Ma trusty bagpipes!
My elvish barrels.
A One Ring replica to mess with Bilbo's head
Six empty bags, Hobbits DO the gift giving on their birthdays.
Well, I'd bring Noldorin mathoms, of course! As any High Elf Bard would![]()
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
my pickax of course
The LOTRO Points I win.
A barrel of fine pipe-weed!
"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."
Bilbo Baggins
My best wishes,
Why, Pie!!! What else??
Obviously, I'm bringing the Ultimate Carrot Cake!
A multi-coloured inflatable of Gandalf.
Stories!! Lots of stories from my travels I've learned along the way, along with a few of my own.![]()
I'm off to find adventure!!
"What to bring? What to bring? Well, after much deliberation I have decided the best thing a good elf could bring to a birthday party is some of those birthday candles that keep reigniting so that you can't blow them out. Kind of like fireworks for the cake. I think Gandalf would be envious of them. I will nonchalantly pass by the kitchen and switch all the real wax candles for the reigniting sparkler birthday cake candles. Just watch old Bilbo and Frodo try to blow them out. Along with those, I will, of course, bring a few bulging purses filled with only the best Shire-grown pipeweed, some of which we won't mention the effects but suffice it to say they will blow you away! Here is to a good time for all.
Live Simly that Others May Simply Live
Dale Man's Crams.... still have a ton to get rid of, maybe the Hobbitses will like them!
"It is a dangerous business, going out your door... you step into the road, and if your don't keep your feet ,there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."
A Hobbit-sized appetite!
i would bring Lobelia Baggins just to see if she would give Bilbo back the one spoon he missed when he caught her trying to steal the spoons . We all know she got at least one![]()
Empty hands, empty stomach and feet eager for dancing.... all my own. (I dont mean to bring them in a sack or anything)
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
As many fireworks as I can find.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
500 LOTRO Points
Less than half of what I'd hoped for.
Lots of food and ale.