Thank you for the none-kite pet choices in the Fall Festival. The bat is a great pet for Moria and the Pumpkin is perfect as pie, very middle-earthy.
Thank you for the none-kite pet choices in the Fall Festival. The bat is a great pet for Moria and the Pumpkin is perfect as pie, very middle-earthy.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
Yeah, the Brown Bat, introduced last year:
Sergio :-)
Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!
My LM was always jealous of the guy under the East Wall who had the tiny bog-lurker, so I was very happy to finally get a pumpkin lurker! I would love to see more tiny lurkers as well.
Talked about it on world chat & people liked it. Here are some our ideas for Tinny lurkers:
- Red & green holly leaf like branches
- White stalk & golden leaf that resamble mallorns
- White winter blossoms for Yule
- Elanor & Sibelwine or other colorful flowers for Spring
- Branch loaded with strawberies, blue berries, blackberries or other wild fruits
- Sunflowers for Summer
- A pack of wheat or corn for Farmers fest
- Other shrubs with farmer fruits like pickles or wilder varieties
- Not all lurkers are trusty so also wild roses shrub covered with spikes