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  1. #476
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    I would just like to point out that the way Turbine decides wether or not to do something like this again is primarily by looking at PARTICIPATION.

    If you do not like. PLEASE do not participate.

    The computer overlords that generate the reports that are viewed by the deciders cannot tell the difference between "Doing this for x-teen hours cuz I love it" and "Doing this for x-teen hours even though I hate it"

    And just to be clear, I will NOT be participating in this ''celebration''
    Pretending that something didn't happen, doesn't make it so.

  2. #477
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Just to clarify in case anyone was curious (and meticulously reading this thread), I didn't double post content here. I had created another thread that specifically spoke about disability in regards to playing this game. I thought that it was a topic seperate enough to be it's own. It's been moved here, where it doesn't particularly fit.

    I understand consolidating threads. I really do. I do wish mine had been allowed to be seperate so that there was a decent chance for those of us with similar challenges to share strategies.

    Chellcn, Ace bandages are my friend for this very reason! I'm pretty good with my wrists (I used to be a piano player once upon a time and have fairly good form). I have not tried wrapping it on my elbow (mine is in the upper shoulder), but I am up for trying anything!
    Eleyan Al'Landerin
    Fearless Leader of Nossecemna
    Players Council Member
    Minstrel of Meneldor

  3. #478
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnQPublic View Post
    I would just like to point out that the way Turbine decides wether or not to do something like this again is primarily by looking at PARTICIPATION.

    If you do not like. PLEASE do not participate.

    The computer overlords that generate the reports that are viewed by the deciders cannot tell the difference between "Doing this for x-teen hours cuz I love it" and "Doing this for x-teen hours even though I hate it"

    And just to be clear, I will NOT be participating in this ''celebration''
    Ummmm, Maps! They've got maps!! I has to have them precious. If it were Jigsaw running the games I'd chop off my leg to get a windmill and those maps.
    What Would Honey Badger Do[/center][/color][CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=cyan]____________________[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=cyan] |[COLOR=yellowgreen] [u]Sinea 65 Loremaster[/u][color=black]_[/color] [/COLOR]|[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=cyan][/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]|[color=black].[/color][COLOR=yellowgreen][u]Tylwythteg 65 Hunter[/COLOR][/u]|[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][U][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]|[COLOR=yellowgreen]Windfola [/COLOR]|[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER]

  4. #479
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by darkannex View Post
    There's no real need to dump on Sapience, who was kind/brave enough to step into angry / disappointed customer threads and try to present Turbine's position. Whether the position is valid/acceptable is very well and good to discuss...but let's all keep it civil.

    I appreciate the feedback, Sapience. I also appreciate that this is WAI. I appreciate the fact that some changes were made (that you were empowered to make) to attempt to alleviate concerns. I understand that you cannot go in and change the coding in the game.


    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi108 View Post
    I understand your determination to stand on decisions you made before, but the point people are trying to make still stands: THE EVENT AS IT IS ISN'T FUN AT ALL. I will probably disappoint you, but adding more tokens or even the mounts to the Lottery doesn't change anything - we still have to rely on %random% at best.
    Why do you assume Sap can change any of this? Also, Sap didn't say "Everyone will have fun" (Though I would like to see more people have fun rather then not, personally)

    So saying "I don't like this, it aint fun" in big letters to Sap is a bit pointless. I think the dead horse, which I hope is the ugly "Elf eating cake vomiting on a horse" horse in question, has been kicked enough. Lots of people don't like it, I think everyone gets that.

    I understand we are all upset, but it aint Sap's fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by gcpate View Post
    I hate this event because it's a PvP event. I do not participate in PvP (never have).

    I do not want to PvP. Ever. Trying to make me, in the form of this Festival, just frustrates and irritates me.

    This is a DANG good point and one of the reasons I hate BB. Don't get me wrong, I love GOOD pvp but I have yet to find that outside of a different game. And yes, bar brawl is PvP.

