I'm a premium player and checked the store/account history but no points were added.Didn't you promise 250tp to premium and vip players?
I'm a premium player and checked the store/account history but no points were added.Didn't you promise 250tp to premium and vip players?
They'll add it when they are sure everything works fine.
Quote from lotro facebook page:
"Please be aware that we have not awarded the 250 TP compensation as of yet. We will award these points once we can confirm that our service is stable and everything is running smoothly."
Willion - Burger 105
Thanks,I was worried because I thought everyone got theirs and not me.
Relax Choon_Blaze, Turbine said they wanted to make sure the servers were STABLE and working properly BEFORE they start to hand out reimbursements to those who are qualified to receive them.
I'm just glad to see the servers back up and we're back in...thanks Turbine for the thoughful jesture...appreciate it and take your time.
It's all good.
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
~ Bilbo Baggins * J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Very nice indeed...
Elendilmir - 95 Hunter Berenthalion - 80ish Burg Berendybuck - baby warden Berenion.
Worst Reaver on the server BerendyBash - R4
Worried about 250TP? Seriously? The game was offline for (60) hours, you missed out on a lot more than 250TP, who cares if they even give it out. That little bit is just insulting, just like the additional days. How does additional time help lifetime accounts? Oh, it doesn't...
We who have lifetime accounts lost absolutely nothing during the downtime, financially speaking. As a lifer, all I really lost was a couple days of Hytbold dailies that I never look forward to doing anyway. Those who pay monthly paid for a number of days of service that they didn't get, and they are being given those days back on their accounts.
The downtime happened. We had to find something else to do with our lives for a few days. Big deal--get back in the game and start having fun again. Stressing about what you get, or what others get, doesn't do anything other than continue to keep you away from that fun.
From Sapience in Official Discussion thread:
"As a thank you for your understanding and patience during this downtime, all PREMIUM and VIP players who have logged into their account in the past 30 Days (as of 6:00AM Eastern time on 2/14/2013) will receive 250 Turbine points."
Premium gets the points also.
dont worry, i freaked out when i saw i didnt get it too
250 TP........there's more important things in life.............
672 hours in February. At a $14.99 subscription price, that means you lost $1.33 worth of time (it's roughly 22 cents an hour). Now, not only are they giving you that value back, they're also adding on 250TP (depending on source and volume of points purchased, about a $3.12 value).
The TP are more than double the value of the time actually lost...plus you're getting the time itself back. Unless you're lifetime, in which case you're getting more than double the value of the actual downtime on an account that's already long since payed for itself.
What do you feel would be less insulting?
The forums are not an accurate representation of the thoughts and feelings of the whole player base. Those who like a particular feature are in the game enjoying that feature. Those who don't like it log out to mention it on the forums. It is a relevant but biased source of feedback, and any claims of community desire should take this fact into account.
Yes... life is indeed tough for lifers. Indeed, it's agonising to think that you'll never need to worry about purchasing/grinding points for, or renting ALL pre-Moria content or additional (non expansion) zones. And oh.... the woe that must strike deep to the core when you realise you'll never need to spend Turbine Points, or sub, to provide your characters with extra bags slots (save the most recent), swift travel, no gold cap, or trait slots.
Really, the unfairness you endure is the very epitome of injustice. Truly, my heart bleeds for your eternal suffering.
/sarcasm off
I don't have an issue with lifers, incidentally; I simply have an issue with the self-entitled whining coming from those lifers who feel inadequately compensated for the downtime. Reminds me of a bunch of over-indulged children screaming for sweeties.
I also find the whining generally rather pathetic. OH MY GOD.. you had to find something else to do for two days... *gasp* Oh the tragedy of it. The posts in these forums and those on the LOTRO facebook page would be excellent amo for those morons who try to claim that gaming is hazardous to the health.
As to the points, personally I'm grateful. I went off and did other things, played some old games when I had a bit of downtime, and then I discover I've earned 250 TPs for no effort on my part at all. Really, I don't see the problem here, and Turbine did not *have* to compensate people with those points. Did they do it in part for customer relations? Sure. But, given that the most vocal whiners are those whom are the most addicted.. it's unlikely those individuals would have left.
Last edited by ArtemisNoir; Feb 18 2013 at 04:06 PM.
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
You fell for the.joke Salience and the devs played on us all about the 250 tp?
Like the cake, the points are a lie.
Bah. As a lifer I'm happy with the 250 TP. It's better than nothing, which was what we got when Ultiima Online used to crash all the time with the regular rollbacks. I remember one night I spent all evening working on my taming skill when the server crashed and rolled back 4 hours. That sucked.
I'm a lifer and I feel that we do not deserve anything more than anyone else is getting. Besides, we've made back our investment literally years ago.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
No. No.
I want my free stuff, I want *more* of it, and I want it faster. I mean, I wasn't even in town for the downtime, so I didn't get to vent my frustrations on the forum! I got back from a weekend in the scary outside world to find everything working fine, and myself robbed of the catharsis of a good forum rant.
There is no repaying the grave injustice that has been done to my soul. I demand unlimited 1st Age weapons for life, eleventy million skirmish marks, a unique forum title, and 5 Scented Candles.
Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...