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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    The Return of the Raid

    The Battle of the Pelennor Fields drew to a close in Update 18, but a battle so large could not be contained by a single Update – or even two if you count Update 17! However, even with all the epic moments in which you joined the battle, we knew there was still a lot of story to tell, and many more foes to face down. And let’s be honest, we also really wanted to make a raid set during one of the greatest battles in Middle-earth’s history. So allow me to welcome you to Throne of the Dread Terror! Read More here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Please, do NOT release before after atleast 2 more weeks of testing. Still alot of bugs that needs fixing.

    Aut vincere aut mori
    Attitude is everything

    League of Legends HebnesO: Singed The MAD Chemist. - Gold ranked player season one
    Lotro:Minstrel x2, Burglar x2, Lore Master x2, Guardian, Champion, Captain, Hunter, Runekeeper and Warden
    Ranks:3xr10, 5xr7, 2xr6, 2xr5,r4 and r3.. Lvls: 2x75 8x65
    Retired status: Ultra Casual

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Please, wait a little with the raid and first nerf Runekeepers Smouldering Wrath and Essay of Fire by around 50%, Champions Rend armour debuff legacy by around 50% and debug Loremasters Ancient Crafts double potency if trait and legacy are in use.
    Otherwise, there is no reason to bring several classes to this raid.
    Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
    Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    The Battle of the Pelennor Fields drew to a close in Update 18, but a battle so large could not be contained by a single Update – or even two if you count Update 17! However, even with all the epic moments in which you joined the battle, we knew there was still a lot of story to tell, and many more foes to face down. And let’s be honest, we also really wanted to make a raid set during one of the greatest battles in Middle-earth’s history. So allow me to welcome you to Throne of the Dread Terror! Read More here
    Unless you're a hunter or burglar, of course.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Please improve raid jewl so that they are better than what's currently available

    Please give us new PvP gear

    Please give us more minstrel instruments not just gold lute

    Please fix the set bonuses that are very weak - hunter/beorning/burg etc

    Please balance hunters/beornings/burgs so that they are in line with RK and warden dps

    the list goes on...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Oelle View Post
    Please, wait a little with the raid and first nerf Runekeepers Smouldering Wrath and Essay of Fire by around 50%, Champions Rend armour debuff legacy by around 50% and debug Loremasters Ancient Crafts double potency if trait and legacy are in use.
    Otherwise, there is no reason to bring several classes to this raid.
    Nerfing the best dps classes is not the answer ; bringing other classes up to standard, is

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Celembar View Post
    Nerfing the best dps classes is not the answer ; bringing other classes up to standard, is
    But then, they must increase stats of mobs by 2-300% in classic instances/raids, T1 and T2.
    (I can OS mobs with my "Mathom" Hunter in OD T1...)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Celembar View Post
    Nerfing the best dps classes is not the answer ; bringing other classes up to standard, is
    Actually, changing two classes is a much smarter and time efficient way of doing things than changing eight classes.

    Obviously all the classes need some work. But when two are way above the rest, the immediate required fix is obvious...

    And be definition, rk and warden are not the "standard," the other eight are, and those two are broken.

    And seriously, aside from the logic, who on earth cares if their numbers go down a little to fix the game? You're really that addicted to big numbers? Big whoop.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I don't really want to sidetrack this thread, so I should thank and congratulate the team on making the raid. I do hope it holds up.

    Obviously there is tons more work to be done, but I'm still happy to see it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    New Raid

    Thanks for creating a new raid! I know there's lots of comments and wishes for many other areas, but I for one am thankful that even though it's been years, you have listened to this area and created a raid. I'm hoping to give a good run at it this weekend during beta and help w/ bugs/etc so that it can be hopefully as polished as possible before live.

    It sounds quite interesting and I might have to grab an alt and run through the epic quests again just to remember the whole storyline.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelorn View Post
    The Battle of the Pelennor Fields drew to a close in Update 18, but a battle so large could not be contained by a single Update – or even two if you count Update 17! However, even with all the epic moments in which you joined the battle, we knew there was still a lot of story to tell, and many more foes to face down. And let’s be honest, we also really wanted to make a raid set during one of the greatest battles in Middle-earth’s history. So allow me to welcome you to Throne of the Dread Terror! Read More here
    The raid looks excellent so far, and Pinion's passion about its creation is very infectious and impressive. However, please make sure you don't rush the raid out in a hurry - it needs more work - make sure its the best it can be, so people can enjoy it at its full potential, and not get put off by bugs, lacks of continuity, and problems with their classes on their first few attempts. A few weeks isn't going to hurt the raiders - we've been waiting long enough to become a rather patient lot.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Agreed to other posters. We waited nearly 3 years, could wait 3 weeks more.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I have to quote Spilo in this case

    Quote Originally Posted by Spilo View Post

    Need a proper class balancign or the raid will flop

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    My kin has been running this raid since it came out on BR. I don't think you guys should release it in four days. There are too many bugs right now. Wait a little bit and get it as polished as you can before release please.

