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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    I have been RPing in MMO's for almost 5 years now spent a couple in wow and recently have spent the last 3 in Aion. Me and good friend of mine left Aion because it was getting a bit too Emoish and the RP community is dieing to put it politely as there is roughly 20-30 some odd active RPers in all the servers and that's it. We are looking for a new outlet spew our proverbial creative juices when I happened on your lovely server forum here. Now that my stupidly and probably un needed rant about my past is over I pose a question for you kind people. As far as Race specific RP goes, do the races themselves interact in common RP areas so often or is it basically clicks sort of. Examples are obvious, "This Elf click here, this human click here, this hobbit click here etc etc..." Or do all the races generally all coagulate together?

    I ask this only because I know LOTR RP is very lore heavy and I have absofreakinglutely no problem with that whatsoever, however, I don't want to make a dwarf and only RP with dwarves and so and so forth. Any help in clarifying this would be of great worth to me and my friend

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Red face Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Koeten View Post
    I have been RPing in MMO's for almost 5 years now spent a couple in wow and recently have spent the last 3 in Aion. Me and good friend of mine left Aion because it was getting a bit too Emoish and the RP community is dieing to put it politely as there is roughly 20-30 some odd active RPers in all the servers and that's it. We are looking for a new outlet spew our proverbial creative juices when I happened on your lovely server forum here. Now that my stupidly and probably un needed rant about my past is over I pose a question for you kind people. As far as Race specific RP goes, do the races themselves interact in common RP areas so often or is it basically clicks sort of. Examples are obvious, "This Elf click here, this human click here, this hobbit click here etc etc..." Or do all the races generally all coagulate together?

    I ask this only because I know LOTR RP is very lore heavy and I have absofreakinglutely no problem with that whatsoever, however, I don't want to make a dwarf and only RP with dwarves and so and so forth. Any help in clarifying this would be of great worth to me and my friend
    *waves and smiles*

    First of all let me welcome you on Laurelin

    It is lovely to you you and friends decided to join our wonderful community here. It is true that ( given the importance of the lore) different races tend to gather in specific places for events. Like for example, a hobbit joining a group on elves RP in Rivendell may be looked upon with a raised eyebrow and asked what he or she is doing there...but fear not. Laurelin and its community often join together in great multi-cultural events like concerts, balls, parties, plays, weddings etc etc.

    There are weekly events that are hobbit/elves preferred but other races are often welcome as long as they remember to be respectful of the event itself. We have a lovely place called The Laurelin Archives where you can find a treasure trove of information about events, people, kins, story lines etc.

    Welcome again, I hope you will be happy and enjoy your time on Laurelin

  3. Oct 04 2011, 08:17 AM

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Thank you for the speedy reply and warm greeting, now if it is possible to indulge me a bit farther my OCD question asking skills have been engaged as I plan out my characters looong(roughly about 2 weeks) before I RP them, however this is not an option this time around as I will be ingame within a matter of hours, and like to be armed with as much OOC info as possible. Again I'm sorry to ask so many questions at once if you don't want to humor me then tell me to #### already XD

    1: I just read the message about Lore specific names, does this normally only apply to Surnames? Because first names I prefer to keep some the same as I have used in the past. For instance having an Elven Ranger named "Koeten" -insert lore surname- Would that be widely acceptable?

    2: The lore is a bit unclear on the role of freelancers/mercenaries from different races other than human, is it plausible to have a Elven or Dwarven character with the IC profession as such of a bodyguard/muscle for hire? And before the preconceptions of "Oh great someone who is planning on playing an evil merc like everyone else has tried to do" come out, no ... just no lol. I played Evil on Aion and was rather good at it I like to think but this lore doesn't suit that type of RP and I'm simply looking for something new. So a good hearty chaotic neutral freelancing character is new to me but I wanted to ask before I tried to RP it and got insta black listed lol.
    Last edited by Koeten; Oct 04 2011 at 08:21 AM.

