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  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Get ready for some more plugins to break

    SSG apparently has decided to remove "Russian" from the "Turbine.Language" enumeration. I reported the issue in last week's beta, but it was not fixed this week. So it'll probably stay that way and be pushed live with Update 22.

    If any old plugins that aren't maintained any more are broken by this totally unnecessary change, too bad.

  2. #2
    Avatar von Silorien
    Silorien ist offline Software Engineer - Standing Stone Games
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    All references to unsupported languages were removed throughout the engine: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. In the case of the LUA language enumeration, I have added a stub for Russian back in with English as its enumeration value and updated the documentation to reflect the change.

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Big thanks to Silorien !

    Keep an eye on plugins please, we are so many players using it.

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Thanks, Silorien. Sorry for the acerbic public callout, but it seemed necessary.

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Silorien Beitrag anzeigen
    All references to unsupported languages were removed throughout the engine: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. In the case of the LUA language enumeration, I have added a stub for Russian back in with English as its enumeration value and updated the documentation to reflect the change.
    Have you posted the updated documentation? Where?
    Bill Magill Mac Player Founder/Lifetimer
    Old Timers Guild - Gladden
    Sr. Editor LOTRO-Wiki.com

    Val - Man Minstrel (108)
    Valalin - Dwarf Minsrel (71)
    Valamar - Dwarf Hunter (120)
    Valdicta - Dwarf RK (107)
    Valhad - Elf LM (66)
    Valkeeper - Elf RK (87)
    Valwood - Dwarf RK (81)

    Valhunt - Dwarf Hunter (71)
    Valanne - Beorning (105)
    Ninth - Man Warden (66)

    "Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
    All about the fun!"

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Valamar Beitrag anzeigen
    Have you posted the updated documentation? Where?
    I don't know why it would require a change in the Lua documentation. I would prefer he not waste time updating/publishing it, unless there are new features being added. (It still won't be up to date; it needs a thorough going-through to make it match reality.) There are much more productive ways for him to spend his time.

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Thurallor Beitrag anzeigen
    I don't know why it would require a change in the Lua documentation. I would prefer he not waste time updating/publishing it, unless there are new features being added. (It still won't be up to date; it needs a thorough going-through to make it match reality.) There are much more productive ways for him to spend his time.
    I don't disagree.
    I am just concerned that an unpublished documentation set has different information in it than the published documentation which is currently assumed to be correct. I.E. That however the API has been passed along from Dev to Dev, the internal documentation does not reflect that the external documentation dates from Helm's Deep.

    I would guess (hope) that this change/comment reflects pending updates to the API.
    Bill Magill Mac Player Founder/Lifetimer
    Old Timers Guild - Gladden
    Sr. Editor LOTRO-Wiki.com

    Val - Man Minstrel (108)
    Valalin - Dwarf Minsrel (71)
    Valamar - Dwarf Hunter (120)
    Valdicta - Dwarf RK (107)
    Valhad - Elf LM (66)
    Valkeeper - Elf RK (87)
    Valwood - Dwarf RK (81)

    Valhunt - Dwarf Hunter (71)
    Valanne - Beorning (105)
    Ninth - Man Warden (66)

    "Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
    All about the fun!"

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Valamar Beitrag anzeigen
    I don't disagree.
    I am just concerned that an unpublished documentation set has different information in it than the published documentation which is currently assumed to be correct. I.E. That however the API has been passed along from Dev to Dev, the internal documentation does not reflect that the external documentation dates from Helm's Deep.
    This change is entirely invisible to Lua programmers. It replaces a value in the "Turbine.Language" enumeration with a stub value of the same name. The only documentation change I can think of would be to add a note such as "Russian is no longer an actual client language". Which it never was anyway, except in the Russian version of LOTRO, which had its own servers and an entirely separate client.

    Again, please don't waste your time on this, Silorien.

    I would guess (hope) that this change/comment reflects pending updates to the API.
    I doubt it very seriously.

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Silorien Beitrag anzeigen
    All references to unsupported languages were removed throughout the engine: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. In the case of the LUA language enumeration, I have added a stub for Russian back in with English as its enumeration value and updated the documentation to reflect the change.
    I just noticed the part where you said "with English as its enumeration value".

    It needs to have its own enumeration value, so that Turbine.Language.English ~= Turbine.Language.Russian. Since it is a "stub" that performs no purpose in the API, I imagine it is just as easy for you to give it its own unique value, so please do so.

    The point of retaining the enumeration value is to enable plugins to use the enumeration for internal variables that keep track of the language. If it doesn't have a unique value, then that purpose is confounded.

  10. #10
    Registriert seit
    Just as I warned, we've got problems. A lot of plugins that have Russian language support (i.e. most of the best ones) are now broken. The mechanism is simple.

    Suppose I handle translations with a lookup table like the following:

    SettingsString = {
        [Turbine.Language.English] = "Settings";
        [Turbine.Language.German] = "Einstellungen";
        [Turbine.Language.French] = "Paramêtres";
        [Turbine.Language.Russian] = "?????????"
    Then use something like the following to display the word "Settings" in English:

    This will now erroneously display the Russian word instead of the English one (because Turbine.Language.Russian = Turbine.Language.English, so the fourth array element replaces the first).

    The simple fix is to override Silorien's change by adding the following line somewhere in the code after importing "Turbine":
    Turbine.Language.Russian = 268435463; -- the original value before the update

    I'll be releasing updates for my plugins in the near future.

  11. #11
    Registriert seit
    From Update 22.0.1 Release Notes:
    Zitat Zitat von Cordovan Beitrag anzeigen
    Restored a Russian enum value so various Lua plugins no longer display Russian instead of English.
    Thank goodness. That should put this issue to rest.

  12. #12
    Registriert seit
    This problem appears again in the current Bullroarer build.




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