing the party snacks that everyone brought to share and shuffles for the door*
    Players: Hey! Our gamer munchies!
    Sara: Don't worry. Since I'm here, you're probably going to die anyways.
    Players: Ack! *thud*
    Sara: See?

    <Back in Gath Forthnir>

    Golodir (listening to NIN): Oh, if only we were strong enough to pursue Sara to get our food back!
    Players: Um... We are. There are slugs that can outrun her.
    Golodir: Excellent! You guys get right on that.
    Players: That "we" should really have been "you guys", shouldn't it?
    Golodir (sheepishly): Probably. Anyways, I bet she went to Barad Guluran. She has a condo on the top floor and hosts a bunch of parties that she can't really afford. Probably why she stole our munchies. You guys should head there... *snicker*
    Players: Alright...

    <Outside Barad Guluran>

    Players: I don't see her anywhere...
    Sara (jumping out from behind a bush): Surprise!
    Players: Ack! *thud*
    Players (shouting across Angmar from the rez circle): Golodir put you up to this, didn't he?
    Sara: *gigglefits*

    Golodir: Sorry about that, guys. She totally double-dog-dared me to do that. She's really headed to Evendim. No surprises this time, I promise.
    Players: You're going to have us swim messages back and forth across the lake a dozen times, aren't you?
    Golodir: What gives you that idea?
    Players: 1) Because that's how these quests always work, and 2) Because you're a jerk.
    Golodir: Oh...

    <In Evendim>

    Calenglad: Hey, glad you could make it. I have an important message for you to bring to the guys in Annuminas.
    Players: Sure.
    Annuminas guy (squinting): I just can't read Calenglad's handwriting. Could you swim back and have him write it again? Legibly?
    Calenglad: There you go. I even used ink this time instead of crayon.
    Annuminas guy: Hey, the ink ran all over 'cause you got it wet! Swim back and get another copy.
    Calenglad: Here you go again. I put it in an empty Mountain Dew bottle, so it should stay dry. Bring the bottle back; there's a deposit, you know.
    Annuminas guy (reading the message aloud): "Hey, what about this guy Mordrambor we captured?"
    Annuminas guy: Swim quickly back to Calenglad and tell him that Mordrambor is a jerk. Seriously.

    <Back on Tinnudir>

    Mordrambor: Hey, adventurer! You need a watch?
    Player: Not really...
    Mordrambor: 'Cause you look like you could use a watch. I got 'em all; Rolex, Rolaids... You name it. Real cheap, too!
    Laerdan: This guy's OK! I'll buy one!
    Mordrambor: *pickpockets Laerdan's wallet* Thank you, sir!
    Laerdan: Oh, I think I saw that Sara Oakheart character setting up a huge kegger in Annuminas. Aren't you guys supposed to be getting Elrond's dishes back from her?
    Players: *sigh*

    <In Annuminas>

    Player 1 (eyeballing Elrond's dishes from the shadows): OK, I'll grab 'em and run like hell for the zone line. You guys cover me.
    Other players: Got it!

    <Cue Benny Hill music and crazy fast-forward antics>

    Elrond (putting his dishes away): Good job on that, guys. Hey, Laerdan; why is your watch ticking so loudly?
    Laerdan: What thi... *BOOM!*
    Laerdan (smouldering): Mordrambor, you jerk!
    Elrond: While he's cooling off...
    Laerdan: Not funny!
    Elrond: ...you guys should head to Forochel. A couple of my friends there are bored and have heard you're good for a laugh or two.
    Players: Wonderful...

    <In Kuppa-Koffee>

    : Hey, guys! Elrond says you're real troopers when it comes to playing Telephone, so I've got a message for you to run. Across the bay.
    Players: Fine. What is it?
    Chieftan: Go punch Nanook of the North and tell him I said, "Tag! You're it!"
    Players: Why the hell would we do that?
    Chieftan: Because there might be some good loot at the end of this quest chain.
    Players: Good point...


    Horsemaster: Hell, no, you lazy n00bs can't ride one of my horses. Eru gave you feet for a reason. Kids these days...

    Fog Bug (to himself): These guys look like they're having too easy of a time...
    Players: What the hell just happened? I can't see a damn thing!
    Fog Bug: *snicker*
    Players: I hate this place...

    Nanook: Ow! Tagbacks! *punch*
    Chieftan: Ow! Tagbacks! *punch*
    Nanook: Ow! Tagbacks! *punch*
    Chieftan: Ow! Tagbacks! *punch*
    Nanook: Ow! Tagbacks! *punch*

    <Four hours later>

    Chieftan: Ow! OK, that's enough. You guys are alright. Here's your souvenir moose bobbly-head.
    Players: Seriously? What happened to all that awesome loot you hinted at?
    Chieftan: Would you rather have a snow globe?
    Players: No.

