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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    How did you come up with names for your characters?

    Someone posted a video of someone (MMO savvy) trying out LOTRO for the first time and the thing he had the hardest time with was coming up with a name that had not been taken and eventually ended up using his YouTube name (The LazyPeon *RPGers sudder*). I had a similar problem and ended up naming my first after myself. For my second, I tried to aim a little closer to an Elvish sounding name and came up with Elrashea (Elf Champion). And then the third I named Esrador Man Lore-Master). At this point the lookalike names where starting to get confusing. For my next three what I did was use the random name creator about ten times for each and picked the prefix and suffix I liked best out of those and combined them. For my Dwarf I got Oddkeg which I thought was a perfect name for a Dwarf. And then Supro for a Hobbit. On the last one I got Thurafang (Man Captain) as a whole name, loved it, expected it to be taken, but it wasn't hooray.

    So how about you? Any particular formula used? Did you try to stay in keeping with the types of names Tolkien used? Did you do research into the languages of Middle Earth (either then or prior to that as a fan)?
    Last edited by Sheaezra; Jul 11 2016 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I guess it was a bit easier over 4 years ago when I started playing. For me the first rule was that the names had to "sound right". I didn't want some Arknkmeft or something that would get a knot in my tongue every time I pronounced it. Second rule was to try and get something that fits the race and/or class of the character. Third rule was no fun names as this wouldn't fit RP.
    The last name of my characters also has to do with their race and/or class/life.

    For example my hobbit burg is called "Barandic Schattenschritt" (translates to "Barandic Shadowstep" in English).
    My dwarf guardian is called "Thorungir Eisenschild" (translates to "Thorungir Ironshield" in English).

    It took some time to find nice sounding names but I think it's worth spending that time as the characters have to live with that name for the rest of their lives and we don't want to feel the "oh god, what a creepy name have I selected..." every time we login a character.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    When I was playing World of Warcraft when it first came out I had trouble finding a name that was not already taken. Finally out of frustration, i made up fhe name "Nymphonic" from desperation. And I've used that name in every MMO I've played ever since.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    When i make a new character for me it must be appropriate, i made up my characters names, except jorunn (which means horse lover) found on a naming site for old style names around middle ages, I made Pontin after reading names in the book, to be like Ponto or porto, these names can be found under the Appendix C Family Trees in the Return of the King book.

    If any like to come up with name this a good site to based names off or make you own norse names http://www.behindthename.com/names/origin/old-norse or for english names http://www.behindthename.com/names/origin/old-english
    Last edited by friendsofthetooks; Mar 07 2016 at 12:44 PM.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    My first was Ingo. That's been my long term MMO character name and it did not feel out of place in Middle Earth.

    Halras was second. I looked over the suggested prefix and suffix info and picked a pair that made a short, easy to spell, easy to pronounce, name.

    Then I looked over the prefix and suffix lists and had a bit of fun with the next two.

    I created a totally bald Hobbit Hunter and named him Rilibald, because he is.

    The last was Hesred, a Man Guardian with the fullest head of hair and beard possible for a Man, colored the brightest red possible. Named because he's red.
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

    Cener, Ingo, Rilibald, Hesred, Halras, Belegthelion, Ingoror, Gloringo
    Arkenstone (ex-Elendilmir) - The Osgiliath Guard - http://www.theoldergamers.com

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I think the funniest (and worst) name I ever saw was TrashCan with the title Fly Swatter. A lot of titles are comical. Usually I prefer the cleaner look of just the name sans title. But for Supro, my Hobbit Burglar, I gave him the Kinship name Kelptomania. Some Kinship names are pretty comical too. I think my favorite silly one is Hobbit Mafia.

    I've come up with mostly comical names for cosmetic pets too. I have two white swans I named Aflac. My Hobbit Burgalar has a spotted shrew named Vermin. My Dwarf has a goat named Dopey and my LM has a goat named Goatdalf. I also named his sabre-cat Snaggletooth.
    Last edited by Sheaezra; Mar 07 2016 at 01:28 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    I think the funniest (and worst) name I ever saw was TrashCan with the title Fly Swatter. A lot of titles are comical. Usually I prefer the cleaner look of just the name sans title. But for Supro, my Hobbit Burglar, I gave him the Kinship name Kelptomania. Some Kinship names are pretty comical too. I think my favorite silly one is Hobbit Mafia.

