I would like to say I have a few hobbit lasses myself... and while mebbe one jiggled her ale keg on her back a bit much from the last running option, now I just feel like it's unnatural all the way around. So I'm voting: please, put it back.
I would like to say I have a few hobbit lasses myself... and while mebbe one jiggled her ale keg on her back a bit much from the last running option, now I just feel like it's unnatural all the way around. So I'm voting: please, put it back.
*bandages his head and puts a steak on his eye*
For the love of pie please change it back!
I was merely admireing a lass and she thought i was stareing at her walk! Its not safe in the Shire for us male hobbits! Take pity!!
*has a stiff drink and a lie down*
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what just happened
I am so sorry, Harbut. I don't know why I am such aggressive as of late - I honestly did not want to punch you but I think the Valar have put something in our teas that makes us so angry all the time. I hope this ends soon because we don't want our lads to run away from us!
OOC: LOL, that was a good way of putting it, thanks for the laugh. I hope the animation team will now have an understanding of what they did to us hobbits.
Having played a hobbit as my main for two years now, regrettably I have to say that I don't hate the new animation. However, I do *not* want to simply roll back to the previous animation -- which, while walking, somehow looked a little bit like a duck/goose waddling to me. So, given others' complaints, why not go for a third option and try to fix/improve it once again? If not, because too many higher priorities exist (likely), why not create a option/toggle between the old walk animation and the new one and let folks choose?
edit: upon further review, I'll amend the above -- the problem is the arms. They flail around while running, and are held out a bit while walking, neither of which say a human character does. So, yeah, fix that one way or another.
Last edited by VeteranLurker; Nov 24 2013 at 05:14 PM.
Byrcha of Landroval, officer of the Lonely Mountain Band
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
This new walkin' style makes my missus seem like she's upset with me or somethin'. I don't like it one bit.
((honestly, did you have to go and change something that *wasn't* broken? I mean you've got enough broken stuff to fix, right?))
Tamoro Quickfoot, esq. Gentleman Farmer/Cook/Brewer. Treasure-hunter (semi-retired) and Husband of the lovely Tearna
Lonely Mountain Band/Quickfoot Estates - Landroval
Well my friend completely refuses to walk on her hobbit now. Maybe i pulled a hulk joke one time too often, but last time i woke up with a splitting headache and she absolutely refuses to walk since then.
So uh do my head a favour change it back!
Nothing here matters.
*more sobs*
How could this happen? My sweet hobbit lass now looks like a menace as she walks! Why oh why????
Turbine developers...please bring back the old hobbit lass walk. I loved it back then...and now I hates it so!
It makes me want to /cry every time i see my little hobbit run or walk. I hate hate hate this new animation, plz plz plz change it back.
Sadly, she runs like a female pandaran and not a Hobbit Lass, and at least the pandaran has a tail to hinder her running for an excuse. Please listen to our wishes and change the animation back, fix the skipping trip in the run, the stomp in the walk, the flailing arms... need i go on? Don't make the same mistake other MMORPG Devo's have made in not honoring the wishes of players...
I reeally hate the new walking animation. My hobbit lady looks like a very angry godzilla while she walks through the shire.
She's a minstrel wearing a shield ...but please, give us back the old animation!
Still not a single word from anyone on Turbine side? Very dissapointing.
[COLOR=#008000]85 lvl alts: champion, guard, captain, warden, burg, minnie, RK, LM[/COLOR]
no one should be swinging a shield back and forth when they run. either put it on the back or hold it still while moving. seriously it looks weird like eating shield sammich. nom nom nom.
You are right about the arm position, in fact it looks absurd on females of any race...nobody holds their arms and hands like that in RL. Why? Because it looks stupid and is also unnatural. If you walked or ran around holding your arms and hands like that people would think something was wrong with you.
Hobbit females used to hold their arms straight down and their hands in fists when they walked or ran. That too looked a little silly but way better than having their arms bent and their hands held in a strange position most often associated with movie zombies.
Last night I checked if it was really that bad. But wow, my sweet little Snarfia looks like a dwarfs when she walks.
It looks so weird when she looks very cute, and then she walks like a man, haha. I really hope that they change it back, it just doesn't fit them at all.
[b][url='http://ananorielmiddleearth.tumblr.com/']Ananoriel's Middle Earth[/b][/url] - My LOTRO blog on Tumblr.[/center]
When a person is walking they leave the arms hanging down because it is the most energy efficient way to hold the arms.
It is even more obvious when they walk with a shield: That thing is heavy and quite naturally you leave the arm hanging down when you just walk (and don't fight).
And regarding the walk thing overall: Boromir said it already: You don't simply walk into Mordor. Either YOU RUN INTO IT SCREAMING LIKE HELL DISEMBODYING ORCS AND GOBLINS AND WHATNOT ON YOUR WAY...
...or you walk. Calm and in peace. Without shield. In the sunshine. Looking at a wonderful Shire-rainbow. And smile. Because you are a hobbit. And don't belong to the fight.
Yup. I dont really understand why though. They changed emotes for hobbits about a year ago (perhaps longer) without any reason. No one was complaining, but they did it. People were asking for return of old emotes, but guess what, nothing happened. Same with this "experiment". I never saw anyone complain about walk/run/dance animation for hobbit lasses and I basically live on this forums. But here we go, another change because some dev decided it would be fun to piss off people and replace cute animation with gorrilla/zombie animation. And again, total silence from devs side. Instead of admit they made a mistake and return old animation back.
Really Turbine, you are doing everything in your power to drive me away from this game. With no endgame content (and no, BB are not endgame content, decent multiboss instance cluster is) and class revamp which I really hate, casually strolling through Middle-earth (CSTM TM) was last thing for me. But now I cant even look on my toons without get angry.
[COLOR=#008000]85 lvl alts: champion, guard, captain, warden, burg, minnie, RK, LM[/COLOR]
/signed - by the player of quite a few female hobbits
Looks like the new animation was designed by the Ministry of Silly Walks! Please go back to what we had before.
The animations for all races are messed up it seems. All of my characters "skip" every few steps.
Our animation team has taken a look at this animation and agree. They'll be changing it back to the previous walk and run animations in an upcoming patch. Possibly as early as 12.1.
That is great news for all us hobbits!
Thank you, Turbine devs and also Sapience for helping us
Well, that a real head-scratcher there Team. If the team likes the old animation better, then why did the new one get green-lighted for Live?
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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