  5. Oct 04 2011, 08:46 AM

  6. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    That did help quite a bit thank you! I think i will end up deciding human, good natured, PMC. Which should make for some interesting RPz after I get a couple of levels in me, maybe even open up a contracting Kinship eventually
    Last edited by Koeten; Oct 04 2011 at 09:18 AM.

  7. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    About the name, i have never minded much what someone uses as a character name hovering above its head. icly how ever the name Koeten for me does not really suit a Elf. Icly you can always call yourself differently i guess... either way, as long as people don't call them self Ub3r733tp0wn3r it is all good for me

    On to the other subject, trying to fill in on Ofelie about dwarves and give my own opinion

    Dwarves, although they can be consumed by Greed (not coin, more like Mithril) there is a statement about that that defines the Dwarven race perfectly. "it's stated that Dwarves are the most honourable of all races: "The Dwarves were created by Aulë to be strong, resistant to fire and durable to the evils of Morgoth. Thus they were secretive, proud and hardier than any other race, and never forgot a wrong or debt. They lived to 250 years or more and were generally less corruptible than Men." (tolkien gateway)

    The Dourhands are a creation of Turbine, and are in most Loreist's eye's a deal breaker for RP.

    A Dwarven Mercenary is something i could see happen, though bare in mind a Dwarf would not easily injure someone just for coin... he would how ever be perfect in Guarding/Defending someone or something...

    Elves, elves.... right elves... heh... All that Ofelie said is correct here... the account i remember the most is when Sauron disguised himself as an Elf, and tricked the elves into creating the Rings... this was the only time Elves got "corupted" into doing something evil... although they had no clue at first, Sauron tricked them and they grieved over it for centuries to come...

    An Elven Ranger... (probably like Legolas? no?) could work, be carefull on the instructor part. it is known that elves do not simply teach mortals their way of life!!! An Elven Ranger would scout his home land often, defend it from the orc threats and if need be he will travell to a different region to track an enemy down...

    Dwarves are best for Merchants, Miners, Guardians

    Elves are best for Lore teachers, Defenders of Lorien, Defenders of Mirkwood. But most of the time they are around other elves.. and do what other elves do.. i can't imagine an elf even wanting to live in a #### hole like Bree :P (jk, i love Bree)

    Hobbits can be used for anything, most important here is i think have a good background story. Hobbits from the Shire will most likely never leave the Shire since they are just not that adventurous.

    Men, can become anything basically in my eyes. look at the Angmarim, corrupted to the soul and plain evil in their hearts. the men of Forochol, harsh folk but not evil protective of their own. and so on and so forth... RP as a Men can give you a lot

    hope this also helps a bit
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000][B]-Faustino Hasharin-
    [/B][/COLOR][SIZE=2][I][B][COLOR=#800080]The House of Midnight[/COLOR][/B][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE]

  8. #6
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    Jun 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Koeten View Post
    I played Evil on Aion and was rather good at it I like to think but this lore doesn't suit that type of RP and I'm simply looking for something new.
    You played an Elyos then :P

    Mercenary/sellsword would be more suited to the race of Man, it is in their nature to lust for power and wealth.

    Oh, and welcome to Lotro, double welcome to Laurelin.
    You'll find the community here to be a lot less Woof *wink*

  9. Oct 04 2011, 09:31 AM

  10. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Just to add that Evil people can be social aswell, and i agree stabbing out of the blue just because, is ridiculous we witnessed it in Laurelin, atleast i did with me being around since launch and it was not a nice thing to see

    Stirring trouble in the Pony, is something that might add a nice flavour to the RP..
    Inn Brawls are a common thing in any medieval time setting, i believe it is not something that is not done... even in the Pony there is written to be Brawls, and nasty folk lived in Bree aswell... heck one of the guy's owns a house across the Auction Hall, Bill Ferny

    But having a circle of people where you RP with often helps a lot, finding a good Kinship where people share the same vision you have on the type of RP helps A LOT...

    Black or White is what Tolkien makes it out to be, but in every story and every fiction work i believe there is room for a little grey... to get back to Bill Ferny,i don't think that was ment to be a pure Evil character... i see him more as a low live crook that wants to earn coin, but cares not how it is earned.