    Having said that, the over all feel and look of this raid is amazing. We freaked out a bit the deeper we got into it. And the end is great. We reported many bugs though and they really do need to be fixed before release.

    Thanks for listening to the raiding community and bringing back a multi-wing raid that looks amazing. You guys have righted the ship and I am glad to be playing lotro so much again.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spilo View Post

    Yes hunters have to be made equal to or better than wardens.

    Lets make it happen !

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    A great read, good to see that there's someone with passion behind this long awaited raid.
    But really, consider pushing the release back a bit. Better release a polished product than upsetting everyone - and that will happen if this raid goes live the way it currently is.
    Dobb - Hobbit Burglar
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  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spilo View Post

    Let's hope Turbine listens once.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    TY turbine.
    Multy boss raid is awesome.
    Do not listen haters. So many years we was waiting a new raid, and now some hunters and burgs, which can't understand their role in raid already hate it.
    I play cappy 7 years and cant understand, why burg need more damage then my. Support must supporting its a rule. Realy nerf burg, they have more dps then cappy and lms.
    On actual level: (i start playing in moria)
    turtle - best dps rk before nerf
    watcher - hunters need for tanking, for damage for boss all classes was good
    dn - on bosses hunters and burgs
    bg - on bosses again hunters and burgs(we all remember burgs raids with)
    od - all classes was fine boss was diferent
    draigoch - burg and champs(was ggod for melee)
    orthanc - burgs and hunters for bosses
    erebor - 5 hunters are best choice, champs also was good(but only 1 or 2 for raid). i agree that burg was terrible in this cluster. rk needs only for heal.

    At 105 lvl:
    od - on bosses rks and one warden
    erebor - 5 hunters still best choise.

    People you just need undestand your classrole.(i speak about raid)
    support - Lms, cappy, burg, mini
    heal - mini 40k hps on party, around 9k for solo target, beorn can heal party and solo target(but mini better), rk can heal only solo target, cappy can heal party and greate problem with solo target and selfhealing, lms just cant
    tank - guardian are good from all sides, cappy greate in survival but terrible agro, wardens and beorns have problem with survival, champs good from u17.
    dps (solo target) - 1.rk and warden(same dps) but cant stop damage (but it may be only one warden for raid), 2. hunter burst, cut incoming healing by main skills, can stop damage, 40m range(its realy need in erebor and new raid) and, 3. champs have dps like hunters but only melee.
    dps (aoe)- 1. champs are best. 2 hunters second place. 3 warden. 4 rk

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I'd also like to see the raid delayed, and fixed. As others have said, we have waited for three years, and are willing to wait a couple more weeks in order to enjoy a polished product.
    Thank you for creating the raid, I really appreciate it. But please let's make sure it is released in a stable condition.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Naranor View Post
    TY turbine.
    Multy boss raid is awesome.
    Do not listen haters. So many years we was waiting a new raid, and now some hunters and burgs, which can't understand their role in raid already hate it.
    I play cappy 7 years and cant understand, why burg need more damage then my. Support must supporting its a rule. Realy nerf burg, they have more dps then cappy and lms.
    On actual level: (i start playing in moria)
    turtle - best dps rk before nerf
    watcher - hunters need for tanking, for damage for boss all classes was good
    dn - on bosses hunters and burgs
    bg - on bosses again hunters and burgs(we all remember burgs raids with)
    od - all classes was fine boss was diferent
    draigoch - burg and champs(was ggod for melee)
    orthanc - burgs and hunters for bosses
    erebor - 5 hunters are best choice, champs also was good(but only 1 or 2 for raid). i agree that burg was terrible in this cluster. rk needs only for heal.

    At 105 lvl:
    od - on bosses rks and one warden
    erebor - 5 hunters still best choise.

    People you just need undestand your classrole.(i speak about raid)
    support - Lms, cappy, burg, mini
    heal - mini 40k hps on party, around 9k for solo target, beorn can heal party and solo target(but mini better), rk can heal only solo target, cappy can heal party and greate problem with solo target and selfhealing, lms just cant
    tank - guardian are good from all sides, cappy greate in survival but terrible agro, wardens and beorns have problem with survival, champs good from u17.
    dps (solo target) - 1.rk and warden(same dps) but cant stop damage (but it may be only one warden for raid), 2. hunter burst, cut incoming healing by main skills, can stop damage, 40m range(its realy need in erebor and new raid) and, 3. champs have dps like hunters but only melee.
    dps (aoe)- 1. champs are best. 2 hunters second place. 3 warden. 4 rk
    Lol, you dont have any idea what you talking about. The hunters cant even come close dpswise in erebor to the runkeeeper and there is not a single reson to take them instead of a runkeeper..... See here
    If you can get close to what our runekeeper is doing there, be my guest... lol (He is pushing both bosses and kills all the adds, gg).
    DN i take any runkeeper over a hunter, runekeepers just do way more damage and have way better utillity. BG is the same. So all level 105 raids the runekeepers is way better. Also you dont need any burg for BG, they just slow you down since the dont have AoE.
    (Also, as long as burg have no AoE at all i dont see a reason to nerf them. While singletarget dps is good they suck on AoE. CC is just not needed anymore...)

