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  1. #1

    [ROLEPLAY] GMs and RP kins wanted

    Hello Laurelin community

    Two of us want to try an experiment with as goal to give more immersion and internship opportunities. We are looking for 2 more gamester.

    gamemaster= someone that loves to create content/ events/ stories/ etc for other people to enjoy. Someone that is totally into RP

    We are also looking to make a list of kinships that have RP as an important part of their kinship. A kinship that wants to bring our server even more to life.

    If you are interested to work together drop me a msg on LA on my name Oronir.

    thank you and happy gaming

  2. #2
    FYI - At the Kinship of Durin's Folk we regularly have RP events that have a GM, both on our forum (as text based RP games) as in-game (GM-lead or GM-guided RP events). They are always great fun and highly recommended for any RP kinship. Any dwarf RPer is welcome to join us of course (durinsfolk.shivtr.com). We are also open to GM-lead/GM-guided RP-events that involve several kinships.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Thakalgundian View Post
    FYI - At the Kinship of Durin's Folk we regularly have RP events that have a GM, both on our forum (as text based RP games) as in-game (GM-lead or GM-guided RP events). They are always great fun and highly recommended for any RP kinship. Any dwarf RPer is welcome to join us of course (durinsfolk.shivtr.com). We are also open to GM-lead/GM-guided RP-events that involve several kinships.
    Heard good things about during folk. I have a starting dwarf character alt i am meaning to play. Perhaps when i should and get to know you guys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Swords for Hire

    In our small kinship we are roleplaying mercenaries.

    If any GM ever needs a hired character to participate in a plot, feel free to contact us.
    Our most active chars are:

    Reevas, lvl100 Captain, full guilded Scholar.
    Alataar, lvl88 Lore Master, full guilded Jeweller.

    Our presentation post is here:




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