. . . the Bile-Spewers in the Lone Lands actually bent over and spewed worms onto the ground when you killed them, rather than having the worms magically appear at their feet. The current version has been "PC"ed for the kiddies.
. . . the Bile-Spewers in the Lone Lands actually bent over and spewed worms onto the ground when you killed them, rather than having the worms magically appear at their feet. The current version has been "PC"ed for the kiddies.
Hamlet was right . . . but so was P.T. Barnum!
These kids today...they have no idea the hardships we faced when LOTRO was young.
Back in my day, you walked to the Misty Mountains. Uphill! Both ways! In a snow storm! There weren't stables every twenty paces and death mean't a good long walk in the snow again.
From the very beginning you saved every scrap of coin you could get your hands on because you needed all of it to make the 4.5G needed to purchase your horse at level 35! Unless there was a stable headed in your direction, you walked before then. Having ANY horse was a status symbol.
I remember wandering into the Old Forest with a friend who was a hunt. Hunts were even more dangerous back then. Not because of their dps, but due to their tendency to aggro the entire world. I still remember those epic words from my hunt friend, "Hey look at this...I can target this tree? Weird." To which I tried to reply, "Oh wait! That is probably a...." sssffffttt!! "Oh ####! RUN!"
For our kinship, it was a rite of passage to fall or jump off of Weathertop. It started on accident. But then became a traditional initiation rite. Because back then, Weathertop was the highest point in the game.
I remember walking up the path with another kinnie, trying to find out what was in the north part of the Shire at level 9 or so. To my surprise, I saw a champ running the other way being chased by a horde of goblins. I foolishly shot him a heal on his way by, drawing the ire of the mob onto myself. My kinnie friend who was with me decided that he should try out his new stealth ability, leaving me to die a horrible death. Such loyalty.
I remember every first time. And when new players join the server, I sometimes get envious of them. And every time i go to a special place (and almost every place is special for me) i say to myself "Do you remember your first time here?" And then I answer to me "Yes, I will never forget, it was great."
@Polymachos: Kraichgau ist schon toll. Ich bin in Bayern aufgewachsen, und ich liebe das Auenland. Es erinnert mich immer an den Anblick aus meinem Kinderzimmer.
Yep.At least ,back then,you had something to look forward to.
I remember when my cousin and I tried the Red-pass instance and we got stuck at the red wraiths and all of our gear got destroyed and we had to use fishing pools.
I remember running chickens to Rivendale and having to make a small detour to grab screenshots at Tom, Bert, and Williams glade.
"We are all in it together."
Council of Eriador - Burglar - Brandywine
I remember when 1 wise elf told me: "Don't live in the past because the past is long gone & will never return.".![]()
I am afraid that wise elf knew what they were talking about. I have been holding onto a kin that was my first one back in 2008. I hope each day some of the old members will login and see that it is still alive. Sadly no one ever shows up and I am about to give up on the idea.
Some of the old members haven't logged on in over 2 years. I hate to start deleting them as then it would only be my account on the kinhouse. You just never know when some of them may get the urge to play again.
I dance for cookies!
Last night I had the pleasure of joining in with a group adventuring. I am not sure if it was a quest, a deed, or an instance, all I know is I had a fun time. I almost felt like the old times. I look forward to joining this group again if they go on an adventure. So maybe not the past but it was as close to the past as I have been in a few years. If not for the past how would we judge the future?
I dance for cookies!
I remember the Moria expansion and the thrill of entering Moria for the first time. And as you know one does not simply walk into Moria. Oh no. Have to do enough questing in Eregion first. But it was awesome.
I remember defeating the Nazgul and Chicken for the first time. Third kinship to do so on our server. Remember my heart pounding and thinking "oh man are we actually going to pull this off?!? he's almost dead! don't screw up!!!"
I remember hitting 50 with my first toon when 50 was level cap. And having a toon at level cap in every class. That was before they raised the cap and added more classes. After that could no longer keep up.
Speaking of I remember when my first toon got his very first gold piece. Thought I was rich.
I remember making a small fortune selling crafted weapons. This is before Moria and legendaries. Anyone buy a Fusion Bow Toon Portable by Ngurin?
I remember when Angmar was endgame. And the Rift was the Ultimate Endgame Experience(tm). It's still awesome.
I remember when minstrels could wear medium armor.
I remember when different weapons had different damage ranges. Axes were king. That's why I made a dwarf minstrel. With an axe. Wearing medium armor.
I remember when minstrels didn't have war chant. That was painful.
I remember when there were a bazillion different items for crafting critical chance. Before they simplified the system to "one per tier per profession".
I remember when I was relatively new to the game and would ninja loot nodes. Ha ha! Stole that barrow iron right from under you! Now I hardly care. You got there first? Please go ahead.
Ngaemond 140 Cpt | Ngeowyn 140 Wrd | Ngali 140 Ch | Ngorbadoc 140 Hnt | Ngollwydha Brg 140 | Ngureth 140 Lm | Ngoin 140 Min | | Ngori 140 Rk | Ngeorn 140 Beor | Ngurin 140 Grd | Ngalin 140 Br
Arkenstone (formerly Windfola)
You had to enter Monster Play via a Fell Scrying Pool. They looked like red coloured reflection pools. I also fondly remember my Champ using a shield and fervour tanking and fervour, ardour and glory being toggle skills and weapon speed. Oh to go back to those days.
"The internet is a bubble dominated by the loudest, most unrepresentative voices; an infinitesimally small minority of a minority which, deaf to reason and the opinions of others, deludes itself that somehow it is the voice of the majority. An infinite echo chamber of shrieking, witless banality."
"Everyone draws the moral line of what's acceptable just slightly below what they're actually doing."
"Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth. Ry'n ni yma o hyd."