  5. #480
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    The cost of the various aniversarry items (incl Horse) are way to high given the extremely limited (and slow) way that you can earn tokens. I have 10 characters and always like to run them all through the various events for the titles and goodies so Im not opposed to grind but this event takes the cake Im afraid. I will be sitting this event out as it is too much grind for very little reward...Sorry Turbine, I love your game and the various things you do but for this event you have a huge "FAILED" rating.

  6. #481
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Disability, LOTRO, and this Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by bondgirl51 View Post
    Posting a new thread because it is a slightly different topic, and I am wondering if other people have challenges similar to mine (and any tips for overcoming them!). And yes, this does have a bit to do with the Anniversary event because it is the first time I've found that I am locked out of effecitvely participating, and it has me all sorts of dissapointed.

    My injury is minor. I have tendinitis and burcitis in my right shoulder (work related... the amount of work-related mouse injuries is on a rather disturbing rise :P) that impedes my ability to move my dominant hand by 10%. This is permenant. Normally it is not a big deal. Through exercise, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes (no heavy purses, carry groceries with my left arm, ask husband to open jars, use keyboard short cuts when on the computer, etc.), I do fairly well. Some days are a pain, but I can manage it with ice and IBProfin at this point. My problem is small, precise motions using my right arm. I just can't do it. I love video games; I'm a huge gamer. But I cannot play games that require very targeted mouse use (especially if things must be targeted precisely and/or quickly). I can't play for long times (I do raids VERY rarely, and only when I'm with a group that takes frequent breaks throughout the process).

    I've been playing LOTRO for four years! Heck, I met my husband in game. :P I'm a dedicated player. Since my injury I've had to modify how I play. Luckily, I really favor my Minstrel. I am able to largely play her, even in groups, using my keyboard and shortcuts. I dont have to click on things with my mouse, generally, or move my camera angle constantly (or with precision). And yes, I do tab to target, but some activities are not well suited for that (especially those with moving targets in games that are timed). I do not expect LOTRO to be entirely accessible to me (and especially to my playing style). There are, however, some things I just cannot physically do.

    I am very bad at horse races. People who see me often ask "What happened? Did you have lag?" Nope. It's the bridges. I cannot navigate them with the precision they need. About 1 out of 4 times, I will manage to make the race because I managed to make 1 of the bridges. I can't do the game where you run on the fence. I couldn't do shrew stomping at all last year. This year, I found I could do it if it was around 2 AM or so (tabbed targets were much easier to find) and the population was fairly scarce. I have *never* been able to do the beer brawl. Aside from just not liking it (I dont like interacting with players who enjoy messing with other players, and this game practically caters to them), I just can't target and move fast enough. To get my beer trophy, I had to ask my husband to play a round on my character.

    This never really bothered me before. I had other ways of earning tokens for cosmetic rewards (and I really, really, enjoy the fluff in this game). This anniversary? I can't win the horse races. I can't win the beer brawls. And that is me playing under the best of circumstances and does not take into account how crowded the beer brawl has become. So my only option is to sit online and enter lotteries and cross my fingers that I will get enough coins on one account to actually barter for something.

    Do I expect Turbine to change their games because I can't physically do them? No, of course not. They have, however, been very good at providing a variety of activities in the past. It might get repetative, but I had an option. I am puzzled by the utter lack of options for the Anniversary Event tokens.

    I know I am not the only person with this kind of injury. In fact, I am certain there a multitude of players who are more challanged that I am (as I am generally pretty much just inconvenienced, all things considered). I expect there are also a fair amount of carple tunnel sufferers who have the same difficulties with the mouse.

    Any strategies? Anyone else have trouble with these particular festivial games? Anyone have tips on how to complete them without using a mouse?
    I certainly understand and share your frustration. I love LOTRO, but not all things are friendly for those with limitations. (I know. I was recently force retired due to Parkinsons)
    | (2) 65 Wardens | 65 Rune Keeper | 65 Guardian | 54 & 51 Hunters |
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  7. #482
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Disability, LOTRO, and this Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by bondgirl51 View Post
    Any strategies? Anyone else have trouble with these particular festivial games? Anyone have tips on how to complete them without using a mouse?
    Probably a bad suggestion. Have you tried learning to use a left handed mouse, not easy I'm sure but worth a shot.

