Hey Grats on 14 Bush!
Hey Grats on 14 Bush!
Rustynailz The Black Blade
Great Job Bush.
Congratulations for one of the most reliable creeps on the server. Certainly very well deserved
Gratz Bushy
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
Grats Bush.
Creeps - Bigdaddycool, Bigsexxy, TheBigHurt, TheBigUnit, BigMomma, Jashin.
Grats Bush.
Gungus - Captain
Congratulations Bushwak, just one rank to go...
Grats Bush! Now lets have the first 15 be a creep!
Anat ~ Damspider, The Black BladeTeslafoil ~ Allure, WeGotThis
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war"
Thanks everyone.
Little belated, but gratz
P.S. sorry for jumping around while you killed me...i just wanted to help you get that one step closer to 14 :P
<<<<<Self-Made Signature>>>>>
<<<Ask For One And I Can Make You One>>>
Gratz Bush!!!
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]