I enjoy playing blue and with my 91 burg I'm adding tricks from the yellow line to improve my AOE. I was one of the few who didn't like having to choose dps vs. crowd control via trait trees, as at one time (a long, long time ago) burgs could choose whether to go for a gamble, use tricks, or sneak and hit hard, depending on the skills used for each situation. Life was simpler then
To me, being a burg means being clever at using your skills. If I want to one-shot everything, I play my mini or hunter. If you like playing a line that makes you think, you'll like the blue line.
Crickhollow: Applejax, Faele, Fyreborne, Fyrebeorn, Fyrewenn, Mandragorann, Mattrem, Merililly, Mynn, Nynneve, Penwise, Thomdrell, and Tuonn. Brandywine: Amalyn, Brethwen, Dwynn, Egwynne, Kallik, Madgwen, Matbrent, Mieleryn, Sakurawen, Talakima, Trixii, Viollet