  8. #483
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    To step into these big threads is sort of Sapience's job no? So, it has nothing to do with bravery. His job is to communicate with the community. The community seems rather peeved.

    And no, Sapience cannot change the festival, but he can (and as far as I am aware, since it is his job) relay the anger and frustration over the event to the design and development people.

    Sapience isn't just some person who appears from time to time to brighten our days. His job is to a) keep the forums civil, and b) act as an ombudsman between the community and Turbine development.

    Was Sapience's job enjoyable today? Probably not. But every job is not cartwheels everyday.

  9. #484
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    What disturbs me most is that this design doesn't make sense for an anniversary event and the blue name response isn't heartening, given the great direction LotRO has been going in the last year or so.

    I hope it's not a sign of things to come.

    In the final analysis, customers have choice, this is a customer service issue and customers will choose, darned elephantine as they are.

    Honestly, I'm least happy about the customer service around this event. Best maybe if no one had posted - "working as designed" is tantamount to telling us to just deal with it. See above.

    My soapbox and I are off.

  10. #485
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    To me, the math of this festival just does not work for me. In an ideal situation, I would like to be able to run a number of different events, once each day, for the length of the festival, and by doing so, have enough tokens or whatever to get pretty much every item for that festival.

    But this festival... sigh. And here I was thinking an anniversary event would be Turbine saying thank you for being a loyal customer for 4 years.

    This need to grind a single event that you might not even get a token for is just painful.

    I guess you're welcome Turbine

  11. #486
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    There are some inaccurate assumptions and perhaps a few expectations in this thread that I'll do my best to clear up. No spin, just info. So forgive me if this comes off a bit blunt.

    The Anniversary Event is working as the team designed it.

    would you please forward onto the design team then some of the flaws we've been reporting thus far then Sapience?

    I suspect the biggest flaw comes off to the difficulty of doing the beer fight reliably in a high populated area

  12. #487

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by be0wulfe View Post
    What disturbs me most is that this design doesn't make sense for an anniversary event
    I have to agree with you here

    Personally, an anniversary event implies gifts, but these gifts come with stipulations - not the ones where you get tokens as you're going about your regular activities then turn them in for free things, but the others.

    It's like telling your wife you have a new dress for her but first she has to lose 5 pounds before she gets it.
    ?ª"˜¨¨?ª"˜¨¨ ¯ ¯¨¨˜ª¤.¸`*•.¸*•¸??? LOTRO???¸•*¸.•*´¸.¤ª˜¨¨¯ ¯¨¨˜"ª?¨¨˜"ª?

  13. #488
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Unique View Post
    It's like telling your wife you have a new dress for her but first she has to lose 5 pounds before she gets it.
    Or buying her some jewelry and throwing it into a sewer and telling her if she wants it she has to wade through other peoples' ???? for a few hours to get it.

  14. #489
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiot View Post
    To step into these big threads is sort of Sapience's job no? So, it has nothing to do with bravery. His job is to communicate with the community. The community seems rather peeved.

    And no, Sapience cannot change the festival, but he can (and as far as I am aware, since it is his job) relay the anger and frustration over the event to the design and development people.

    Sapience isn't just some person who appears from time to time to brighten our days. His job is to a) keep the forums civil, and b) act as an ombudsman between the community and Turbine development.

    Was Sapience's job enjoyable today? Probably not. But every job is not cartwheels everyday.
    That's a pretty good summary. Except I'd change the end a little. Even on the worst of all days (and today doesn't even come close) I enjoy my job. Sounds a bit trite maybe, and sure I enjoy it more on days where I can give the community what they want to hear, but In nearly three years I've never had a day where I wished I was doing something else.

    And you really don't ever want to see me try and do a cartwheel. Ever. Seriously.