    Btw.: Your class roles are what used to be, not what is. Tankwise You forgot the captain which often the best bosstank, better then guardian. Runekeeper get up to 38k singletarget dps on the first boss in the new raid, hunters and champions are around 20k.... Burgs can get more if they are constantly behind the enemy. AoE wise you should place runekeepers do equal dps to wardens and hunters( depending on targetcount even more).
    Last edited by Taldeen; Jun 25 2016 at 07:46 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Taldeen View Post
    Lol, you dont have any idea what you talking about. The hunters cant even come close dpswise in erebor to the runkeeeper and there is not a single reson to take them instead of a runkeeper..... See here
    If you can get close to what our runekeeper is doing there, be my guest... lol (He is pushing both bosses and kills all the adds, gg).
    DN i take any runkeeper over a hunter, runekeepers just do way more damage and have way better utillity. BG is the same. So all level 105 raids the runekeepers is way better. Also you dont need any burg for BG, they just slow you down since the dont have AoE.
    (Also, as long as burg have no AoE at all i dont see a reason to nerf them. While singletarget dps is good they suck on AoE. CC is just not needed anymore...)

    Btw.: Your class roles are what used to be, not what is. Tankwise You forgot the captain which often the best bosstank, better then guardian. Runekeeper get up to 38k singletarget dps on the first boss in the new raid, hunters and champions are around 20k.... Burgs can get more if they are constantly behind the enemy. AoE wise you should place runekeepers do equal dps to wardens and hunters( depending on targetcount even more).
    You done nice work.
    Battle of erebor mechanic is bosses hp must be same and you must stop damage every 5%. So you do not need any dps in erebor. Just make one boss 95,4% another 94,9%, then stop wait and repeat. Hunters done it better.
    You may it for 48min. Looks like tanks dps bosses rk kils adds.
    Here my pov, where we kill boss for 5 min (100lvl, now we can faster - freeps stat skale more then bosses), may be i know more about rks:

    we can see 2 hunters and they make more dps on 100lvl then your rks on 105lvl.

    I wrote: "cappy greate in survival".
    At first new boss: 38k its at boss endings, or at begin?(or you speak about t1?). i will not speak about t1. If 38k when boss fall its looks like all raid support for 1 rk. If 38k its damage before adds come its doesn cool work.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Naranor View Post
    You done nice work.
    Battle of erebor mechanic is bosses hp must be same and you must stop damage every 5%. So you do not need any dps in erebor. Just make one boss 95,4% another 94,9%, then stop wait and repeat. Hunters done it better.
    You may it for 48min. Looks like tanks dps bosses rk kils adds.
    Here my pov, where we kill boss for 5 min (100lvl, now we can faster - freeps stat skale more then bosses), may be i know more about rks:
    we can see 2 hunters and they make more dps on 100lvl then your rks on 105lvl.

    I wrote: "cappy greate in survival".
    At first new boss: 38k its at boss endings, or at begin?(or you speak about t1?). i will not speak about t1. If 38k when boss fall its looks like all raid support for 1 rk. If 38k its damage before adds come its doesn cool work.
    Erebor: just try killing all the adds with your hunter alone (keeping the number low) while keeping dots up on the bosses with your hunter. I assure you even if you manage to kill all adds in time(which i doubt), you have no spare time for pushing boss bosses. Our runkeeper kills all the adds and dots both bosses as well as pushes both bosses at the same time. Meaning we do 200% transitions. You simply can't do that with a hunter. Note that our second rk is healing, not dpsing.

    The kiting is nice, but it just shows how to cirumvent a mechanic. Also you do it with 12 man, which you can't compare.

    Concerning the new raid: The 38k are singletarget boss dps in T2C at the end (without add dps, with adds it was well over 45k). We did have multiple runekeepers and a single warden. We did not specifily support just one rk. So if you can even get close to this as a hunter, even with all the support you can get, be my guest and upload a screenshot/video .

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    As someone who has probably led the most raid runs on BR, I agree, it's physically NO WHERE near release, atleast completely on T2.

    There's two bosses completely bugged and impossible to do on T2C, even more broken than the Fire and Ice giants T2 in OoT on release, along with there still being no mechanics for the last boss *(i feel like turbine are keeping that secret)* so if that's true, fair play.

    T1 is literally too easy. And I've never said that before about a raid, I've done over 20 T1 runs within the first week of BR opening with less than a whole raid dying altogether.

    Rewards need buffing otherwise the only point getting them is to have lots of golden items.

    All I'm saying is, either you'll release it tomorrow and it'll be exploited and completed within 2 hours, or release it in two weeks and fix as much exploiting/bugs as you can.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Taldeen View Post
    Let's hope Turbine listens once.
    Looks like they are

    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.


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