Originally Posted by
Lol this is just low slander... we didn't exploit a single boss in throne, and you have absolutely no reason to say otherwise. I have video record of every one of our fights so you may as well eat your words now.
Did you guys forget that last time we started talking about throne on this thread people got bans in game for it? I'm going to advise not talking about it anymore, or making a new thread.

Originally Posted by
As far as Muko's buff, we have video record of every one of our fights. We can provide them. That would bethe be-all end-all of this discussion, there is nothing more exonerating than that.
This is Illy, one of the leaders of Muath/Illy and friends raid alliance.
First off, this is what your post should of looked like just with the clips of the videos added on, instead of writing a wall of text that makes you look bad. You should have also had the videos ready at the time of your post. I could also claim I have videos of you exploiting every fight in every raid ever, but it doesn't mean anything if I don't post them.
So you must of done first boss at least 5 times in abyss, which you say you have recorded every time. I would love to see the videos of most of these clears with any sort of time stamp, but most importantly the first clear. Because 4 people in your main raid group have told me that you exploited this boss every time you have done it, unless people in your raid group are lying just to make themselves look bad.
P.S. You are right, videos WOULD exonerate you, but the longer you make the claim you have videos and don't post the original clears, the worse it makes you look.
[charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/0520 a00000006a7cc/signature.png]