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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Honourable mentions and top list

    Hey Ladies and Gentleman.

    It's been a while since I've seen a thread of this nature now please don't talk about how op classes are or are not. We all know certain classes have an advantage. But you can still tell the good from bad even out of the FOTM classes.

    So in YOUR own opinion who do you think deserves an honourable mention maybe you had a decent 1v1 maybe you want to release your list of best players. Or share a few pictures of battles you have had do it all here.

    I'd have to start with Baunderbridge he was the first creep I encountered and plays his class really well I've personally seen him solo camp gv vs 4 freeps.

    A list of people I have seen that deserve a place on my top list so far are.

    Ba, Baunderbridge, always a pleasure to die to this one, we have some great 50/50 1v1s

    Defiler, Moz, goth, I was actually only fighting these recently and they know how to heal and dps not just spam 1,2,3

    Warg, cheese is consistent and always pushes in no matter the odds, shout out to fluffy and carefulbite they always giving me a hard time.

    Spider, arachnophobia, and I can't remember the other guys name he was at GTA earlier blue rank beings with m. Both play class well I have to plan out before attacking

    Wl, I don't see many they are defiantly in demand I may update with a name later

    Reaver, velvet, saz, well played reavers, shows even when all other classes get buffed your still wrecking havoc and getting kills.

    .............................. ...........

    Hunter, ahk this guy has some mad dps, makes me happy when I have him around

    Burg, stagger seems to be terrorising creeps

    Mini, none I haven't seen none !!!!

    Rk, to be announced

    Lm, to be announced

    Warden, to be anounced

    Bear, to be announced

    Champ, to be anounced

    Cappy, cheese's cappy, willing to swap lines whenever needed always on right target,

  2. #2
    Writing this from a Black arrows perspective
    Minstrel-Need some more experienced ones but Bigmini for now
    Runekeeper- Same as ministrel but its thoi for now
    Captain- Worldwide or cheese's captain and elwerd if he got better gear
    Champ-None come to mind atm
    beorning-Only burgin left
    Lore master-Callem (I try not to put myself on my own list but not any really good lms left)

    Reaver-Vic, although your rusty, your still a monster xD also saz... but only cause no one else is here
    Black Arrow-Baunder (I dont think anything needs to be said)
    Defiller-None that have mastered the art of kiting and healing
    Warg-Reported (if vic has played him) Wolfgash
    Spider-None atm
    A life saved is a kill earned-Trollunderbridge

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Its nice to see things are picking up a little.
    Gives me hope that ill log in one day again.
    And maybe make it on these list again.

    "Enough! It's insulting to a warrior to be concerned about his life while he is out in the battlefield." Lieutenant Renji Abara, quote

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Thine list of things are bad comedy............
    Ive been back abit on my old stomping grounds and found none to play with. Must just be me. Carry on then.
    You may call me Shipoopi-Bazinga-Skadoosh the First.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I'll take a swing at this, though it will be limited since I've only been back in Moors for a little over a month.


    Hunter- Ahkilles - Only worked with him in one fight, but he's GOOD!!

    Burg- Stagger

    Cappie- Cheese's cappie - OK, Cheese is the only one I've seen, but it still counts!

    Guard- Mag - Run with Mag a few times.

    Warden- Seanbean (Honorable Mention Bleddig)

    There are others I've run with who impressed, but I was so busy getting my feet under me, that I didn't catch their names.


    BA- Baunder - No need to even ask! Ran into him at Lumber camp a couple weeks ago. There was a group of 4 hunters, Ahkilles running solo, and me also solo. Baunder killed 2-3 hunters for every time we took him down.

    Warg- Skulkins - There are many but Skulk stands out simply because I seem to ALWAYS run into him. Also Moz and Ironjaws.

    Reaver- Velvet - Had a lot of fun fighting him! First Reaver I've run into that gave me a fight 1-on-1.

    Defiler- Frakut

    As for others, same as I mentioned above, I've seen some good ones, but been too busy learning to fight in the Moors to catch their names.

