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    really uniq class (please suggest changes)

    So removing healing aspect from Weather Blows and adding it to Bracing Guard let red brawlers without any source of self heal. (cant recall other spec with no heal-or need to go in other tree to get 1)
    You can deep in blue, waste 12 points and get Joy of Battle, but this is not a pure healing skill, its a leeching heal, which requires you to be mele range on target and do dmg /not usable on demand or when kite/ also have 2 min cd to get something red beor get each few second even without need to dps. Also it shares cd with Joy of Battle.
    I dont see the reason to let a class/spec without possibility to self heal, i can the see reason behind it if brawler do tons of dmg and is kinda glass cannon, but this is not the case.
    Brawler need some heal on demand, on decent (read as short) cd.
    Heal on kill, or heal on BPE.
    The passive dmg retun red line have should go to blue line, to help maintain agro, and red line should get some heal on kill.

    (and im not "pushing" my class up, i have no class, i play them all)
    Geändert von PIZDQK (04.10.2022 um 01:54 Uhr)




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