    <Back in Rivendell>

    Laerdan: I'm gonna get that Mordrambor...
    Elrond: Laerdan, you're a moron.
    Laerdan: Ooh! I'm gonna get him!
    Gandalf: Elrond's right; you're a moron.
    Laerdan: OOOH! *punches the wall, breaking his hand* OW!
    Elrond and Gandalf: Told you so.
    Laerdan (spotting the players): Hey! You guys are suckers, right? What say we go teach that Mordrambor not to sell me an exploding watch?
    Players: No. ... ... 'Cause you're a moron.
    Laerdan: Awesome! I knew I could count on you guys! By the way... Have you seen my wallet anywhere? I think Elrond's washer/dryer combo ate it...
    Elrond: *facepalm*

    <In Mordrambor's apartment>

    Mordirith: King's pawn to E3.
    Mordrambor: *scratching his chin* Hmm...
    Sara: You guys almost done? Dinner is getting cold.
    Front door: *Thump-thump-thump*
    All three: What the hell is that?
    Front door: *Thump-thump-thump* ... *Thumpity-thump*
    Laerdan (from outside the door, muffled): Their defenses are too strong! I cannot breach them!
    Players (also muffled): Did you try turning the knob?
    Laerdan: ...

    Mordrambor: Oh, hey. Look who it is... Just in time to interrupt dinner, too...
    Laerdan (drawing his sword): Foul wretch! You shall feel my vengean... *TRIP!*
    Coffee table: *KNOCK-OUT PUNCH!*
    Mordirith: *shakes his head* Kids...
    Mordrambor: Now what?
    Players: I dunno. This was all his idea.
    Sara (from the dining room): I could come in and kill you guys again!
    Players: No, thank you!
    Sara: OK! You want to stay for dinner?
    Players: No, we ate right before we came in and our stomachs aren't off cooldown yet.
    Sara: You sure?
    Players: Yes. Thanks, though.
    Mordirith: I don't mean to be rude, but you guys are sorta interrupting dinner. Could you take him and excuse yourselves, please?
    Players: No problem.
    Mordrambor (mumbling though a snatched mouthful of stuffing): Hey, why don't you guys take this for all the trouble you've been through? *hands over the title to a white horse*
    Players: Hey, thanks! Sorry for disturbing you.
    All three: It's alright. Take care, and feel free to stop by any time!

    <Back in Rivendell, several days later>

    Laerdan: Have you guys seen my horse? It looks just like that one... *points to "your" "new horse"*
    Players: Nope. Not at all.
    Last edited by CWood; Aug 30 2010 at 05:22 AM.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=dimgray]::: [SIZE=3][URL="http://waywatchersofcardolan.guildportal.com"][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=4]T[/SIZE]he [SIZE=4]W[/SIZE]aywatchers of [SIZE=4]C[/SIZE]ardolan[/COLOR][/URL] [SIZE=2]:[/SIZE] [URL="http://palantiri.guildportal.com"][COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=4]T[/SIZE]he [SIZE=4]P[/SIZE]alantiri[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE] :::[/COLOR][/FONT]
    [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DimGray][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/balgr/"][COLOR=LemonChiffon]Balgr Snowmantle[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=Silver]: Curmudgeon[/COLOR] :[SIZE=4][COLOR=#303030].[/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/saladoc/"][COLOR=LemonChiffon]Saladoc Willowleaf[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=Silver]: Stick-in-the-mud[/COLOR]
    [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/ciruth/"][COLOR=LemonChiffon]Ciruth of Gondor[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=Silver]: Itinerant Scholar[/COLOR] : [COLOR=LemonChiffon][URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/halvr/"][COLOR=LemonChiffon]Halvr[/COLOR][/URL], [URL="http://my.lotro.com/character/landroval/khasi/"][COLOR=LemonChiffon]Khasi Flamebrow[/COLOR][/URL], and [COLOR=LemonChiffon]Kholi[/COLOR][COLOR=Silver]: At your service![/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][URL="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/MrPinstripes/FFXI%20Stuff/AustrevenMH21409.jpg"][COLOR=dimgray]Austreven[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=3][COLOR=#303030].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]of Cobalt (Bismarck)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    LOL! +rep 4 u
    Co-Leader of The Osgiliath Guard, Arkenstone (ex Elendilmir)
    Osdor, Osdur, Osdrina, etc...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    Quote Originally Posted by CWood View Post
    <In Kuppa-Koffee>
    Ha! Love it.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Epic Story Plot Summary

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CWood again.

    lol, thanks for making us laugh, CWood!


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