    ETA: Added Velvet and Frakut
    Last edited by CDingler; Apr 12 2017 at 01:12 PM.
    CAANWICK - Wardenist - Make Wardens Great Again!!! / CAANJOB - The Ettenmoors' worst Burglar / CAANJAAL - Hunter
    "If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've already lost!"
    Forged in Flames-Crickhollow

  6. Mar 16 2017, 11:51 PM

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I'll add in mentions for Ghate, Aethodil, and Frakut. Ran up against them Wednesday night at TR. They also had a warg (didn't catch name) and Supercheese with them. I was with a Champ (Bluddshedd?), a Beorning, and a LM. We got our butts handed to us! Ghate and Frakut worked flawlessly together and we couldn't touch them, even with my DPS. I'd get Aeth, Super, or the warg down to like 10% morale and watch it magically climb back to 100% as I was hammering away. That's when I decided it was a lost cause. LOL!
    CAANWICK - Wardenist - Make Wardens Great Again!!! / CAANJOB - The Ettenmoors' worst Burglar / CAANJAAL - Hunter
    "If you find yourself in a fair fight, you've already lost!"
    Forged in Flames-Crickhollow

  8. #7
    Well this isn't going to be easy but here goes.


    First and foremost I would like to state right off I hate you all equally. This review in no way earns those mentioned any special rights or privledges That aside on request of my Lawyer lets get on with the menu. I mean list.

    Hunter " Coldfells Eiite. Reforged 1st Age Bow. Seriously 2 that stand out and hard to pick one would be Eroset and Akilles. Both equally a pain in my ### literally as I'm usually running away from them.

    Beorning " Whats a Beorning ? Not much to say here. But one that's currently semi retired would be Burginsbaby. I may never finish my Beorning kills deed.

    Burglar " Another hard choice. So many of late but one recent standout would be Cissy. A very determined Burg for sure. Comes at you hard and sticks around unlike many Burgs. Many honourable mentions but the only other that stands out is Staggers. His fault I now have to trait enhanced sense prey.

    Champion " Havnt seen him around lately but Gilbourne could give me fits. Usually him and Olossmur would double team. Havnt seen him either. Of recent I would have to give the nod to Larute. A bit cocky at times but tends to outrun his heals. burp !

    Minstrel " Master of the Flop award has to go to Bigmini. Even after we've killed him I stand over the body just to be sure he's really dead. Great heals and a handful most times.

    Guard " Magdur's Shield. Seriously does he even own a Two Hander. Gotta hand it to him tho he comes out and does his thing. Don't know of many that can solo him without a real fight on their hands. Myself included.

    Rune Keeper " Those damn rocks ! THOI ! What can I say except he has set a fire burning in me that cant be extinguished. To many times have I felt the burn. And not just when I pee. Something I suspect also due to him in some way.

    Captain " Worldwide. Seriously if your worldwide why did you have to stop on our world ? Kidding aside welcome to Gladden. I don't think I've ever seen you with the same moral. Once its 50k another its 70k and another its 35k. Make up your mind so I know to call you out or not. DPS, heals pets a real PITA. But for sheer balls gotta give it to Cheese's cappy.

    Lore Master " Erienda ? However its spelled. Another that's becoming a bother and needs to be stopped. Stop with the fires already don't you even care about global warming.

    Warden " Seanbean. I really really hate this guy. Sorry I didn't mean that, what I ment was I @^%$(!@ hate this guy. Stop playing connect the dots with my ###. Did I mention I hate this @7^%$*& guy.

    Well this list has taken me quite some time. If someone wasn't mentioned or feels slighted, get over it. I'll have to give some thought to the Creepside list. As I hold most of them in the highest regards as the finest players in the history of LOTRO. And I know how much you all respect my valued opinion.
    Skulkins Lumpytoad Dirkens


  9. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Haur is the first one to come to my mind.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Cool best in the business

    this is my list of the best gladden pvpers at their class.
    Burgular: Got to hand it to skengman(redcoat) for showing me how capable a burg really is, even if he didn't stick around for long.

    Beorning: Algebra, the Best bear on gladden and probably a top 5 in game.

