comming soon or delayed cuz some usual accident, or missed in action like EU servers?
come on guys, i know u cant catch up any date lately, cuz everything is shiny and amazing and exciting...
but tbh, cuz your flower endgame #### and no other contest except another huge essence grind, the game ressurected by casuals during Yule, but my old channel (similar to kin, with +/- 15active ppl), isnt able to group up for 6man fi or ss... just cuz ppl started quitting this sinking ship again, i mean the endgame ppl, not the yule casuals... (those will be gone in 2weeks anyway aswell)
give us some hope one more time, cuz as i said, lot of my friends are leaving... flowers/essences/meh hilt grind till halleluah - but we dont need to farm more gear for current over half year old contest, right? and many of my friends told it straight - i can play other online/offline games rather than grind here some absurdity (we all know u will come up at least with 3levels of new essences for mordor expansion, so why bother with NI now? 50essences/alt, is all times lot of fun for long winter nights *cough*)