  15. #490
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Anniversaries are when the owners of a company / club / league / etc arranges special events. They offer free tickets, bring cake, give the workers a bonus. Stores have half price on their wares.

    This Lotro even is *anything* but an anniversary.

    Having to grind 290 (!) times to get the contents (which btw, comes with deeds even).. is not fun.

    It is like the boss announcing to her workers that, in celebration of our anniversary, you all have to work overtime.. without pay. You have to pay twice the normal in the lunch room. Oh, and the cake is a lie.

    No, this is a terrible, terrible way of celebrating and honoring Lotro's customers.
    How the leaders can possibly make this business choice I do not know. It flies in the face of all good business sense.

  16. #491
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Imagine my surprise today, when I checked the lottery page, and saw Anniversary Token lotteries, not for iron, tin, or whatever, but the real live Anniversary Token used to buy the anniversary rewards. I think someone must be reading the forums......it's not a lot, but at least there is an attempt to make the grind a bit easier for some.

    Now if they can just add some other ways to the multitude of activities going on so we can earn more of them beyond the 3 in game. Or at least increase the reward. The horse races in the festivals granted 2 tokens or one race token. Why not do the same with this?
    Last edited by probitas; Apr 20 2011 at 10:06 PM.

  17. #492
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by bondgirl51 View Post
    Just to clarify in case anyone was curious (and meticulously reading this thread), I didn't double post content here. I had created another thread that specifically spoke about disability in regards to playing this game. I thought that it was a topic seperate enough to be it's own. It's been moved here, where it doesn't particularly fit.

    I understand consolidating threads. I really do. I do wish mine had been allowed to be seperate so that there was a decent chance for those of us with similar challenges to share strategies.

    Chellcn, Ace bandages are my friend for this very reason! I'm pretty good with my wrists (I used to be a piano player once upon a time and have fairly good form). I have not tried wrapping it on my elbow (mine is in the upper shoulder), but I am up for trying anything!
    have you tried the various keys like f9 for target nearest player (I remapped it to a side mouse button) or remap it to 2 and have the club on 1. then you can target with 2 and quickly hit with 1. Tho I guess this wont help if the actual player movement is the problem. I have very poor eyesight and use the targetting rather than having to click target/select with the mouse, as I often lose the mouse cursor on the screen.

  18. #493
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Good thing there was such a "good chance" of winning the "mega" anniversary token lottery. 9 characters entered in each lottery available to them. 0 wins. Every minute that goes by makes me hate this "celebration" and the people behind it more and more.

    Correction: 1 win, but it wasn't on my main, so it really doesn't help that much.
    Last edited by GodzillaX8; Apr 20 2011 at 10:05 PM. Reason: Lottery page updated after I posted.

  19. #494
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Arrow Grind it up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unique View Post
    I have to agree with you here

    Personally, an anniversary event implies gifts, but these gifts come with stipulations - not the ones where you get tokens as you're going about your regular activities then turn them in for free things, but the others.

    It's like telling your wife you have a new dress for her but first she has to lose 5 pounds before she gets it.

    Very nice analogy. Lol.

    I'd say it's pretty clear A LOT of people are unhappy about the way this event was done. Worse than poor choices when it comes to what you can do...one is a horse race...which we see every event, and the other is stripped down pvp in a primarily pve game. Wee. How does "you wanted more stuff to do throughout the event" turn into a 2 choice grind?

    I hope to see some more input from Sap, after he shows his boss this mess. Lol.

  20. #495
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulch2010 View Post
    have you tried the various keys like f9 for target nearest player (I remapped it to a side mouse button) or remap it to 2 and have the club on 1. then you can target with 2 and quickly hit with 1. Tho I guess this wont help if the actual player movement is the problem. I have very poor eyesight and use the targetting rather than having to click target/select with the mouse, as I often lose the mouse cursor on the screen.
    Put the club in the '-' slot ... it is right underneath F9 on most keyboards. Use mouse to move ... one hand on the F9 and '-' keys. Simple. The other problem that can't be easily solved is grabbing a beer without getting flung out of the arena. And no, spinning to face back into the arena doesn't always work ... whenever I've been flung out of the arena, I am being flung higher and farther than I usually am ... not sure what the cause of that is ... two people hitting me simultaneously?