    Captain: only one that isn't absolutely rubbish and doesn't always run around in yellow line so he can live for an extra 15 seconds to get back to the 1 shots would be cheese

    Champion: Jacque for sure, him and algebra make a hell of a dual

    Guardian: They all play like trash so I'm just going to have to say Nimp cuz shes cute

    Hunter: Elroh, he showed up when I was low rank and set the bar for gladden hunters who havent come close to passing.

    Minstrel: Silannix or Vorr. think sil might have stopped playing.

    Runekeeper: I guess Thoi is competent now? okey then

    Warden: BULWARKK most competent freep out there, and the only Warden on gladden worth thinking of other than Faeramir.

    Reaver: Velvetsixteen is the only one that deserves this spot

    Blackarrow: Slingshots, think he left so giving this one to vapegod

    Weaver: Azda's spider

    Warleader: Azda's warleader

    Defiler: Deathlyheals made a filar on gladden, nuff said?

    Warg: Incontrovertible #1 Vorr's warg #2 rest of you wargs got a ways to climb.
    Last edited by shoun; Mar 23 2018 at 11:16 PM.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    As a pvp freep-player since almost 10 months now (although 10 yr lotro acct), I have met fairly large number of creeps on Gladden. The server pvp was rather less engaging in my early days but then it was certainly picked up, with some huge ceep raid vs freep raid fights in the last few weeks. These are encouraging signs, and I hope all players (freeps/creeps) keep it going this way.

    Here I will lay out the names of some challenging (and hence honorable) creepside players only, whom I have fought against in my journey so far. If I do not mention some names, it is most certainly because those are players against whom I have not been tested in combat, so I cant judge them :-). I will also be highlighting certain up-coming creeps to watch out for (rank 6-8) in some classes.

    Reaver: Lapuhh/Risinghell is one reaver I know who could output some nasty damage with fast moves, and also be thick-skinned to survive/mitigate lots of my damage. I know some freeps who really tried to avoid Lapuhh in past, as they found him to be invincible. In upcoming Reavers list, I can only think of Reapermaniac (Burgins) that comes to my mind. Pussface (Viccay reaver) can also be challenging to fight and win against (sometimes ).

    Blackarrow: No 2nd to Baunder indeed. That creep can really hit hard and also survive my biggest fire dot/damage. When I see Baunder around, I usually ask my mini friend to prepare extra heals and trait for high Phy Mit. Upcoming BA - I would name Slingshots here as he would be my preferred target these past months. He does not have survivability as good as Baunder, but indeed he does output significant damage, specially with VT.

    Defiler: Frakut is the one whom I have seen and fought most against. He is good at move-n-heal skills and keeps his fellowship going for a challenging fight. Always my priority target if I see him in creep group. Sadly, I cant think of any upcoming defilers here, as others whom I have met really melt fast (not a fan of morale monsters).

    Warleader: I see many above me have named Ghate as their fav but I have fought only on few occasions against him. Again, I am not big fan of seeing a 180K morale monster WL but I am sure he is skilled. Now Frakut + Ghate in craid is something that will be tough fight to win against. In upcoming Warleaders, I ll name Moz (sorry I cant remb the full name here) but I believe he is WL of Mozmush the warg. He can also keep a creep-fellow going and fighting.

    Wargs: Certainly not my fav class and I am sure I am neither for them . But Skulkins sure is one warg I know has been challenging to me, many a time. With most wargs, I am sure that if they HiPs with my DoT actively ticking, I may not see them again before their HiPs CD is reset. But not with Skulkins. He is one fighter warg who will take his chance and pounce back to aim for the killing blow. Personally I have had few in-game chats with him, and I find him welcoming and friendly to talk to. Upcoming warg to me would be Gloriouscheese. I have seen this warg from being very squishy and easy to melt in beginning (until rank 4), to being a very challenging player to kill now past few months. Has fast mouse movements too which makes it difficult for my RK to keep lock target on.

