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  1. #126
    Avatar von CaerArianrhod
    CaerArianrhod ist offline Rohirrim Scout
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    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen
    Thanks for reporting this. I will add warning messages into the plugin itself:

    Can you please verify the translation?
    The translations are correct.
    Your solution is the most user-friendly :-)

    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen
    This specifies the value for the "Time" field when you manually create a new reminder by clicking the big (+) button in the main window:
    Ah! Thanks for the clarification!

    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen
    This is probably the subtlest aspect of the plugin. To avoid confusion, it is important to recognize the distinction between editing an existing reminder, and editing the settings for automatically creating/updating a reminder.

    The window on the left (let's call it Window 1) contains the settings that tell the plugin how to handle automatically creating/updating reminders for the quest "Erkunder-Opal (Stufe 10)". (You opened this window by clicking the quest's name in the "Known Repeatable Quests" section of the "Character" tab of the Settings window. Or, it is also shown automatically when the plugin detects a new repeatable quest.)
    Well, actually the window is coming too if one clicks on the "Options"-Icon in the Description field of a reminder. (That's how I opened it)

    What will do the plugin with the reminder (how will the plugin behave), when one does the quest again and the options are like in the picture?
    Will it simply change the "Next Reset" field for of the reminder to the next defined time?
    Say: I do the quest on Sunday at 8:30pm. Will the plugin change the time in the "Next Reset" field to "6h 30m"?
    And when I do the quest again on Monday. Will the plugin change the time in the "Next Reset" field to "3 days"?

    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen
    The window on the right (let's call it Window 2) contains the reset times for an already-existing reminder. (You opened this window by clicking the "Next reset" field of a reminder in the table.)

    There is a global option: "Automatic reminders should replace existing reminders (auto refresh)" / "Automatische Erinnerungen sollen bereits bestehende ersetzen (automatische Erneuerung)" If this is disabled, then when the plugin detects quest completion, it will create a new reminder for the quest -- using the reset times and other data specified in Window 1 -- even if a reminder for the quest already exists. Then you will have two reminders; one will be expired, and the other will tell you the time remaining until the next reset.

    Normally, people don't want multiple reminders for the same quest. They want the new reminder to replace the expired one. In that case, the "auto refresh" option should be enabled, and all of the information in Window 1 will replace the corresponding fields in the old reminder.

    In general, the only time you would need to use Window 2 is for manually-created reminders (created with the "(+)" button). For automatically-updated reminders, it is useful as a quick reference, but there is little reason to change it, because it will be overwritten the next time the quest completes.

    There is also a "reset" button () for each reminder, which may depend on the reset times defined in Window 2:

    If you right-click this button, you can change its behavior:

    This window defines what will happen when you click the reminder's "reset" button. If you choose "Defer it until the next scheduled reset time" (Auf die nächste geplante Rücksetzzeit verschieben), then when the "reset" button is clicked, it will get the next reset time from Window 2 and set the current Time for the reminder accordingly.
    Thank you for the explanations! Is very helpful.

  2. #127
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    Well, actually the window is coming too if one clicks on the "Options"-Icon in the Description field of a reminder. (That's how I opened it)
    Yes, that is another way that I forgot. The reminder remembers which settings caused it to be created/updated, and the button opens those settings.

    Zitat Zitat von CaerArianrhod Beitrag anzeigen
    What will do the plugin with the reminder (how will the plugin behave), when one does the quest again and the options are like in the picture?
    Will it simply change the "Next Reset" field for of the reminder to the next defined time?

    1. The plugin sees a quest-completion message in the chat window, such as: "Abgeschlossen: Erkunder-Opal (Stufe 3)" (Completed: ...).
    2. (Assuming auto-refresh is enabled) The plugin looks under the "Aufgaben" tab for a reminder with the specified description, category, and character/server name.
    3. It copies all of the information from the above window into the existing reminder. That includes all of the information about reset times. (If you don't "customize" the description, it will use the quest name. If you don't "customize" the location, it will leave the location field as-is. If you don't "customize" the category and tab, it will use the values from the character settings under "Create reminders for repeatable quests".)
    4. Since you just completed the quest, the plugin determines the next reset time for the quest, and puts that into the "Zeit" (Time) column of the reminder.
    5. The following reset time will be displayed in the "Nächste Zurücksetzung" (Next Reset) column.
    6. Thereafter, if you click on the "Nächste Zurücksetzung" (Next Reset) field, you will see the "Rücksetzzeiten" (Reset Times) window (Window 2 above), containing all of the reset times for the quest.

