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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed

    Sooo, doing the quests in Pit. Ok seems fine until you start falling through the damm ramps and walkways. Totally untested (or more likely tested / reported / bugger all done)

    Irritating but hey ! Its a new expansion I can live with that right.

    So i fall through and get stuck ... falling in mid-air against a rock. /Stuck sorts it. Have to run back in but whatever.

    Fall through ANOTHER damm hole in another ramp and stuck again. Of course now /stuck wont work b/c it has some BS cooldown. I can see why .. stop abuse and all that. My hearths are back up though (Why is'ent stuck linked to this timer?) but I am still floating in mid-air waiting for a GM b/c /stuck does nothing.

    25 mins I've been floating. I *assume* the internal CD is 1 hour (old hearth timer) so about another 20 mins of floating to go. GMs? joke. No reply. Oh my ticket is flagged as *GM has responded to your ticket* .. that was pretty instant. The *actual* reply though? None.

    Releasing a bugging POS is one thing I can deal with if your online help is actually aware of the issues (dont see how they cant he judging from GLFF on my server) and helping with work arounds (ie pulling people out of these glitches) OTH releasing a buggy POS and ignoring tickets? Thats a big FU to the player base.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    I was working on these quests today and had several bugs which involved:

    -Walking down a ramp into the ground and was stuck underneath the ramp.
    -Walking up a ramp and falling through the floor to the ramp below.
    -Getting stuck at the top of the ramp unable to move forward unless I jumped over it. (Similar to the bugged platform in the rift.)
    -Walking along a flat ramp and all of a sudden falling through the ramp to my death.

    All happened multiple times. I ended up rage quitting...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    this kind of thing is why i stopped testing for turbine on their invite-only test server.

    this is also why i always advise friends in-game to wait until the first patch after an major update before going into new areas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    I've actually NOT done the pit because I've heard so much of this kind of thing. I've been told it was all reported in Beta, and pushed through regardless. QA is not an empowered team over there I'd say. Customers avoiding product due to overwhelming bad word of mouth is never a win.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    I bugged this garbage a few times in beta.

    Never could get very far in there due to the holes. Was so annoying I left and never went back.
    If this is WAI, then Worst. Game Mechanic. Ever.

    Pleased with many other elements of this release. Pit falls, not so much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    I could care less that there's no map of the pit, but falling through ramp after ramp and getting stuck is unpleasant. Probably took me close to 2 1/2 hours to complete the 10-15 quests in there due to navigation difficulties.

    If you rage easily, skip the pit of iron. I had to take a break after and play a ranger to relieve some of the stress that was induced from attempting to level in the pit of iron.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    Working in there now and I can say, I've fallen through flooring at least 30 times tonight in almost every area in the Pit. If I wasn't so close to finishing the area, I'd leave and never come back.

    Also I've been stuck in combat for many minutes several times. You just have to log and load back in to get around it, but the log out timer makes this a hassle too.

    And one more thing about this very annoying place, there's no map so you have no idea how to get around without basically covering every square foot of it on foot/goat.
    Last edited by draconis-halberd7; Sep 30 2011 at 10:44 PM.
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=#00ff00]Ours is not to wonder what is fair in life, but to take what we have and make cat ears for cute girls to wear[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=#b22222]Toshirat R8 BA, Nerfbatzergrat R7 Reaver, Arliknakh R6warg[/COLOR][COLOR=#add8e6], Mihall 100Captain, Tarhigen 100LM, Kalaeya 95RK,Sume 85Champ, Theophilea 85Warden, Toboe 65Hunter, Cheza 40Burg, Koriana 40Guard, Kumako 16 Beorning

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    I've been doing the pit on my champion and i'm sorry for the people in our kin who where on our voice server. This place has so many bugs that it never should have been released to the public. As some above me already mentioned I encountered:

    1. Several ramps you just fall through (either to become stuck or die)
    2. No map whatsoever of the place.
    3. Questpointers totally useless
    4. Several time that I was stcuk in combat and had to relog to solve it.

    I've had good fun up untill this part of the game. Sadly this made my mood quite bad!
    [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Hairball[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Champion : 75 (Tailor)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catnic[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Minstrel : 75 (Woodworker)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catatonic[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Captain : 75 (Metalsmith)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catsnack[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Loremaster : 65 (Weaponsmith)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catbowjob[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Hunter : 75 (Tailor)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catatanky[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Warden : 65 (Jeweller)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catapullt[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Guardian : 65 (Unemployed)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Catburglar[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Burglar : 75 (Scholar)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=paleturquoise]Blubbermouth[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] : [COLOR=silver][I]Runekeeper : 65 (Tailor)[/I][/COLOR] | [/FONT]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    The expansion was rushed and released before fully completed. Take a look at Nan Curunir, its the worst quest area ive ever been in, the pit of iron was disgustingly annoying, the epic wasn't completed.
    The rewards become extremely bad and the cosmetics are the same as in starter areas at lvl 7.
    There will be a lot of fixing needed in the update.

    Sidenote: There is no way, and im absolutely certain about this (a kinnie reported the issue in beta amongst many others), that they didnt know what a hell hole the pit of iron is.

    Only fools and dead men never change their mind

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    They know the Pit of Iron needs fixing.
    Probably cos this is the 20th thread about it in the past week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed

    People always complain about the holes, but no one ever mentions how fun it is to gather all the goblins up and then set fire to the barrels, that's Halo warthog style fun right there. Of course turbine decided to make gathering the ore repeatable and not the quest that shoots goblins bodies into the air like rag dolls summarizes the what went wrong with the pit of iron.

    Ranadin + Happyfish = Ranafish

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed

    Honestly, what annoys me more about this area isnt so much the fact that you can fall through alot of the platforms, but just how difficult it is to navigate lol. Since you can't pull up a full map of the area, it can be very difficult to know where on earth you are! I've been getting better as I've been doing the repeatables there for rep, but its still worse than anything moria threw at me!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed ####

    Quote Originally Posted by Fortinobrand View Post
    I've actually NOT done the pit because I've heard so much of this kind of thing. I've been told it was all reported in Beta, and pushed through regardless. QA is not an empowered team over there I'd say. Customers avoiding product due to overwhelming bad word of mouth is never a win.
    Same here. I was in Vent with some friends and they were ahead of me in leveling. I heard all about this place. I walked into the cave and saw it was The Pit of Iron, I immediately left. From I have heard from friends and other players, this place sounds like it's definitely not worth the headache.
    Do you remember the taste of [color=red]strawberries[/color]?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed

    I figured there'd be glitches and bugs whenever Isengard went live and from the sound of it, this is where a good chunk of them are at. I think my Loremaster will avoid the Pit and do some other stuff to level up.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: The pit of iron, BS untested or unfixed

    As Sapience has mentioned in another thread, we are fully aware of this and we're looking to implement a fix on it.
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