    I've come up with mostly comical names for cosmetic pets too. I have two white swans I named Aflac. My Hobbit Burgalar has a spotted shrew named Vermin. My Dwarf has a goat named Dopey and my LM has a goat named Goatdalf. I also named his sabre-cat Snaggletooth.
    There have been quite a few amusing kinship names over the years.

    - Give the Ring Back to Sauron
    - Fellowship of the Bling
    - Riders of Lohan (got renamed by a GM within a week)
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

    Cener, Ingo, Rilibald, Hesred, Halras, Belegthelion, Ingoror, Gloringo
    Arkenstone (ex-Elendilmir) - The Osgiliath Guard - http://www.theoldergamers.com

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I try to create the character first. Is there something special about their appearance or character? Then I try to create a name with them.
    My elf Minstrel is called Collanthir, because she has got long red-blond hair and loves water. (coll- redgolden, lanthir- waterfall). My Loremistress was named Tatharil, beause of her ashen blonde hair. depending on the light it is blonde or Grey or even silver(in moonlight) like the back of willowleaves. (tathar- willow, -ril shine).
    My Men hunter is a sentinel/hunter/guardian of the woodman of mirkwood. He got an galish name, cause i thought it could fit him. Combination of Alasdair (Variation of Alexander- Defender) and Dhoire ( out of the Woods) -> Alasdhoire (spoken Alasdeara)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I apparently named a toon after my neighbor's surname, with 1 vowel replacement. I didn't realize it until later, but I like the name.

    I made a creep name by flat out stealing the surname of a guy I worked with at the time, just thought it a perfect fit, sound-wise, for a creep (he was a nice guy).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Of my four character names three were taken right from the suggestions given on the Character Creation panel

    But being a new player as well, most of those were taken. I found by adding a syllable or a letter in between the two recommended let me in

    So Pendmir became Pendimir

    Arandir Became Aranindir

    Meradoc became Merradoc

    My last character was from my sign in name and sounded suitably Dwarfish Grimmwall (which I had to add an extra M to.)

    there were more, you would be surprised how many names with Wolf can be had if you spell it Brit fashion.

    Some of my Trial characters which I later deleted were Wolfestone Wolfesinger so those might still be available.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    most times when i create a new character, i let the game show me ten names it thinks would fit and then take something that goes into the same direction.
    Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
    Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I used to have difficulties coming up with names in games, till a dozen or so years back, when I started using the prefix 'Gon' at the beginning of every name. I found that once you have the first syllable, finishing off a name is a much easier proposition to coming up with an entire one. It also helps me in that I play a lot of alts, so when I see my characters name mentioned, I know immediately that it is me being referred to, as opposed to double-checking what character I'm on.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2011
    My main character is a Burglur.I named her Sneekums Tiptoes.The correct spelling just didnt look right.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    Someone posted a video of someone (MMO savvy) trying out LOTRO for the first time and the thing he had the hardest time with was coming up with a name that had not been taken and eventually ended up using his YouTube name (The LazyPeon *RPGers sudder*). I had a similar problem and ended up naming my first after myself; Ezrashea (Ezra Shea). For my second, I tried to aim a little closer to an Elvish sounding name and came up with Elrashea (Elf Champion). And then the third I named Esrador Man Lore-Master). At this point the lookalike names where starting to get confusing. For my next three what I did was use the random name creator about ten times for each and picked the prefix and suffix I liked best out of those and combined them. For my Dwarf I got Oddkeg which I thought was a perfect name for a Dwarf. And then Supro for a Hobbit. On the last one I got Thurafang (Man Captain) as a whole name, loved it, expected it to be taken, but it wasn't hooray.

    So how about you? Any particular formula used? Did you try to stay in keeping with the types of names Tolkien used? Did you do research into the languages of Middle Earth (either then or prior to that as a fan)?

