Just trying to understand. Seems like every time negative rep comes up and is discussed in a thread, it gets locked. Are we not allowed to discuss negative rep or something?
Just trying to understand. Seems like every time negative rep comes up and is discussed in a thread, it gets locked. Are we not allowed to discuss negative rep or something?
They are getting testy around here lately. Wonder why?
[SIZE=1][B][COLOR=white]75[/COLOR][/B] Fourohfour | [B][COLOR=white]75[/COLOR][/B] Artemedis | [COLOR=Blue][B]60[/B][/COLOR] Whiskeytango Foxtrot | [B][COLOR=#00ca00]50[/COLOR][/B] Mistah Boombastic | [B][COLOR=#00ca00]56[/COLOR][/B] Appetizer | [B][COLOR=#a7a7a7]25[/COLOR][/B] Aggromi | [B][COLOR=blue]61[/COLOR][/B] Onepointtwentyone Gigawatts [/SIZE] [/CENTER]
Apparently I got Positive rep. Just the neg rep icon was showed (at least I think thats the neg rep icon).
He locked it because technically we arnt supposed to talk about that stuff. Agaisnt the EULA maybe?
I was confused on to what a N/A thread with a Red icon meant. He answered, I sent sapience a PM about finding out which post specifically it was (because im curious as to which posts get positive/negative rep).
If you like I can respond when he responds.
Leader of [url=http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=173712]R.A.I.D.[/url] (Rememberme's Awesome Instructional Directions).
I was wondering about that too. It seemed a little extreme.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check
Since I just learned I'm on probation until August 11th, gonna leave you alone.
btw, was Laguna's thread locked? Is that the N/A one?
Aldursil 140 Champion Edved 140 Captain Roovery 140 Minstrel Galathriell 140 Lore-Master EddieVedder 140 Rune-Keeper
A locked thread remains viewable. The N/A is for a thread that got deleted. So, if you got positive rep on a thread that got deleted you would see N/A next to that green square.
Last edited by ArahadEketta; May 13 2010 at 10:13 AM.
Bryannil Eketta on Brandywine
Bryaniel Eketta on Ithil
Shin Ki-jun on Turbine's Asheron's Call Morningthaw Server
Member of The Fellowship of the Rogues on the Brandywine Server
StoneGaijin * PsychoGaijin * Gaijindor * Gaijindal * GaijinBorn * Gaijin * Milktoast * McLeary * ShadowStill
Free Alliance
Isn't that kind of a leap? Seems to me that CMs would be more likely to be annoyed with having to lock multiple threads a day asking the same questions over and over and over again, than due to some possible bad news from the new ownership.
We know CMs have been having to deal with a lot of repeated questions. This can be frustrating.
We have no idea if WB has given Turbine staff any news, good or bad.
So, knowing this, which seems more likely to you?
I'll clarify a bit more. Red is always neg rep, green is always positive rep. If the the N/A appears next to the rep (whether that rep is red or green) then it is because either the post or the thread were deleted or moved to a non-player visible area.
Pretty much this. Simple threads that have a clearly defined question are often locked when the answer is given. They're a request for information, not an invitation to debate. If left open it's not uncommon to see those threads quickly devolve into something else entirely, burying the information and usually leading to confusion or misquoting the answer. Ultimately they get locked anyway, only now there are a lot of infractions to go with it.
Talking about rep usually falls under one of two categories; Either you're upset that someone gave you neg rep and you're trying to call them out because the rep system does not display who gave you rep (negative or positive), or you're probably violating the rule regarding the abuse of the rep system by making an effort to have other players rep you up to counter the neg rep. Once again, the almost inevitable result is a thread lock and infractions.
As for WB stuff. We all received really nice letters welcoming us to the WB family.Nothing bad to report on that front.
Last edited by Sapience; May 13 2010 at 02:37 PM.
Bryannil Eketta on Brandywine
Bryaniel Eketta on Ithil
Shin Ki-jun on Turbine's Asheron's Call Morningthaw Server
Member of The Fellowship of the Rogues on the Brandywine Server
[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Brushfire[/COLOR] | [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Brarios[/COLOR] | [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Branian[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]Champion[/COLOR] | [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Runekeeper[/COLOR] | [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Minstrel[/COLOR]
Founder and Leader of [url=http://www.clanofdereth.com/]Clan of Dereth[/url]
Author of [url=http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Guide_to_Dol_Guldur_Instance_Cluster]Guide to the Dol Guldur Instance Cluster[/url]
Both those options assume that people only talk about rep if they have been given neg rep. Apparently, no one thinks the system is flawed as long as they only receive positive rep. Everyone that posts is just crying about their -0.1 green box. That's the only time anyone would be not like the system.![]()
Last edited by Swiftstrike; May 13 2010 at 03:43 PM.
[color=cyan]Ryswald[/color] - 75 Burglar - Revelations - Rank 9 (pre-book 12 rank 6)
[color=orange]Ragluk[/color] - 75 Stalker - Rank 6
[color=grey]65 Hunter R5, 61 Loremaster, 48 Champion, 33 WRD, 33 RK, Rank 4 Weaver, Rank 6 Reaver[/color]
[i]Firefoot Server[/i]
Am I the only one that doesn't know what you guys are talking about? What's negative rep?
Alts: Marylena -75 Minstrel, Marthared- 75 Hunter, Marthanial- 75 Guardian
People who have attained at least 1500 positive rep are allowed to give negative rep to other posters, not just positive. Of course, that follows the same sorts of rules that positive rep does... you cannot give it out to the same person without spreading rep around to others first, you cannot give out too many times in a short timespan, etc.
It would be interesting to see what percentage of rep given is negative. Both because only a smallish percentage of posters can give it out at all and because (I suspect) most of those who can are more prone to give +rep than -rep... I'll bet it's running under 0.1% negative.
What about a grey rep box? For my three most recent rep points I received 2 green and 1 grey. Was someone just undecided about whether my post was good or bad, but they still wanted to confirm that my post existed? The best I can figure is someone tried to give me negative rep but they did not yet have that capacity. Not a big deal, but that little grey box has left me a tad bit.
Rosalie from Crickhollow's Second Breakfast
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If I remember from a Sapience post on this subject: Recipients of grey boxes of rep are recieving rep from someone who has not made any posts here on the forums. This is an insentive for lurchers who have never posted before to come out of the shadows and make a post. Once they have at least one post (they also start with 10 rep), they can then bestow positive rep on other posters.
Bryannil Eketta on Brandywine
Bryaniel Eketta on Ithil
Shin Ki-jun on Turbine's Asheron's Call Morningthaw Server
Member of The Fellowship of the Rogues on the Brandywine Server