Originally Posted by
We do this because while some players like to make some pretty interesting claims about their infractions, bans, warnings, or what not and we can't really reply to them in any meaningful way publicly. By that I mean literally taking their player history and dumping it out in the forums and saying "well.. actually.. here's what you got, when you got it, why you got it, your PM about it, the language you used, the warnings you were given before the infraction, etc etc." I mean, we could there's nothing really stopping us except that rule which we follow. That and it would be pretty embarrassing for the person involved and would more or less make us look like some kind of bully or worse.
As much as I respect Turbine's policies here, it used to be a routine occurrence on the Riot Games forums that someone would post a "Tribunal is broken! I got banned for nothing!" thread, then someone from Riot's player behaviour team would pop in to explain exactly why, with quotes from the in-game chat logs, that person actually got banned. They always deserved it.
After a while, people stopped posting those threads on Riot's forums.
Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
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