Originally Posted by
Asking people to drop $150.00 and not gain any content seems like a stretch. Providing more "toys" such as speed boosts and dyes that can be configured, and actually make a gameplay change might tempt some folks to buy this. For a total package like I'm suggesting... I might feel tempted for that price. Asking someone to trade 3 AAA launch titles for some cosmo just ends up with me shaking my head no matter how many times I look at it. Of course this is all IMHO.
Asking people to drop $150 on ANYTHING single one-use pixellated and cosmetic is plain ridiculous when there is a GAME to play, and I'd rather get that stuff in game as a reward rather than throwing money at it!! It's a page right out of the Zynga playbook.
I'm playing the game to PLAY the game, not to spend $150 on mounts that could have been worked into a class quest at level 100 or something.
And for the folks that like to toss in "money keeps the lights on at Turbine blah blah blah, I've got news for you: i'd rather go back to paing for content rather than paying $150 for shinies that I basically clicked one button to get. This is why I played Farmville only about three months....I smelled that kind of game and knew it was a waste of my time!
Crickhollow---Citridyla, Ythrondis, and Hraf. Meneldor--Dockerson, Kariadriel and Thasgar. Gladden--Gamoskorin, Henessy, and Lanthreldras. Firefoot--Amberson and Liedvar. Brandywine--Audny, Egilwine, and Gardihauk. I'm an altoholic, pie-eating fool! :)