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  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    a building rage bugged?

    Sorry if this has been asked and answered but I couldnt find anything in the search I am trying to complete my class deeds the deed ( a building rage) is stuck at 75/100 for about a week im currently level 67 i have a kinnie thats level 100 he says he is stuck at 76/100 is this a known bug?Thanks for any info you can provide

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Are you sure you're using Tier 3 Thrash? Against non-grey mobs?

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    well i just tried it on mobs above my level no change still at 75/100

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von 82raven Beitrag anzeigen
    well i just tried it on mobs above my level no change still at 75/100
    Above your level... How far above your level? Are you sure that the Tier 3 Thrash is actually landing, instead of getting BPE/missing?

  5. #5
    Registriert seit

    Yes, it is bugged. I have it 39/100 and it does no change any more. I have tested it with different level mobs and dymmys but no changes. The bug is reported now. You can see all actions in combat log (Combat tab).

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    ok thanks yea i have tried on level mobs and 1-2 levels above combat log clearly states tier 3 has landed and no advancement

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Yeah, I don't know who is saying this is a bug... Because, it's working fine for me. And, here's some proof.

    Time: 1828 - A Building Rage: 83/100

    One minute later... Scored a hit with Thrash - Tier 3
    Time: 1829 - A Building Rage: 84/100

    So, if your Deed isn't advancing, it's not the game's fault.

  8. #8
    Registriert seit

    I still believe it is a bug. Long time I also believed that it is not a bug, but when other players have the same problem, my mind changed. But it is not so obvious.

    Some event, level or other deed etc. freezes it. For example, I levelled many levels in human form without using it and (up to 35-50 levels, now my beorning is lvl 82) and it is freezed 39/100. Some other player used it earlier, so they got higher numbers.

    So if you get deed done before the freezing point, you get that deed. But bug still exist there in Lotros program code. Unlucky me, I didn't knew that.

    For comparison. Does anybody remember Wildermore "bug" where quest giver vanished too early (https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...-IN-WILDERMORE!!!!). So some player thinks that that was not a bug because they managed to do the quest? It was just unlucky players that didn't.

    Conclusion, the deed is bugged.

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Tankkinen Beitrag anzeigen
    Some event, level or other deed etc. freezes it. For example, I levelled many levels in human form without using it and (up to 35-50 levels, now my beorning is lvl 82) and it is freezed 39/100. Some other player used it earlier, so they got higher numbers.

    So if you get deed done before the freezing point, you get that deed. But bug still exist there in Lotros program code. Unlucky me, I didn't knew that.

    For comparison. Does anybody remember Wildermore "bug" where quest giver vanished too early (https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...-IN-WILDERMORE!!!!). So some player thinks that that was not a bug because they managed to do the quest? It was just unlucky players that didn't.

    Conclusion, the deed is bugged.
    You can't figure it out, therefore it must be bugged even though there is proof to the contrary? Right...

    Anyway, you claim to be lvl 82, so you would have at least 31 Trait points... Out for curiosity, are you speced Red? If so, do you have Broad Thrash traited?
    Perhaps, it's the altered Broad Thrash that's not being counted for the deed, similar to how Captain's Precise Ally isn't advanced by any of the bartered cosmetic Archer skills.

    I would have tested this theory myself... But, I completed the deed an hour ago.

  10. #10
    Registriert seit

    Yes, hard to say if it is a bug or not. But the reality is that the deed is frosen on some players. I have already 50 trait points so one point missing is not a bad thing.

    I made bug report so we maybe will see in the future if it is bug or something else. From players view it is impossible to say this or that because lack of enough data.

    I have traited red line, but only just to reach cap skills (32 points). The rest is on blue line (Opposing Presence, Vigilant Roar). I will take more Vigilant Roar (rank 2), Weakening Blow (rank 5) and Assertive Roar (rank 3), totally 18 trait point is needed and more than that is still available. The rest goes maybe to red line.

    So no big problem. But I am sure that something is wrong with this deed.

  11. #11
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von HaleElven Beitrag anzeigen
    You can't figure it out, therefore it must be bugged even though there is proof to the contrary? Right...

    Anyway, you claim to be lvl 82, so you would have at least 31 Trait points... Out for curiosity, are you speced Red? If so, do you have Broad Thrash traited?
    Perhaps, it's the altered Broad Thrash that's not being counted for the deed, similar to how Captain's Precise Ally isn't advanced by any of the bartered cosmetic Archer skills.

    I would have tested this theory myself... But, I completed the deed an hour ago.
    Yes, yes, You are maybe right and I am wrong. Maybe deed freezing happened same time than I took Broad Trash. Deeds freezing factor is in that case Broad Trash trait. In that case it is not a bug but a beorning deed feature. But why Lotros programmers wanted this deed to behave that way? Mystery.

    Hmm, I was thinking to test blue line anyway some day and today is that day.

    It is hard to admit that I can be wrong, but I still can do that. Maybe I inform my testing later.

    Hmm, after more thinking it really can be so, because 'Broad Trash (tier 3)' is actually different skill than 'Trash (tier 3)'. So it is really deeds feature, not a bug. But still irrigating and badly informed.

    And I even asked Lotros help before bug report and they didn't knew that feature.

    The other thing, beorning warsteed is pain in the...(You know). Mostly I jump down and take final fight on foot.
    Geändert von Tankkinen (14.04.2015 um 05:32 Uhr)

  12. #12
    Registriert seit
    Thank for the help guys broad thrash was my problem i retraited and took that off now the deed is advancing again

  13. #13
    Registriert seit
    Big thank to You, HaleElven!

    Now I have tested Trash and 'A Building Rage' deed.

    First red line (The Claw) with 'Broad Trash' trait equipped. Combat log:
    "Karhunen scored a critical hit with Thrash - Tier 3 on the Training-dummy for 4,837 Beleriand damage to Morale."
    -> No changes to deed.

    And then blue line (The Hide) and no 'Broad Trash' equipped:
    "Karhunen scored a critical hit with Thrash - Tier 3 on the Training-dummy for 1,651 Beleriand damage to Morale."
    -> 1 point to deed.

    So HaleElven was right. People might think that this is a bug, but maybe it is meaning. A kind of player teasing method.

    Look specially combat log, in both case same text 'Thrash - tier 3'. No clue from there.

    And what was supports answer to my ticket?
    "Greetings! In order to get a skill deed to advance, you must be attacking mobs that are your level. If this still does not work, please submit a bug report at your earliest convenience. Thank you and have a great day."

    So what do You think about support competence? No even slightest hint about wrong trait equipped.

    By the way some words about names Karhunen and Tankkinen. They are Finnish. Karhunen = Karhu + nen (diminutative) so in English Little Bear. Similarly Tankki + nen -> Little Tank (a hobbit guardian, a very good name). These names are in line of Lotros names. For example Forochel names Kissa-Sari = Cat Island, Sari-Surma = Island Kill etc.
    Geändert von Tankkinen (14.04.2015 um 10:56 Uhr)

  14. #14
    Registriert seit

    Completing A Building Rage

    Quick tip for Beornings - if you are stuck on "A Building Rage", try switching to Yellow or Blue to complete.

  15. #15
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Haitolk Beitrag anzeigen
    Quick tip for Beornings - if you are stuck on "A Building Rage", try switching to Yellow or Blue to complete.
    I switched to yellow to do this because I was killing mobs at tier 2 too often. I could also have used a level 1 weapon instead I guess.




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