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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    What exactly does DA Setbonus do?

    Hi Cappies out there.
    My Cappy will soon reach lvl100 and i wonder, if the DA Set with those two defensive Bonusses would fit into a yellow tanking built.
    As Cappy can reach very high avoidances, id like to know, what exactly the bonus does as it doesnt say it clearly.
    Would be nice, if someone could write the numbers and if its percent or just rating on those bonusses.
    If those bonusses are bad, there would be no reason to buy any part of the set. if it was like +10% mitigations for 15% chance and +5% evasion on every used skill in 4-parts-bonus, it might be nice...
    So... fistly im interested in the numbers.
    Secondly: does anyone use the set?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    DA set is ####. 1400ish tac mit proc that applies only to you is not worth wearing 2 pieces of that stuff over essence armor. *Edit* I haven't seen any "well geared" captains using it, just people who are still using quest gear, sometimes 3rd ages and whatnot. If you want a mitigation proc for tank build, get the 3 piece BB set. That is far and away superior to the DA set because it gives you +10% to both phys and tact (and % buffs can go over cap, while rating buffs do not) plus it applies to your entire fellowship, not just you.
    Last edited by Hirandiel; Jun 22 2015 at 10:40 AM.
    Nanci - 115 Captain / Hirandiel - 115 Hunter / Hildimar - 115 Minstrel - "Weekend at Bill Ferny's" - Arkenstone (formerly of Windfola)
    Nimgarthiel - 75 Captain / Gliriel - 50 Minstrel / Hereniel - 25 Hunter - "Succulent Meats" - Arkenstone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    ok. so first bonus is 15% chance to proc 1400 tact.mit. for only the cappy himself. thats really bad. would be okay, if it was 100% and not 15% procchance OR a 15% proc for something like 20%+tact-mit.

    what does second bonus do?

    it sais, it increases evasion ... but not how much.
    if it was +5-10% or +10000 rating, it might be worth wearing the set and not essences :P

    i clearly see, that the BB bonus is really nice. but one could have both, thats why i would like to know, what DA-Set does, as it doesnt say it itself. at least, it doesnt in german client. dunno, if english client has numbers there
    Last edited by Oelle; Jun 22 2015 at 12:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Honestly, if you're looking to build for tanking then you are better off not even bothering with the DA set and just using essence armor. I don't remember the value of the evade buff but I doubt it's anywhere near what you'd like, certainly not 10k rating lol. If you need evade rating then slot an essence or two/ get some from relics.
    Nanci - 115 Captain / Hirandiel - 115 Hunter / Hildimar - 115 Minstrel - "Weekend at Bill Ferny's" - Arkenstone (formerly of Windfola)
    Nimgarthiel - 75 Captain / Gliriel - 50 Minstrel / Hereniel - 25 Hunter - "Succulent Meats" - Arkenstone

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I do not know what the 4part buff does.

    The 2 part was an idea, but the buff is less. Some were it.
    The 4 parts need 4 Armour slots. That have to be a very good buff. Like the Etten Moorset with 5% more damage for the whole group.
    To set up with Essence Armour will does is much more better.

    Hirandiel wrote is allready, take the DA Jewels. That count to the whole group and is Percent based.



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