    (And yes, I was playing last night ... but am burned out on it until next year. It is fun for an hour ... not so much fun for any length of time beyond that. So I'll just try to win my tokens via lotto.)

    (Ooh. I have 666 posts.)
    Last edited by Chiot; Apr 20 2011 at 10:05 PM. Reason: 666

  21. Apr 20 2011, 10:05 PM

  22. #496
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    removed due to mistaken information.
    Last edited by Mulch2010; Apr 20 2011 at 10:45 PM.

  23. #497
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    That's a pretty good summary. Except I'd change the end a little. Even on the worst of all days (and today doesn't even come close) I enjoy my job. Sounds a bit trite maybe, and sure I enjoy it more on days where I can give the community what they want to hear, but In nearly three years I've never had a day where I wished I was doing something else.

    And you really don't ever want to see me try and do a cartwheel. Ever. Seriously.
    You sure? I can see you cartwheeling while *Pew Pew*-ing up a storm! Posts like this demonstrate your heart and love of this community (even if you are getting paid!)
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
    Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
    Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler

  24. #498
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    It is very bad form to try and use a lottery with a VERY low chance of winning as part of your justification for the travesty that is this festival. And I will never do that beer brawl. I also have problems with the tendon in my left arm right now, just had it diagnosed two days ago. And even if I didn't, I do not do any form of PvP in MMOs, never will.
    Last edited by redwoodtreesprite2; Apr 20 2011 at 10:18 PM.

  25. #499
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Thoughts on the Anniversary Event

    If you map the club to your #1 quickslot for the brawl, using the numpad, and use the arrow key below for movement, all you need to is move forward and select targets, and just mash the heck outta the 1 key and right click drag the mouse for movement. The club has melee range so you don't quite have to be standing on someone. I find if you get close, then hit as you run past, it works well. Once you try for the beer, you are usually toast. And if groups see you achieving success, they will start targeting you as a prime contender, to remove you first before all others. It's very much a typical gank happy pvp arena. While the brawl is supposed to be single player, it's not at all like that. But when you give people a chance to game any system, they can and will. I got asked to team up, and I refused, calling it cheating. I just tried to be fair and not be a total lowlife about it. Guess that makes me a bad pvp gamer. Proud of it.

    I haven't bothered to mouse map, I got so disgusted last night I wanted to punch my screen. I cooled off a bit this AM and finished off two races for the 3rd horse token and ann. token, and then went back and ran 6 brawls for 3 tokens, then fled. I am sure I'm not grinding anything else beer related, but I might run races on alts to get enough for pictures. Maybe.

    I still say that having a pvp event in a pve game as the only real way to earn tokens consistently (if you can run a large gauntlet of players) is insulting to the whole premise of the game. At least they made an attempt to give more tokens to those lucky few who win a random die roll in the lottery.
    Last edited by probitas; Apr 20 2011 at 10:18 PM.

  26. #500
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Disability, LOTRO, and this Anniversary Event

    Quote Originally Posted by bondgirl51 View Post
    Any strategies? Anyone else have trouble with these particular festivial games? Anyone have tips on how to complete them without using a mouse?
    You can use F9 to target the nearest person instead of clicking them. That makes targeting someone much easier.

    You can link the club (or boots during shrew time) to the '1' key on your quickslots (or whatever key makes sense for yoo).

    When it comes to picking up the keg, hit DEL to select and U to ''use'' it. Same goes for anything you have to target and click, speeds up farming greatly.

    The keys can all be remapped through the options panel (CTRL+O then select Keybinding or Key mapping or whatever it's called).

    You can move and turn using WASD.

    So, with maybe a little key re-mapping you should be able to get it down to where you are using the keyboard almost exclusively.
    Pretending that something didn't happen, doesn't make it so.


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