    I watched the Superbowl.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    For my 1st and 2nd characters I used different name generators, including the in game one, and adapted a few letters here and there.
    My 3d character, Warden, is from Wagner Lore, Germanic mythology.
    My 4th character, Metalsmith, is named after his craft/materials.
    My 5th character is also a generated name.
    My 6th character is my own invention, I wanted something a bit sinister.
    All my characters have the same surname, which is Elven and my own invention, based on advanced studies of Sindarin and elvish expressions. Cunning Lore people may find flaws, but I am happy with it.

    All my characters have real, no nonsense names, you wont see me with anything like "SmokingBaby" or "KhaaaaaanMan" ( the latter from StarTrek, should anyone wonder)

    I find the lack of fantasy a bit strange, when people go to great lengths to find such combinations like "Araragoon", "Chlorfindel", "Arghwen", "Elvenrond", "Bautamir", "Frodeo", etc... just appalling.

    As Tatharil above I also went exploring Elvish names, but for some reason I found it a bit too obvious, I assumed many many names have been made in that way.
    Last edited by Marancil; Mar 07 2016 at 05:07 PM.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2014
    I used Quenya, one of the language Tolkien invented for the elves. I assumed names using languages Tolkien created would be rather popular in a Middle-earth MMO, but to my amazement, I've never had a name rejected due to prior usage. Apparently, teenage angst seems to be a more common inspiration for character names based on many I've seen in WC. They're not all perfect translations, as I wanted to make names that fit my liking, but they were close enough for me. My first character I called Curueru, which means "skilled one", an ironic name since I had never played an MMO before. After playing for awhile, I decided to make crafting alts, so I decided to stick with the -eru suffix for all my characters. My minstrel became Atareru (fatherly one) because I am a proud father. I'm American, so my Man was given the name Anduneru (westerly one). My hobbit became Calaeru (light one) because I am a trim Caucasian. I obviously made a thin, pale hobbit to match his name. I named my lore-master Nolaeru (wise one) because it fit the class perfectly. Same with Sintaeru (short one) for my dwarf. I took all the time to think of creative and appropriate names for my characters and I've never even bothered to role play!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I love Tolkien's languages and use them for my names. Most of my characters have either Sindarin names (Gondorians and Elves) or they have names of English origin for Bree-landers/Hobbits (with usually a different spelling since original spellings were taken eons ago). Norse for Dale/Dwarves and Old English for Rohan basically ends my list. No Hill-men, Easterlings, or Haradrim amongst my characters yet so haven't looked into any other languages.

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
    : LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I chose Arnenna because I was aiming for something close to my Granddaughter. She is Arwen, but obviously I couldn't have that name, so I went for Arwenna. It was accepted on Dwarrowdelf but for some reason, not Evernight, so I opted for Arnenna instead.

    Being Welsh, I know how my name is supposed to sound, but mostly when on TS or when using in game sound, people pronounce it . . .

    Ar (like are) nenna (like in senna)

    But in Welsh, the r and e are used differently, so it's . . .

    Ar (as in Arrrrrh, like a pirate) nay na
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    It took me a long time with the randomiser before a name came up that I liked.
    Used that for my first character here in LoTRO.

    From there, for each new character, I created a name with minimal differences in the last syllable.

    Best name I ever seen in any game dates years and years back when I played PW on one of the Malaysian servers.
    In said game the guild name was displayed first, with the character name displayed beneath it.
    The guild name was "Imperial"
    The character name was "Moron"

    So, when you saw the charter in game it read as:

    (and why does the forum keep kicking me out numerous times before I can finaly submit my reply.....)
    Last edited by Tardall; Mar 07 2016 at 06:27 PM.

  20. #20
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    Jan 2007
    Because of when I started playing, I was able to get a lot of "normal" names, like Daniel, Brandon, Bryce, Ty and Victor. These are names I've used in previous games in various settings. Brandon, my namesake, used to live in Paragon City. I've got a few names out of EverQuest, such as Kaesora and Antonica. My hobbits are all named appropriately: Honey, Lantana, Cowslip, and Catnip. My Hobbit crafting squad all have "tater" in their name, lead by Sweettater. I got lucky with a few two-letter names. Sometimes I'll make up a name based on the nickname I want them to have. I wanted a character called "Sam" but of course that wouldn't happen, so his name is Samtal instead. And I pull names from other properties that I'm a fan of to kind of make other fans nod and smile (Hey I recognize that name!), such as Lyze, Thackery, Caid, and Hummakavula. My minstrel is named Tocatta. My Bowie tribute character is named Moonage. And I do have a pair of joke characters, Totes Magotes and Dereysnodanaa Dereysonliizuul.