    My character, i can safely say is actually pure evil... though he would not just stab you in public... just because that is foolish! he will do anything in his power to corrupt people and have them do his bidding... but i believe i potraid my character very well, and the RP i have recieved and offered was always of great quality and always enjoyable to me and the ones involved! (correct me if i'm wrong )
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000][B]-Faustino Hasharin-
    [/B][/COLOR][SIZE=2][I][B][COLOR=#800080]The House of Midnight[/COLOR][/B][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE]

  11. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    "You played an Elyos then :P"
    No sir, Asmodian Sorcerer all the way on the Irapheal server.
    Koeten Tarea was my Char's name

    "The challenging thing is, an antisocially behaving character's life is lonely."
    I agree on all your points having to do with poorly played evil characters . If you going to jailhouse shank someone in the bar at least have a good reason. "He looked at me funny" or "Thats just what my guy does" isnt acceptable at all lol. Now as far as the Antisocial chars and grey area char's well the way I see it is that a Gray area char doesn't have to be antisocial or even have a hard life. Your correct in saying that Tolkien does the whole "This is evil and this isnt" thing clearly but, that's the beauty of human nature no?

    If a man had the most horrible life when he was a child and grew up in a very run down neighbor hood statistics tell us he will be his surroundings however there is always that minority in statistics that the man will do good in school go to college and leave the area. Flip side of the coin is a man who grew up with everything and the strictest rules and good up bringing turns out to be a killer or thief.

    This is where a well played gray char does both and still manages to stay neutral. in the case of my up and coming character, he is professional, charismatic and all around good natured, but when it comes to business he would do anything for a buck. From mop your floors to rob your neighbor, to be your body guard. To protecting your families interests by investigating possible fraud from distant family members. You name it when he on the clock its all on the table, off the clock he is a knight in shining armor almost. Giving money to the poor and helping old ladies across the street whatever you imagine that a GOOD guy does. The difference is him teaching himself, business is business and play is play. It's the true mark of a professional life time PMC. On another note I can't wait to RP with most of you especially your char Ofelie, she seems like some good times and some good RP for my also gray area char.

  12. Oct 04 2011, 09:52 AM

  13. #9
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Ofelie View Post
    Proper lasses don't spend time loitering about in smelly inns, anyway
    This... sadly is true, thankfully my good friend who is coming with me loves to play propper yet un propper lasses. She is a hoot, I think you will love her. If you ever see a char named Seromei or Pipit in the pony doublefisting pints of rum, that's her rofl. Not that my RP will be limited to the Tavern in any way shape or form. My chars name will be Koeten Fenharel if you want to look me up here in about... 1 hour I'll be well on my way in game, the first named Koeten and if humans are allowed to enter a Surname then it will be Fenharel. Whisper me anytime for RPz or anything of that nature.

  14. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Asmodian Chanter on Spatalos - played for 10 months and ended by hating the game due to the community...

    ...anyway back to Lotro.

    I notice you are in Oklahoma.
    This server is one of the ex-European servers brought under Turbine's wing.
    It is now available for everyone to play. Wherever you are in the world.

    The majority of player-created content is based around European time-zone and the peak hours for play.

    There are a few good kinships (Guild/legion equivalent) on Laurelin from different parts of the world. These are fairly new kins but are building their member base with regular recruitment and US-timezone friendly events.

    If the hours we keep aren't suitable for you and your friends, I can wholeheartedly recommend our sister server Landroval for RP, events and great community.

    If you like our hours then I look forward to bumping into you in game!

  15. Oct 04 2011, 11:22 AM

  16. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    I do play at odd hours because I work over nights here.
    "Those that work for pleasure are perfectionists"
    "Those that work for money are professionals"
    "Those that do both are from Dales"

  17. #12
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    About the odd hours - Of course there is a lot of truth in it - and it is very helpful of the community to point it out... But a small part of me thinks we shouldn't - since if we don't Laurelin will turn into a world server faster - its the socalled network effect - its no good before there are many users

    And about dwarves - I have a dwarf, a wonderful veteran of the battle of the five armies, however no warrior anymore. He has his own reasons to travel middle earth, and if you ever meet him, you can always ask. Depending on the situation, he may be completely honest or try to conceal something - but I assure you, its all in good intentions.