    Weaver: Now this class here is something I leave empty for now. There was once, this spider, who had/still has this hate for me but that does not qualify it to this list . In the upcoming list, I see less weavers out these days, with on/off players so I would also leave this empty for now.

    Now this here was a huge post. I did, certainly, use the down-time very effectively. See you all in moors ...

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Baunderbridge just got some votes on the most recent Arkenstone 'Best Of' list for the time he spent there.
    Casinoari - Rank 15 RK - Arkenstone
    Malakorou - Rank 10 Defiler - Arkenstone
    Casinari - Original Challenger of Saruman Minstrel - Arkenstone
    Casithir - Rank 11 RK - Evernight

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Well, at least some new people have popped up where the old ones have vanished!
    "...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.

  14. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nouri View Post
    Baunderbridge just got some votes on the most recent Arkenstone 'Best Of' list for the time he spent there.
    LOL. Well I'm sure everyone knows that #BaunderOP now...
    Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
    Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!

  15. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Witch0King View Post
    Well, at least some new people have popped up where the old ones have vanished!
    Don't worry, some of us are coming back to make Gladden great again. I've already been accused of macros daily :'(

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hey all beatlejuice in the house. Can some of you guys/gala give me a price range on a PC to run lotto these days. I wanna get back in. And I'm staying on gladden. Not into the zerg that is ark. Could a few of you post here or in ims. I'm not a rich man. But its time to make lotro great again, ill do my best! Thanks or the info if any remember this old dog. Sooner the better. Casi. Would you pm me ir spilo. I'm excited to play,any help would be greatly appreciated.

    --Beatlejuice-- R15-- RVR.

    P.S. I miss you all.
    "Enough! It's insulting to a warrior to be concerned about his life while he is out in the battlefield." Lieutenant Renji Abara, quote

  17. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kurrency420 View Post
    Hey all beatlejuice in the house. Can some of you guys/gala give me a price range on a PC to run lotto these days. I wanna get back in. And I'm staying on gladden. Not into the zerg that is ark. Could a few of you post here or in ims. I'm not a rich man. But its time to make lotro great again, ill do my best! Thanks or the info if any remember this old dog. Sooner the better. Casi. Would you pm me ir spilo. I'm excited to play,any help would be greatly appreciated.

    --Beatlejuice-- R15-- RVR.

    P.S. I miss you all.
    ~Hey Beetlejiuce
    I sent you a PM. Watch out for those Lightening RKs that chisel/riffler swap
    Casinoari - Rank 15 RK - Arkenstone
    Malakorou - Rank 10 Defiler - Arkenstone
    Casinari - Original Challenger of Saruman Minstrel - Arkenstone
    Casithir - Rank 11 RK - Evernight

  18. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kurrency420 View Post
    Hey all beatlejuice in the house. Can some of you guys/gala give me a price range on a PC to run lotto these days. I wanna get back in. And I'm staying on gladden. Not into the zerg that is ark. Could a few of you post here or in ims. I'm not a rich man. But its time to make lotro great again, ill do my best! Thanks or the info if any remember this old dog. Sooner the better. Casi. Would you pm me ir spilo. I'm excited to play,any help would be greatly appreciated.

    --Beatlejuice-- R15-- RVR.

    P.S. I miss you all.
    If you run on low graphic settings, I'm sure a $400-$500 computer would do the trick.

    Misadventure - R14 Hunter, Fatwanda-1 - R10 Guard
    Velvetsixteen - R13 Reaver, Reported-1 - R11 Warg, Gloriousleader - R10 WL

  19. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Any updates? How's things now. Who's the best around I need to beat when I get back?

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hurther View Post
    Any updates? How's things now. Who's the best around I need to beat when I get back?
    I updated mine from what I remember fighting over the last 2 years. It will have changed, since a lot of people have had enough of the game, but still worth honoring the best of the best for the server.
    Incontrovertible, Rank 12 Warg ~not able to be denied or disputed
    Inconvenience, Rank 7 Black Arrow ~trouble or difficulty caused to one's personal requirements or comfort
    Zorzog, Rank 10 Reaver ~I don't know what a Zorzog is to be honest



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