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  1. #1
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    Guardians should have a knockback skill

    So I'm in Stoneheight with 12 hounds all chomping on me. Or maybe Fil Gashan, after I 'accidentally' walked into the mess hall and insulted the first orc I saw. No problem. I'm a Guardian. They'll break themselves on my shield.

    But I'm bored. Yeah, sure, I could keep choppin' em down with AoE, but I'm looking for a change of pace. When I've got a massive pile of orcs dog-piling on me, what do I want to do? I want to punch out an epic dwarf-roar and shove everything in front of me back. Not a Gorothul knock back, mind you (although that would be pretty damn great), but more a 'panther in Mirkwood' knock-back. Maybe it only becomes available after you have 4 or more mobs hatin' on you.

    So, what else should this skill do? Hell, what more would you want? The knockback would buy you a couple of seconds of not being attacked, and it would remind everyone else just how epic a Guardian you actually are. Maybe, uh, it adds threat too. No one likes being pushed around.

  2. #2
    Registriert seit

    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    (psst. This would be great idea for a Shield-smash update.)

  3. #3
    Registriert seit

    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    You do not want a knock back. There are places where you knock an opponent over an edge. The scripting in an instance will lock up unable to advance because the opponent is in a hole.

    "We can not get out" is an excellent of an instance where Turbine decided it would be cool to give the NPC we get to play in this Session Play a knock back. Periodically some one will knock back one or more orcs. The only thing you can do is fail the session play by leaving the instance. Wait out the cool down which I believe is 30 minutes.

    Once in a while, an opponent will lag over an edge. It is restart the instance time. Hope it does not happen again.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  4. #4
    Registriert seit

    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    To the OP... Signed. I'd love to see the tanking classes be able to phsyically handle the room. Think of it as a diferent version of CC. A tank jumping on a mob and pinnning it to the ground. Pushing a mob into the wall and holding it there. Using a sheild wall in an open door and preventing mobs from running past you into a room... and yes a one-on-one knock back or smaller AOE knock back..woot! Even a small knock back on a short cool down... bump...bump...bump... "Awesome! Now I've got him in the corner!"...

    To the comment that knock back will cuase mobs to get knocked out of the instance and fail.. not to be cranky but I think this just means some work for the coders or thinking of knockbacks a little differently for players. Many of the instances have invisible wall that prevent players from going over things.. why not have a mob set of walls too? or simply... make the GRD/WRD knockback a knock DOWN where they slide across the floor... 99% of the time there is a lip or obstacle you need to get knocked OVER to get out of the instance... so sliding a mob across the floor may require no rework of instance but still get a knock-back like effect. Also... in most cases when a player gets knocked out of an instance you die... shouldn't MOBS die too?

    Right now.. we have stuns/mezzes to hold in place, and kiting to lure mobs around the instance. I think working towards being able to physcially push and move things around could bring an interesting, fun, and new dynamic to the game.

    In fairness though , if "physical dominance" kind of skills became available, Bosses and mobs will most likely need to have a Knockback Immunity or "Physical Dominance Immunity" available to them(much like the CJ immunity). Some bosses we should be able to push around. Similary, we should be able to knock-back a slug that is stuck to the floor..

    Either way... fun ideas!

  5. #5
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    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    Imagine in GS, just being able to bump all the enemies over the edge...../not signed. Plus, mobs dont currently die from misadventure, so it'd just be stuck at wherever the bottom actually is.

    Even outside Moria, imagine the frustration if you KB your enemy over the ledge and it cant get back up and goes into anti-exploit....or locks you into combat....

    It'd be WAY too much effort to literally recode every ledge in the game with an invisible wall that only works for monsters.

    If you want a skill that gives you a few seconds of breathing room and makes all the enemies step back, how about just something like Warden's Desolation, that causes a 2-3 second fear on all enemies that can be feared? They wont run themselves off a cliff, and it'll have the same effect combat-wise, even if it doesnt give you the visceral satisfaction of seeing them all tumble through the air...

  6. #6
    Registriert seit

    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    A knockback skill would be impractical for the afore stated reasons but perhaps a modified skill addition like "Turn the Tables" only with a required number..say 3 minimum..of attackers to activate. This might satisfy the OP's desired effect of making the enemy remember who he is dealing with without breaking the game.

  7. #7
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    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    OK... you got me on the GS comment. Being able to simply run though and push everything over the edge (while fun to do once!) would be silly. I was running CD/uru last night while thinking about this and realized there are alot of zones where this would be a problem. so much for a knockback or being able to push mobs around...

  8. #8
    Registriert seit

    Re: Guardians should have a knockback skill

    ... and hunters should be allowed to stand on objects out of harms way picking off targets cause let's face it ... only an idiot stands in a place where something can actually run up and eviscerate him. Likely they did it to prevent exploit.




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