    And yes - the dwarves are a noble people. Very hard to corrupt - and I believe the corruptions of the legendarium is mainly effects of beliefs of what is rightfully theirs - as someone else pointed out, the dwarves are very proud and never forget a right, nor a wrong.

    Best regards and wishes for your stay
    Bregir Stoutheart

  18. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Koeten View Post
    I ask this only because I know LOTR RP is very lore heavy and I have absofreakinglutely no problem with that whatsoever, however, I don't want to make a dwarf and only RP with dwarves and so and so forth. Any help in clarifying this would be of great worth to me and my friend
    On the contrary, I think you'll find that most people who call themselves RPers are rather free and loose with the lore. Hence we wind up with Elven slave-masters, Elves who live in shacks in Bree alleyways, Hobbits born in Lothlorien and 8 zillion spies on secret missions for Saruman.

  19. #14
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    On the contrary, I think you'll find that most people who call themselves RPers are rather free and loose with the lore. Hence we wind up with Elven slave-masters, Elves who live in shacks in Bree alleyways, Hobbits born in Lothlorien and 8 zillion spies on secret missions for Saruman.
    We get it. Your point has been made.

  20. #15
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Nossie View Post
    We get it. Your point has been made.
    Well, as long as you are in agreement, well and good.

  21. #16
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Actually, I don't. Does that make me wrong? In your opinion, I'd imagine so. The OP of this thread was asking a question and it has been terribly derailed. Thing is, who are you to judge how any given person can roleplay? Who are you to mock how others have fun? Just because you make a point, doesn't mean everyone is going to just agree with it. The fact is, there are many types of roleplay, there isn't one that's simply better than the other as much as you believe that there is.

    Ever heard that phrase, 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all?'

  22. #17
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    Well, as long as you are in agreement, well and good.
    Occasionally, you may find people disagree with you from time to time. It's one of the things that makes life so interesting. When you only subscibe to your own belief on a subject, and cannot bear to begin to understand others, well.. thats when people become blinkered, and self opinionated.

  23. #18
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    Red face Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    On the contrary, I think you'll find that most people who call themselves RPers are rather free and loose with the lore. Hence we wind up with Elven slave-masters, Elves who live in shacks in Bree alleyways, Hobbits born in Lothlorien and 8 zillion spies on secret missions for Saruman.


    I wander why you come on the forum to be so unkind...did a troll bite you bum lately ?

    *waves from Lothlorien*
    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  24. #19
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Amorey View Post

    I wander why you come on the forum to be so unkind...did a troll bite you bum lately ?

    *waves from Lothlorien*
    A person can say their Hobbit is from Lothlorien until they turn into a Hobbitelf, for all I care in game. When they're on the forums, however, particularly in an RP-oriented discussion, it's going to be noted that "a Hobbit from Lothlorien" is not very good RP in terms of Middle Earth lore, be it Tolkien's or Turbine's. People don't have to RP the lore. As I said, very few so-called RPers seem to give a rat's rear end about lore.

    Therefore we get things like Hobbits born in Lothlorien, Elves living in hovels in Bree and the Old Forest as a southern jungle. Are those things bad? No. If that's how they want to play the game, I don't care. Are those things lore-friendly? Also no. And in the game, I also do not care. When I see goofy stuff I disapprove of in the game, I simply ignore it.

  25. #20
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    Red face Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    ... for all I care ....I don't care. .... I also do not care..... I simply ignore it.

    True words spoken. I agree with you on these few important points you made there

    When I disagree with someone on the forum I have two choices, I can avoid entering a discussion or I can try to put my point across, if I go for the latter I will always remember to be kind and polite and respectful , as if I was talking to someone sitting in front of me in the same room. Some of your contributions have been interesting however the way you come across does kind of void the 'positive' in your words..as you use to say...just my two dimes Maybe if you try to be a less 'negative' people would react to you and your contributions a bit better ...just food for thoughts.
    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  26. #21
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    As the incoming friend of the OP, I'm happy to see such an active group of rp'ers. I'll admit, I'm a bit nervous that the time of activity on this server will not match my time online (I do not work nights, like Koeten) but hopefully I'll find people to play with here.