    Zitat Zitat von CaerArianrhod Beitrag anzeigen
    I do the quest on Sunday at 8:30pm. Will the plugin change the time in the "Next Reset" field to "6h 30m"?
    • The plugin will display "6S 30m" (6h 30m) in the "Zeit" (Time) field.
    • Since the next reset time after that is 3 days later, in the "Nächste Zurücksetzung" (Next Reset) field you will see "3 Tagen" (3 days). It actually would be "3T 6S 30m" (3d 6h 30m), but for times that far in the future, the plugin doesn't display hours or minutes.

    Zitat Zitat von CaerArianrhod Beitrag anzeigen
    And when I do the quest again on Monday. Will the plugin change the time in the "Next Reset" field to "3 days"?
    Assuming you do it at 8:30pm on Monday:
    • The plugin will display "2T 6S 30m" (2d 6h 30m) in the "Zeit" (Time) field.
    • Since the next reset time after that is 2 days later, in the "Nächste Zurücksetzung" (Next Reset) field you will see "4 Tagen" (4 days).

    I hope I did the math correctly!

  3. #128
    Avatar von CaerArianrhod
    CaerArianrhod ist offline Rohirrim Scout
    Guardian of Erebrandir's Horseshoe's Secret
    Trainer of the Rabbits
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    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen

    Assuming you do it at 8:30pm on Monday:
    • The plugin will display "2T 6S 30m" (2d 6h 30m) in the "Zeit" (Time) field.
    • Since the next reset time after that is 2 days later, in the "Nächste Zurücksetzung" (Next Reset) field you will see "4 Tagen" (4 days).

    I hope I did the math correctly!
    It will show 5 days (Monday to Saturday: 5 days.)
    But now I know, how it is working!

    ===== EDIT ====

    Someone had some fun today

    Geändert von CaerArianrhod (16.01.2023 um 19:09 Uhr)

  4. #129
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    You're welcome!

    Version 2.13 is now available at lotrointerface. (Note: Version 2.12, which I posted earlier today, contained an outdated file that interfered with the operation of SequenceBars. If you installed version 2.12, please make sure to update to version 2.13.)

    Version 2.13 release notes:

    New features:

    • There is a new character-specific option for automatic raid/chest lock reminders. If the option is enabled, the plugin will copy the "x favoured completions remaining" message into the "Notes" field when the reminder is created/updated.

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed an issue that prevented automatic updating of some raid/chest lock reminders in the German client.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the tooltip from being updated immediately after clicking the "scope" (character/server/all) button in the main window.
    • After changing the plugin's language, some items remained untranslated until the plugin was restarted. This is now fixed.

    Other changes:

    • After changing the plugin's language, it will now automatically rename the categories as well (assuming the user is still using the default values for the category names).
    • Added some warning messages in the Settings window: For automatic reminders, the plugin must have access to the "Loot (Self)" and "Quest" channels from the Chat window. In order for the plugin to have access, these channels must be enabled by the user in at least one tab of the chat window.

    Note: Now using ChatGPT for machine translations.
    Geändert von Thurallor (17.01.2023 um 22:21 Uhr)

  5. #130
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    Version 3.01 is now available at lotrointerface.

    Version 3.01 release notes:

    New features:

    • You can now specify a rotation schedule for quests and reminders. For example, you can specify that a certain Mission is only available once every ten days, and which day within that interval that it becomes available. Thanks to Egarthur for this feature idea and his input on the implementation details.
      • For quest auto-reminders, this option is accessible in the quest-specific settings (in the Settings window, under the Character tab, in the Known Repeatable Quests section):
      • For existing reminders, this option is accessible by clicking in the "Next reset" field in the main window:
    • For German, French and Russian speakers, there is now an option to hide the markers for machine-translated (‡) and untranslated (†) text. I would, of course, prefer that everything were translated by a human. As always, if you would like to help with translations, please contact me.
    Geändert von Thurallor (16.04.2023 um 21:46 Uhr)


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