Originally Posted by
TY turbine.
Multy boss raid is awesome.
Do not listen haters. So many years we was waiting a new raid, and now some hunters and burgs, which can't understand their role in raid already hate it.
I play cappy 7 years and cant understand, why burg need more damage then my. Support must supporting its a rule. Realy nerf burg, they have more dps then cappy and lms.
On actual level: (i start playing in moria)
turtle - best dps rk before nerf
watcher - hunters need for tanking, for damage for boss all classes was good
dn - on bosses hunters and burgs
bg - on bosses again hunters and burgs(we all remember burgs raids with)
od - all classes was fine boss was diferent
draigoch - burg and champs(was ggod for melee)
orthanc - burgs and hunters for bosses
erebor - 5 hunters are best choice, champs also was good(but only 1 or 2 for raid). i agree that burg was terrible in this cluster. rk needs only for heal.
At 105 lvl:
od - on bosses rks and one warden
erebor - 5 hunters still best choise.
People you just need undestand your classrole.(i speak about raid)
support - Lms, cappy, burg, mini
heal - mini 40k hps on party, around 9k for solo target, beorn can heal party and solo target(but mini better), rk can heal only solo target, cappy can heal party and greate problem with solo target and selfhealing, lms just cant
tank - guardian are good from all sides, cappy greate in survival but terrible agro, wardens and beorns have problem with survival, champs good from u17.
dps (solo target) - 1.rk and warden(same dps) but cant stop damage (but it may be only one warden for raid), 2. hunter burst, cut incoming healing by main skills, can stop damage, 40m range(its realy need in erebor and new raid) and, 3. champs have dps like hunters but only melee.
dps (aoe)- 1. champs are best. 2 hunters second place. 3 warden. 4 rk