    I could go on but I literally have dozens of characters :P
    If you give away gold bars, someone will complain they're too heavy.
    .: Dannach, 118 WDN :.: Totes, 118 HNT :.: Sunhawk, 110 RNK :.
    .: Taika, 29 WDN :.
    I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.
    Might as well face it, I'm addicted to WDN

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    A lot of my characters follow a specific naming pattern so that people who know me on one toon will know me on my other toons as well. The ones that don't, I usually chose because the name "sounded right." And then there's one that's a specific reference, because reasons. (lurking kinnies, can you guess which?)

    There have been quite a few amusing kinship names over the years.

    - Give the Ring Back to Sauron
    - Fellowship of the Bling
    - Riders of Lohan (got renamed by a GM within a week)
    That last one is hilarious. I once saw a kinship called "She said she was Level 18"; that probably got renamed as well. xD
    Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
    Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin

  22. #22
    I started so long ago.... Most of "normal names" long gone.
    But I'm a fan of Japanese names anyway.

    I tend to use Sera. (my real name) since its unique. Deeply sadden that I could not use it... and no player exists with the name on Creep or freep side... only Crickhollow had name used. XD
    I started going thru Japanese names, and hit several with no issue.

    My last few new Characters 2015/16 ...holy...moly... I spend hour on hours trying to nail a name. Its sad when even random key presses turn up hits you cant use.
    I got lucky on my Beorn with Hinami.

    And was suprised my old Lineage I name was usable. (LastAngel)

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    It really varies for me. I have recurring name across games, when they are not taken, and 2 of them are variations from Fritz Lieber's characters (Keeshkra from Kreeshkra and Hisvet). My main changed her name when she changed server, I spent lots of time trying to come up with an elvish name, but pretty much everything was taken, so I settled with Caerwen, sounds Gaelic, and from Gaelic to Tolkien's elvish, we are not that far. And RP wise it's not her birth name anyway. Her surname is Elvish though, Cuangol.

    My Hobbit is Pastel, I wanted a rock name, but pretty much all of them sounded derp or were taken. And when I created her, I thought pastel was a flower (as in used for the color), which was a good alternative for a Hobbit name. Apparently, it isn't. Still fits a Hobbit name. I like it a lot. I had to change her surname when she transferred, as it was a Hobbit surname in my native language, which wasn't blocked for some reason, so I took the opportunity. Still looking for a better surname for her though.

    My captain had a name that came from a dream, no kidding, Ninieth Hardling. No idea why I dreamed that name, I can't even remember the dream, but the name stayed.

    My warden is Fiana, but I'm not sure I'm going to keep it forever. Can't remember how the name came to me, I guess I watched Shrek not long before. Yeah, I get that a lot.

    Sometimes I also use a name generator, and keep the name if it's really good (I used to have Hostia in age of conan, for a latin based civilization), or change it a bit. Most of the time I go for sound and "makes people think it's [insert some language here]". Sometimes it ends up being rather funny, Keeshkra I mentioned is a sausage or something in eastern Europe, and mean something I can't remember in Russian (mouse ?), or so I've been told. I had a Zhian in 2 games (for asian themed character), and a Chinese told me it means police.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    would it be unthinkable for Lotro to recycle names and accounts for people who have been inactive for 5 Years?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by HardestyGrimwall View Post
    would it be unthinkable for Lotro to recycle names and accounts for people who have been inactive for 5 Years?
    When you transfer worlds, the game runs a check to see if your character's name conflicts with any existing characters on that server. If it does, the system will see whether the native character has logged in during the past year. If they haven't, you get to keep your name, and the next time that other player logs in (if they ever do), they'll be prompted to rename their character because you've bumped them out of that old name. (at least, that's how it worked during the world closure cycle - not sure how long this will hold moving forward)

    Not sure if it's possible / if the devs want to set up something similar for new character creation. An interesting thought.
    Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
    Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin


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