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
"The internet is a bubble dominated by the loudest, most unrepresentative voices; an infinitesimally small minority of a minority which, deaf to reason and the opinions of others, deludes itself that somehow it is the voice of the majority. An infinite echo chamber of shrieking, witless banality."
"Everyone draws the moral line of what's acceptable just slightly below what they're actually doing."
"Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth. Ry'n ni yma o hyd."
I remember when my wife and I, 15 years ago, played hours upon end before the kids were born. Now, we have begun anew playing with them.
I remember when our community manager was Patience -- how amazing a person she was and how much she cared about the community.
I remember the great Rune Keeper debates -- and how they they ultimately made little difference.
I remember starting this thread -- never conceiving I'd be replying to it 14 years later.
What do you remember?
Forjo Atinxan - Elven Guardian, Forjjo Atinxan - Hobbit Minstrel, Forjorin Atinxan - Dwarven Champion, Forjoros Atinxan - Human Captain
Amistad del Otro, A Casual Arkenstone Kinship - 2 Chalk Street, Derndelf, Shire Homesteads
See the world - play casually! Now Recruiting! | Support Veterancy!
I started in 2009 with my future wife too. Now our kids are getting old enough to play with us.
I remember looking at my deed log, seeing the "accelerate" button beside various slayer deeds, and thinking that if I pushed it, a bunch of that type of mob would start spawning around me.
I remember my first raid experience, running Rift at 65 cap. Standing at the entrance with this massive group of players. Sure, we had 6 loremasters, but I literally laughed at the thought that anything could stand in the way of so many of us. Well, some things stood in our way all right. Never made it past Barz.
I remember the first ever treasure hunt. I was playing in Lothlorien and suddenly a message said "The Treasure Hunt is now active!" and people were scratching their heads in chat wondering what and where this thing was. And I remember the berries respawning so slowly that I thought they didn't exist because I couldn't find any.
I remember "Lagtrev".
....after finished some quests in Ered Luin, i got a quest to report to bree, then I , follow the arrow on the radar, run, run run east, through the whole shire, through some workers building a house, to bree, and found there is a horse stable there (no idea what 's that for....)
....when i sell garbage till about 500s, and found need a lot silver to rearrange the trait, super sad at that time...(so hard to earn money)....
....first killed by some elite goblin, my hands were full of sweats......
....super excited when first time i saw someone playing music on the road...
....first fellowship, becoz they thought i m another person, and my first command is like this " you do what the leader told u, when he told u to jump down the hill, you jump. told u to die, u die "... :-D
Last edited by Dulco_Brandywine; Jun 23 2022 at 11:27 PM.
Between Heaven and Earth goes the path of the Moon
Imbi Menel Cemenyë menë Ráno tië
....with one friend, we just sitting under the last bridge, aside the river, we talked anything we want...enjoying the river sounds, breeze, and all comfort in the atmosphere....
....when someone of my first kin, just mailed me some gear, and i asked what should i give him as return, he just said, nothing, this is lotro. I repeated his action afterwards.
Last edited by Dulco_Brandywine; Jun 23 2022 at 11:14 PM.
Between Heaven and Earth goes the path of the Moon
Imbi Menel Cemenyë menë Ráno tië
My first time in Moria. It was a couple of nerfs ago. You were in the semi darkness not the floodlight Moria of today. I probably died more from falling off cliffs and broken bridges than from the bad guys. I spent hours trying to find the shaddowed refuge (no convenient stabble masters) and if i remember right no task boards.
But it was impressive.
I remember many years ago when the game was still new, I participated a lot in these fine forums.
But those days are long gone and left is only a faded memory of what once was, like smoke in the wind.
This threads brings life to those memories, though weak.
I wonder, is there any way to revisit the past and see my writings of old?
”Not all those who wander are lost.”
Spending a week ninja-mining Dwarf-iron just across The Last Bridge in Trollshaws, avoiding red and purple mobs so I could sell the ore to NPCs and buy my first house.
Buying a new festival horse meant "overwriting" your old horse - you could only have one.
Walking from Bree to the Shire (or vice-versa) instead of taking a horse, just because I liked the scenery.
I still have a "Cap of the White Downs" that a friend-from-outside-the-game gave me in 2007, because it was slightly better than mine at the time. It's in my original character's personal vault, under the "Mathoms" tab.
Doing the festival horse races always brings me back to when we first had them and had to race against other players. It was a nightmare if you lagged even a second.
"The internet is a bubble dominated by the loudest, most unrepresentative voices; an infinitesimally small minority of a minority which, deaf to reason and the opinions of others, deludes itself that somehow it is the voice of the majority. An infinite echo chamber of shrieking, witless banality."
"Everyone draws the moral line of what's acceptable just slightly below what they're actually doing."
"Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth. Ry'n ni yma o hyd."
I remember the first time, after a long, long time in dark Moria, I found my way out one day and made my way to Nimrodel in the light. It was an indescribable feeling of happiness that would not have been possible like that without the intangible Moria before.
I remember how my friends taught me to raid and I entered a completely new, exciting world, full of positional play, changing task assignments in a coordinated teamwork, the right equipment of food and drink and a lot of joy and laughter in Team Speak.
I remember how beautiful the sky was and still is on the way to Rivendell. And how nice it was when we later quested in Lothlorien and there were tasks that were only possible at night. There is a love of detail and Tolkien's world in this game that is unparalleled, especially in these times.
I remember a friend and I, while talking to our kinship on Team Speak, aimlessly jumping and running in circles on Telain Galadhrim.
And I remember the good times when we explored Orthanc Tower and Galtrev was a teeming metropolis. Here there was trading, dueling, training on the training dummies and comparing, in short: it was family when the whole kinship was scurrying around in Galtrev.