Suddenly paralyzed by having a second server option. Where to plant my flag? Serious, watching sports till i can decide lol.
Suddenly paralyzed by having a second server option. Where to plant my flag? Serious, watching sports till i can decide lol.
Baellor, Ark : Not all those who wander are lost :
Naming rules when there are two on one server apply per usual, but we do intend to turn on free transfers between Anor and Ithil for a while. Exact timing will be announced soon. If that helps, you can try both.
I cant decide which server or to make a crafting army or to box a crafting army or to go with X class or X race... wholly I feel myself twitching with the dilemma.. oh I cant decide on if I should just have one character and just go for broke ballz to the wallz and hit level 50 in a couple days which I might try if I make a warden.....
How about just rolling dice?
There's some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.