    My two coppers about the current discussion: Lore gives us a fabulous framework to play within. To simplify it, hopscotch is fun, but 90% of people draw the same lines with the chalk, and we all play together. Sometimes, someone draws a new pattern. It's left to the rest if they want to play the new game, or not. I have no issues with others playing their own new game, but if I don't like it, I'll just not hop in. If they start changing the lines on the game I'm playing, I walk away.

    Personally, I embrace lore and enjoy forcing my imagination to work within the set framework. But that's just me.

  27. #22
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pipit View Post
    I have no issues with others playing their own new game, but if I don't like it, I'll just not hop in. If they start changing the lines on the game I'm playing, I walk away.
    I do agree totally with this point of view.
    I believe, though, we should differentiate between types of stories.
    Playing a local no-name who isn't mentioned in Tolkien's works IS NOT lore-breaking.
    Neither being a part of a small social, normal, medieval-like group (kinship) which isn't mentioned in Tolkien's works.
    This is one kind of game.
    Fritigern the Boar, son of Wealda, son of Herumer

  28. #23
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by Fritigern View Post
    Playing a local no-name who isn't mentioned in Tolkien's works IS NOT lore-breaking.
    It is, in fact, just the opposite. There are only so many places for world-shattering heroes, and most of them have been taken. The lore-breakers are those who style their characters as Gandalf's Peers in the Order of Servants of the Secret Fire (and I am not referring to a Kin called servants of the secret fire; Kin names are an OOC thing, which is another thing some fail to grasp).

    As I said elsewhere, if people are gonna just make stuff up, they might as well play Second Life for all the connection their shared story-telling has to Middle Earth.

  29. #24
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    As I said elsewhere, if people are gonna just make stuff up, they might as well play Second Life for all the connection their shared story-telling has to Middle Earth.
    "I'm Commander Koeten and this is my favorite member on Laurenlin"
    "Those that work for pleasure are perfectionists"
    "Those that work for money are professionals"
    "Those that do both are from Dales"

  30. Oct 05 2011, 02:12 AM

  31. #25
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    Re: Question to my soon to be home server RPer's

    I'll admit it, I'm kind of a lore #####. While some may look at it as Elitism its really only my way of trying to keep people from messing up the game for myself. If something is just let go for example, if someone makes an Elvish vampire clan and RPz it and no one says anything about it then it eventually becomes generally accepted and more and more people make vampire elves. By saying something and standing up and saying "That is not possible in the lore" or "The lore is clear cut here" like you did for me Ofelie it prevents 90% of those that would ruin the game for me. Sure you can say "just ignore them" and sometimes I do, but when something is so outrageously off the scale of comprehending compared to the lore like Elven vampires, then I cant hold my tongue. Do I disagree with the Elven slave trader? Somewhat i've seen his reasoning for it and while I think it's broken if he cmae up with a more legitimate excuse to have one then I wouldn't mind it at all hell I may support it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that, we shouldn't immediatly shut down people who want to make a different type of RP character than the base lore tells us about a race. I mean Murphy's law right? If there is a chance for it, it will eventually happen. If you wanna make a chaotic evil circus dwarf that juggles, go for it but at least make it believable within the existing lore yes? While I agree partially with Maxjenuis its not as a whole. I didn't find his opinion offensive or anything or even overly harsh, just a bit more strict on his principles than me or I believe most of the people on this server are. So as a summary, look before you pass judgment on whether they are "breaking lore" or not because its completly possible sometimes that they have found a loop hole or a small area of wiggle room that their characters fit. -gets off his own soap box in his own thread and stands by Ofelie-
    Last edited by Koeten; Oct 05 2011 at 03:31 AM.
    "Those that work for pleasure are perfectionists"
    "Those that work for money are professionals"
    "Those that do both are from Dales"

  32. Oct 05 2011, 04:55 AM


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