The Road Goes Ever On And On, Down From The Door Where It Began, Not Far Ahead The Road Has Gone, And I Must Follow It If I Can.
just dinged r10
The WL
I hit R10 a few days ago...
I gave my stars up at R10 and ended up quitting the toon.
I see people like Zeta showing off the stars they made from leeching off of bigger groups, combat logging, and the such, and it makes me wonder why they make their ratinfs out to be so great. As if wargs didn't have enough getaways, throw them a zerg to hide behind and heals + bubbles...I CANNOT believe how you survived! It must be so hard!
About half of those deaths came from before I was R5. Also, a lot of those kills came before R5 when I joined raids to screw around and make DP. I've had 4-5 stars since then, and most of the infamy is from soloing, duoing or trioing.
Rating is fun to mess with, and it does make you more infamy, but I'm the same warg in those 2 screenies...good players don't need stars to show that they're good. Just ask the thousands of freeps who've been ganked in the last year. :P
Also, don't bash people who have them. Some hug raids and keeps to get them, but some people just don't have a choice. They come, especially for a solo warg. There are very few times that stay that extra few-hundred morale is going to get you a kill that you wouldn't get otherwise.
[FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=White]Elmahra Mornafëa, R6 Lore-master[/COLOR][/B][/FONT]
Rank 10 hit today
5 weeks
You have failed in your poorly thought out assumptions about my playstyle.
I am pretty sure zeb was comparing inf/kill and k/kb ratios. If you have high k/kb ratio means others are geting your kbs hence you are not really soloing/1v1ing. Low inf/kill once again means same thing, you have a lot of help on kills (raid at your back). These numbers can be messed up for players that played since beta when we only got 1-2 inf per kill in a raid and were first learning the game. It is why my warg on Nimrodel only has 30 or so inf per kill, while my warg on E has 62 inf/per.
Now do not get me wrong I am not bashing you just trying to show you where I think zeb is coming from. Everyone has their own playstyle that they enjoy.
"You cannot see what I see because you see what you see. You cannot know what I know because you know what you know. What I see and what I know cannot be added to what you see and what you know because they are not the same kind. Neither can it replace what you see and what you know, because that would be to replace you yourself."
There is no eyebrow being raised from anyone on the 2 servers I have now played on. My war page is legitimate although another warg once told me it was mathematically impossible for me to have so few deaths at this high of a rank. I continue to laugh at that statement to this day.
My warg was born at the beginning of PVMP and I didn't play through most of 2008 which includes the book 12 raid bonanza that took place where everyone shot up several ranks for hanging out in raids. I solo or play in small fellowships that do not normally exceed 2-8 people.
Mhmm fair enough like I said it was just that people that did play during that time might have had similar stats to yours. I dnt know you personally but you have yet to give me a reason not to trust you. Stats do not say everything, only that they point in the right direction usually. (btw grats on keeping death count so low and being active at the same time)
"You cannot see what I see because you see what you see. You cannot know what I know because you know what you know. What I see and what I know cannot be added to what you see and what you know because they are not the same kind. Neither can it replace what you see and what you know, because that would be to replace you yourself."
Most KBs ever on a defiler ever. I got both elf and man foe last weekAll legitimate.
this infamy added to what I had before I deleted equals to about 326k hehe
oh and dont be to harsh about the 3 starz, was only a few freeps in ec and around there all day so I could kill and not be killed easily, once the freep zergs comes out though I'll lose it.
Having played my warg some in the last few days since I posted, I'd have to agree with you now, and see what you're saying[As well as realizing the few assumptions I made that were incorrect.] It's pretty easy to avoid death if you pay attention, you don't even have to burn your cooldowns if you're playing the fights right.